My safe buying journey

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Feb 11, 2003
For a long time, I have needed to upgrade my safe because of my small, but slowly growing collection. I do ALOT of research before I buy something, I went on multiple forums from different web sites, searching multiple threads and got a lot of opinions on what peoples experiences were, professionals and consumers. I learned what the true differences between an RSC and a true safe were. I was considering such brands as Cannon, Amsec, Fort Knox, Liberty, Browning, Champion, and Sportsman Steel.

I learned about construction, steel gauge, composite filler in between steel sheets, TL/UL ratings, and more.

It was overwhelming to say the least, but after literally hours and hours of reading, I came back to two gun safe companies that either had no complaints or so few it was almost negligible, Amsec and Graffunder.

I focused my research on these two companies, and found that Graffunder safes do not get subjected to TL/UL test. This in no way takes away from their safes, I've seen one in person and it is a beast and a work of art, but you will pay alot of money for one these safes.

Back to Amsec I went, I looked at the NF series and the BF series, and I really like the BF series Specifically the BF 6030. I had decided that for 3199, and 200 for delivery and installation, which after looking around seemed to be a fair price, this safe had to be good and it was going to be the safe for me.

But the nagging feeling of the difference between a RSC and a true safe kept nagging me, and it nagged me for two reasons.

The first one being the safe is in a detached garage, so a break into the garage will go less noticed than one into the house in my neighborhood, plus the sounds of banging, power tools and general noise are very common from my garage.

Secondly, California sucks, SB 880 is coming fast. Us Californians have one and a half months to buy anything we are going to register as a RAW. Then, once 2017 hits, that's it, anything we buy after that is neutered and a eunuch of a gun.

If on the off chance my guns were stolen, insurance or no, I would lose my RAW's, and probably never recover them. And I would not be able to buy another AR or similar type gun with the features I do so like. And this was the deciding factor for me, I was going to buy a true safe, something TL-15 or 30, and if it costs a lot, then so be it, I wasn't going to go half quality and regret it 20 years from now.

I went to my local gun store, looked at a Graffunder, and then looked at some Amsecs. I was initially drawn to the RF 7036, but my god was that thing a beast, and me, being Mr. Overkill, even found that to be a bit indulgent for what I need.

I settled on the Amsec RF 6528, And I think i got it for a good deal looking at all the prices on the internet, After taxes, delivery, installation including bolting to the floor, a goldenrod, and a power strip, I walked away with damages totaling $5500.

Did it hurt, hell yes it did. But you buy once you cry once. I have no regrets, I'm happy with my decision.

I tell this story for those who are considering a safe, to really do your research, and if your on the fence about a true safe or a RSC, that this may help in any way.
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You got a very good deal on that, good for you. I just looked up the unit & found a couple of on-line prices, one at 25% off was still well over a thousand dollars more than you paid, without shipping & installation.

Nice pick! It's a fantastic design for both burglary and fire protection IMO. I'm with you on the higher initial investment being frequently justifiable in the long run. It hurts a little with the upfront purchase price, but it would hurt a lot more should a runofthemill gun safe fail to protect against fire or theft (especially since I think it is pretty common to progressively store more non-gun valuables and family heirlooms in a safe over years or decades of ownership.)
I've been researching for a while too and while I haven't purchased one yet, I've narrowed it down to the same two as you. Congratulations.
Looks good. Someone's in for a bad day if they try to break into that...
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