My loss is your gain

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Jun 3, 2013
San Leanna, Tx. along Slaughter Creek. a day's rid
As yall may recall I posted a note earlier this month where I had pawned a cased ASM Walker and a Le Mat to help with some medical expenses, fully expecting to redeem the items before the redemption date. Well, as fate would have it this past week before I could do that I suffered a heart attack and am confined to a hospital bed awaiting a multiple bypass operation, since the hospital could not schedule a procedure over the Thanksgiving holiday. I tried to redeem the items by phone using a credit card, but no go.

Anyway, if any of you pards are interested in a couple of nice pistols, you can contact Troy in the gun dept. at Austin Pawn and Jewelry on South Congress Ave. I have no idea what they will be putting these up for or when they will go in the display case, but I received $275 for the cased ASM with Colt barrel address and $400 for the Le Mat. I don't feel too bad financially about losing these, since I paid $299 for the ASM uncased and $250 for the Le Mat, other than they were my most beautiful and favorite revolvers. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have them go to than one of you pards on THR.
Sad news and if I lived close enough I would go down there, buy them and send them to you.

Get well Elhombre, get well. :)
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I appreciate your kind thoughts and offer. Now all my efforts are geared towards getting prepared for surgery tomorrow and my recovery. If all goes well, I should feel decades younger.

Not to be morbid, but a verse from an old song from Steven Fromholz, a longtime Austin musician who died last year in a bizzarre hunting accident last year out in the hill country, comes to mind:

"The man in the big hat is buyin, drink up while the drinkin is free. Drink up to the cowboys that are dead or a die'n. Drink to my compadres and me."
Hey elhombre,
If I wasn't so far away I'd be trying to get them outta hock for ya too.
My best wishes to you for a speedy recovery Amigo.

Oh, and I have that song on an Allen Wayne Damron cd here. It's a good song...
I hope the operation goes better than expected!! About gun's and everything else, there's nothing I own now that I haven't owned at least once or twice before... and had to sell them for one reason or another. It's just stuff, you'll get more!!!
Allen Damron and Fromholz both played a lot at the old Checquered Flag folk club/vintage race car museum owned by Rod Kennedy of Kerrville Folk Festival fame on Lavaca when I was going to UT engineering school in Austin during the late 60s.

The story as I heard it behind Fromholz's death was that he was hunting and went to pull his rifle out of his truck. It was in a soft case, but he had neglected to zip it up and clear the chamber. As he pulled the case out, the gun fell out of the case and the rifle hit the ground butt first with a round in the chamber and safety off.
I went through my own health scare a bunch of years ago. Pistols mean nothing when it comes to enjoying the next day's sunrise. And like kbbailey said above they ain't making no more elhombreconnonombres. So you owe it to us to take care of the one we've got.

All the best to you. Heal fast and heal well.
Thanks for the info about Steve Fromholtz, nasty accident and a firearms safety lesson.
So, instead of his song how about thinking about Damron's The Gringo Pistolero ? More action and, he gets the girl in the end... ;)

Now you just take it easy tonight and we'll all await your reports on your recovery next week and how cute the nurses are.
Once I recover, I am promising to get myself a 2nd gen Walker and seeing if Hoof Hearted can make me one of those .46 SW cartridge conversions and send it off to the goonworks for tuning.

Now that sounds like a great plan. :)
Get well Elhombre. I feel for ya, being just 13 months post-cardiac myself. Don't worry, those hyper-educated, uber expensive medicos are skilled beyond imagination.
I'll ask The Big Guy to watch out for you.

P.S. Maybe some day we'll come up with a nombre for you.
If you want to get him his guns back I have found most business will help you do what you want even long distance... credit cards-paypal whatever it is usually easy. So if you are serious- get inventive and spend some time. I have done it in the past- treat yourself to blessing another even if you may think they have more than you do... EVERYONE should do it at least once in your life- it really does feel good to doo and the Karma that comes back is usually a great bonus!
Might be the moment to have a word with the big man, as it's about that time of the appointed day when our Pard is being tuned up by the quacks.


So i'm cruising the forums as I do on a daily basis and I come across my name and work # posted in this thread. It sure is a small world!

To the OP........i'm sure we could work out some kind of arrangement if you do indeed want to save your items, I can accept money order payments or maybe if you could send someone in? If not please send me a pm and I won't try to hang onto them for you.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation.....seems to be a lot of those bypasses going around lately. I sure hope all goes well for you!

Troy- manager
Austin Pawn and Jewelry
Austin Tx

These guns are currently ON HOLD and will not be available for purchase.

Elhombe.....check ur inbox and contact me when your able
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