My review of Knob Creek

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Dec 11, 2006
I just got back from the Creek. The only other time I went was back in 99 or 00. Overall, I was pretty disappointed this time. There wasn't much ammo at all and what there was, was priced sky high. 1k of anything pretty much started out at $300 and went up from there. There was a guy there that had wooden crated 308 that was literally crumbling. The brass was all coroded and he still wanted $300 a case. A sign on it said 100% reliable. I'd have to watch him shoot a few k with his face behind his gun before I'd believe that.

The first time I went, people were wheeling and carrying case after case of ammo. I saw very few people carrying out ammo this time. It even seemed like the shooters were doing a lot less shooting as well.

The weather wasn't too bad Friday but it rained almost all day Saturday. I finally left after the second run of night shooting. Didn't want to get any more soaked waiting for it to get dark.

I picked up some decent deals. I got 8# of new production 844 powder for $92. 1000 new 55gr fmj for $52, 500 new 62gr fmj for $30, and 1500 pulled 62gr for under $70. I also got 6 new USGI 1911 mags for $40.

The moral of the story is if you don't reload, you'd better start now!!!
I was there on Friday and your assessment is spot on. Ammunition prices are driving me to start reloading, again. I saw the .308 in the rotten, wooden, cases. The price was outrageous. I wouldn't buy it if it were $70 a thousand.

On the other hand I did find some good deals but like any gun show you had to look/work for them.
My other big disappointment was that Pat's Reloading didn't have any components there. About the only place that had any componenets of more than 100 to a bag was Hitech. That's who I got my stuff from. The only ammo that there seemed to be any amount of was 50 cal.

I'm guessing that if this ammo situation doesn't get any better any time soon, it will be the death of the creek. I imagine alot of the people who go to see it go there to buy large amounts of ammo. If you've already seen the shoot several times, it's not really worth going to just watch. If you're into tacticool, you're definitely in luck at the Creek.
Was there Sat... Yep.

A couple good deals on mags... and a couple small 'deals' on current ammo prices... but overall you can do better with a SGN.
I'm guessing that if this ammo situation doesn't get any better any time soon, it will be the death of the creek.
Seemed like the firing line shooters numbers were down.
Don't know if this was due to the ammo situation or a combination of ammo, weather, economy in general, war situation.
Been to a number of the shoots over the years, some in as wet weather. This one was on the down side IMO.
It seemed like at the other shoot that the shooters on the line were almost elbow to elbow and there were very little lulls in the shooting when the range was hot. There were several times that it was pretty quiet when it was hot this time. I would guess that most of those shooters go through several thousand dollars of ammo on a weekend there. If ammo doubles, I'd have to think that they wouldn't be able to afford as much.

It is definitely fun to watch these guys but you'd really have to wonder how effective full auto fire really is. 2 or 3 seconds and your mag is empty. I saw countless guys having to clear jams or simply recharge their rifles. If they were shooting subguns, they couldn't hit anything reliably at more than 25 yards or so.
I was there in Sunday.

I had a great time! it was a bit on the cold side with a bit of a wind and there was a bunch of mud everywhere. Freakin' great! It reminded me of Army range time!

Overall, I loved it. Where else on earth can a guy shoot a cannon? I don't mean that figuratively either, there really was a cannon out there. The electric mini-gun was something that you just have to see to believe.

I have only one problem and I think that it is a BIG one: At the gate, I was forced to "zip-tie" my sidearm. The website invites you to come and exercise your 2A right to keep and bear, but they disarm you at the door? I know that it might be in the name of range safety, but they are operating under the same philosphy as the gun-banners. They disarm me, but disregard those with criminal intent who simply won't declare a firearm.
I was there for a while, but the lack of selection combined with the unseasonably miserable weather meant i left early and empty-handed. I didn't see the rotting ammo cases, but i wouldn't buy such a thing at any price, I value my guns and my safety too highly.
The only way that corroded ammo would have been any good would be to demill it and use the brass and bullets but at what price you have to get it at to make it worthwhile for the time and tons of tumbling media you would have in it?
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