My Letter to Joe Lieberman

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Feb 14, 2003
Short but sweet...

Hi Joe,

Good luck in your campaign. I'd like to vote for you because as far as I can tell, you're the best man for the job, but I won't be able to do that unless you come out with a softer stance on gun control and my Second Amendment rights. I hate to be a "one issue man" but I feel quite strongly that the prospect of losing any more of my Second Amendment (and Ninth Amendment for that matter) rights supersedes all other issues because if we the people are not allowed to possess the tools necessary to defend this great country and it is lost to our enemies, all the other issues would become moot soon afterward. I'm afraid that if I don't see this softer stance I speak of I'll be forced to vote for Mr Schlesinger who, quite frankly, hasn't shown me a thing yet. Thank you for your time.


Yes, I voted for what or who appeared to be the lesser of two evils when it came to my gun rights. He didn't seem to be pushing for any extension of the AWB for starters. As far as I'm concerned the Republicans have done more for my gun rights than the Democrats will ever do. At this point in history anyways. Bear in mind, I'm an Independent and right now I'm hoping the fact that Lieberman isn't tied to any party policies to lock step to at the moment makes it a good time to try and sway him a little. Although I hear he is dead set anti, at least I can rattle his cage. :p
Lieberman DID vote in favor of extending the ban although maybe indirectly, memory fails me now. So did Dodd for that matter. They also both voted "No" on the bill to allow gun manufacturers to be free of liability for the misuse of their product. God forbid Billary gets into the Whitehouse in 08. :barf:

What is Bush's stand. It seems to me he walks the fine line. He said he would sign the AWB extension if it passed congress but the Republicans knew full well they had the votes to stop it in the house. Bob Simmons assured me of that a couple months before the vote. BTW, he was the ONLY one of my local federal officials to actually respond to my letter personally and NOT with a form letter. That kind of stuff goes a long way, with me anyways.
Lieberman has supported every major gun control measure ever voted on in his time in congress, and yes while he does not push it the way Schumer or Boxer does, he does believe in handgun/pistol licensing.
Even if he does publically change his views, why would you trust him after the election? Why wouldl anyone believe that he's actually changed his personal ideals/thoughts/commitments?

Politicians have been known to not tell the complete truth on occasion.

I like your letter & hope your attempt is fruitful.
Clinton won't even pass the primaries. America may be ready for a female President and it might be the turn of the Democrats again but no way will Hillary Clinton get the job.

She might be ahead in the polls right now but the GOP will pull out the more effective attacks as we get nearer to the date.

My money is on Mark Warner in 2008, followed by Obama in 2012.
america would be ready for a woman president. but its not commissar Clinton. if any woman in politics were able to win the vote i think Rice stands a much better chance. as shes some one whos earned where shes at.

i dont trust any politicians. in todays society anyone who wants to be in political office should be looked at with healthy cynacism.
Rice has never held elective office and hasn't exactly knocked 'em dead as Sec'y of State. Her brilliant resume' never qualified her for the jobs she held; there are plenty of people with superior, more focused credentials, and, specifically, experience. Obviously, she's a talented woman but what exactly makes her an expert on national security, being a provost at Stanford or, earlier, studying Russian?
I happen to like Condi Rice but talk of her ascension to the Presidency is premature. I realize people on this forum like her Second Amendment position; I do too. There are many people in this country--both genders, all races and ethnicities--who have what it takes to run America from the White House, but we should worry about people gaining power by bureaucratic steppingstones and appointee jobs, no matter how glittering their job history looks. For me, personally, any exposure to the State Department is a minus, not a plus; that organization is a big part of America's problem and needs a through-going purge. Let's see how Condi Rice can handle a campaign and deal with the realities of political confrontation and communication. The Presidency is not the same as running a university, though many on the Left would think it so.
im i didnt mean to say rice is the most qualified woman to run for pres. im just saying shes better than hillary
I consider Rice someone who has failed upwards.

She certainly has plenty of company.

We have evolved, or devolved, into a nation of experts, full of information, empty of will. It's all Hamlet without Act V. Today Hamlet gets tenure or a lobbyist job after a few political appointeeships.
Well, true to form, No reply from Mr Lieberman, as of yet. I'll be sure to post any that should come through, but don't hold your breath.

Dismally, the latest UCONN poll is in and shows Lieberman with 48%, Lamont with 40% and Schlesinger a laughable 4%. :barf:

Is there anywhere in Texas that it's not hot and muggy all the time?

I'd try Vermont but there's too many dang yuppies moving in these days. That worries me. :eek:
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