My new hero! Ron Paul!

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Jan 18, 2007
Clarksville TN
First I have to admit that I've paid little or no attention to the ongoing presidential campaign simply because I haven't seen anything to like. I am republican, I am very conservative and I've been holding out hope that Fred Thompson would make his campaign official. The democratic front runners scare the hell out of me as well as generally just make me sick to my stomach, but republicans are so far out to lunch that I am truly worried, without any real choice to support,.....until this morning.

I've spent the last two hours digging into Ron Paul, learning about this largely unknown candidate's positions and I am truly amazed that he hasn't hit my radar screen before!

He seems to me to be what republicans once were. He makes so much sense it's spooky. The thing is that his message is turning a lot of moderates and liberals from the Democrats! This is very good news.

Common sense, no nonsense constitutionalism at it's best!

My new hero! Ron Paul 2008!!!!!
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