My name is elkhuntingfool, and I have a problem....

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Jun 11, 2007
with buying shotguns :D Took with wife's car in for an oil change on Saturday and on the way home decided to stop by at a pawn shop to see what's on the wall. Well.........there was a Stoeger Condor 12ga O/U in very good shape - doesn't look like it was handled much. Pulled up nicely. The price - $250. I walked out the door with it for $235. Not bad. I'm guessing my wife will no longer ask me to get the oil changed in her car :neener:
sounds like a deal, though she might think that was a bit high for an oil change. Then again, I've seen what they charge. The gun is the better buy. At least you won't have to change it every 3K miles.
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