Nagin Says Racism Impeded Katrina Relief

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"And I, to this day, believe that if that would have happened in Orange County, California, if that would have happened in South Beach, Miami, it would have been a different response," the mayor said.

Mayor Nagin might be right. It could very well be that the mayors of Orange County, California, and South Beach, Miami, are competent. Mayor Nagin, however, was incompetent at addressing the Katrina disaster and is incompetent at addressing its aftermath. It's fascinating to watch the man parade his incompetence in public as if it is a badge of honor. But it is even more fascinating to observe the voters of New Orleans who chose him to represent them and who can't figure out why things go wrong there.
Of course the response would have been different if a hurricane hit South Beach or Orange County... they wouldnt have had to deal with all the flooding, because people there arent stupid enough to build a coastal city below freakin sea-level.

And like yall have mentioned, if there had been competant mayoral and gubernatorial administrations in place, that would have made a huge difference.
Early on in the whole Katrina coverage, I started inserting "Idiot Mayor..." whenever Nagin's name was used. At first, my wife thought I was being humorous, but after a fairly short time she realized that it was actually a very apt description.
well i live in the new orleans area and i must say he is a total putz.

and the only reason he was re elected was because the other person running was "white" and they allowed voters from texas and surrounding states cast absentee votes
Ol' Ray is dreaming

If Nagin and company would have followed the National (and the state, and the city) Response Plan(s), the situation would have been mitigated long before this last hurricane hit.

Evidence shows that the city and state disregarded response plans in lieu of their own egos.
"Very little of those dollars have gotten to the local governments or to the people themselves," Nagin said.

Does anyone else think Nagin is concerned the money hasn't reached LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICALS? Jim.
Nagin is absolutely correct. If it had happened anywhere else, the response would have been different. It is an indisputable fact that had Katrina hit any other city, the devastation and resulting chaos would have been far less.

However, the reason is not racism; it is incompetence.

Nagin and his administration are perhaps the most incompetent group of people ever to run anything. If you want a blueprint for how to cause the maximum misery in the face of a natural disaster, you need to look no further than to what they did before and after Katrina.

FEMA is called in by the local authorities to help the local relief efforts. If the local relief efforts are virtually non-existent, rife with corruption, poorly planned, and poorly led, then FEMA has to start at square one. Had Nagin and his people done even a modicum of logical preparation, FEMA would have been able to provide much more effective relief.

The scariest thing is that this clown got re-elected! The people of New Orleans that voted for Nagin get what they deserve.

If you were to place Nagin and his administration in a northern city, the population would be screaming for his head after the first snowstorm.
Nagin is neither incompetant nor delusional. He has the people of New Orleans right where he wants them: brainwashed by his propaganda, which is spoon-fed to them by the media. The media supports his reign of oppression, of course, being leftists themselves.

The people of New Orleans do deserve what they get, however--after all, they had the choice all along to think critically, and having done so would inevitably have reached the conclusion that the leftist Nagin is not of any value to their city.
I find it interesting to note that whenever I see pictures of the relief efforts, the relief workers are almost exclusively white. In the stadium which the white Govmnt is accused of allowing it to be a filthy, unhealthy, violent place - I can'tfigure out why the refugees couldn't police themselves, clean up the place and help all the white folks providing beds and food. Nagin has proven himself to be a racist time and again and his reelection is because he is a racist black man. If he act's like a racist, if he talks like a racist = he is a racist!!!! The local government that did not provide for the people of NO, before the storm was, and is, black and I expect future problems, caused by incompetance, corruption and neglect will also be blamed on white folks.
Nagin: Unfit to hold any public office

Maybe the police and the National Guard should have spent their time actually HELPING law abiding citizens instead of shoving M16's in their faces, body slamming grandmas and stealing their legally owned firearms!

Nagin is a moron, a socialist, a corrupt politician and an antigun bigot - period.

What does it tell us about the sheeple of New Orleans, considering that he was re-elected AFTER the Katrina debacle?:barf:
Nagin has proven himself to be a racist time and again and his reelection is because he is a racist black man. If he act's like a racist, if he talks like a racist = he is a racist!!!!

Yes, indeed, and perhaps the most infuriating thing about that is that no one with any wide audience is going to call him (or, for that matter, Spike Lee) out for that, or his continued buck-passing. As far as Mr. Nagin's competence, I have a hard time believing that he would have willfully thrown so many innocents on the fire -- or, as the case turned out to be, in the rancid water -- purely to advance whatever agenda he might have. But, then, he might just be that corrupt and self-serving. New Orleans politicians aren't exactly known for their integrity and the shining examples they set. In any case, he's a poor excuse for a leader, a man, and a human being.
I am about 1/2 way through reading Shelby Steele's excellent White Guilt: How Blacka and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Movement. (I borrowed mine from the Library, but here it is on

Read this book, and you will begin to understand why Nagin, and the rest of the race baiters, continue to hold power over the black community. Until this problem is recognized and understood, America, as a whole, will never advance, and the black community will be the losers.
I'm not one to call names or point fingers but that man(used loosely) is a racist lunatic just waiting for his next handout from the federal government. The people in New Oleans got what they deserve! Thee will be another "next time":mad:
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