My Ithaca double barrel is finally done!

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12 gauge can always be loaded DOWN

You don't need chamber adapters if your a reloader. 7/8 oz. 12 gauge is a 20 gauge target load. Work your way up for a "business" load. Nice work, very classy and I am now looking for a burst barrel double for a prodject. While the auto/burgler looks somewhat odd with its grip/stock, I am sure it controls the gun better that the slant pistol grip from an original long gun.
I prefer the original Auto & Burglar stock, I've shot one and it's much better. It also looks better I think, especially the A models with the spur. The B models are more chunky and not so good looking. However, mine isn't as uncontrollable as I expected. I've shot high brass #6s out of it, and while a handful, it didn't draw blood. Two handed is definitely the better way to go.

Thanks for the compliments!
if it was made before 1929 you are not supposed to shoot modern ammo thru the old ithaca doubles
if it was made before 1929 you are not supposed to shoot modern ammo thru the old ithaca doubles and below a certain serial number on the flues model
The earlier ones are prone to cracking frames with heavy loads, so we'll see how long this one lasts. At a handful shells every once in a while, it'll probably last a bit. The point, however, is duly noted.
Amazing! Simply beautiful work. I'll have to keep this in mind for a 'retirement project when I have much more time, and hopefully much more disposable income than I do now. Though $550 doesn't seem all that bad for something so eye-catching. Seems a shame to hide it in a safe, I'd be displaying it up on a wall or at least in a visible gun case (like wood and glass type).

Again truly wonderful work! Looking forward to the range report.
Thanks guys!

KevininPa - I have some Polywad 2 and 1/2 inch shells I'm going to try, but I think I'll order some of those mini shells just to see they work. Thanks for the link and reminding me of those.
Thanks guys!

KevininPa - I have some Polywad 2 and 1/2 inch shells I'm going to try, but I think I'll order some of those mini shells just to see they work. Thanks for the link and reminding me of those.
Lovely work and it reminds me of the one our local judge kept under his bench when I was a kid. It is one of the nicest looking ones I have seen out side of the Texas Ranger Museum.
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