NCIS last night

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Earlier I caught a couple minutes of one episode. Something about leukemia and taking blood and marrow from a sister. I believe they said they would need to take 1 to 1.5 liters of bone marrow from the little girl to be useful. I am almost sure they meant to say milliliters, but they didn't. They said liters. I don't think they realize just how much volume that is.
Yes, it was 30%. I immediately stated to my wife that was a Bull___ statistic. It's nice to be able to throw out stats on a fictional show, which people take as truth without having to back statistics with proof.
REDACTOR - " I wonder if it had anything to do with the writer's strike."

Nope. That script was written long before the writers went on strike.

Actually, most teeeveee writers and screenwriters ARE anti-guns owned by the worker peasants. Plus, they are also extremely ignorant about firearms, often getting their "facts" from the Brady Bunch, etc.

Most directors, actors, and producers are in the same boat.

I just watched it on PVR, and caught it -- he said 30%. My first thought was that it was an anti statement, but probably factually correct, if suicides are counted.
would you like Pauley if you found out in real life she dresses and acts like a librarian?
Well, here she is when she was lead singer of Lo Ball... and blonde.
Those are some mighty provocative librarians! :neener:


You guys should try watching "Law & Order" with an attorney in the room some time. They have just as much fun picking out errors the fictional legal processes as we do pointing out every gun faux pas. I'd also imagine that doctors would have a hard time watching "House" or re-runs of "Doogie Houser, MD."

Anyone in the Hollyweird area give any thought about lending their services as a consultant for their writers. Writers or directors will often run a section of script past a consultant with expertise in the areas they have none, in order to produce a more realistic script.

The actors and crew must have has some instruction to keep their firearms handling realistic... they at least keep they're @&*$#@% fingers off the triggers, and the guns pointed down!!! I really appreciate that little detail when I see it.
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I noticed that little "statistic" too, but like some others, I don't care, it's entertainment. I like NCIS, CSI Miami, CSI, Without A Trace, Numbers, Criminal Minds, and of course, The Unit.

I will say that CSI Miami seems to come off as pro gun way more than the Law and Orders shows ever will.

Besides, Boston Legal is the only lawyer program worth watching!
If I worked as an agent of NCIS I would quit after the second firefight. No job in DC is worth getting shot at as much as they do!
Just checked with the DVR,....he said 70%, but regardless, it's entertainment and nothing more. I have heard for years though that most business and home owners were shot with their own guns. Likely because they are not on their person where they belong.

Surprise the burglar who is already in you home, who has already visited you night stand where you just happen to keep the handgun intended for home defense, and he, she or it, will likely shoot you with it.

Is this anti gun? Heck no! It just means the gun belongs with you or locked up.
I watched a DVR'd episode last night. not bad as fiction, but none of those guys would last 5 minutes at any government LE agency. LE agencies just don't operate that way.

I about fell off my chair when the FBI agent gave Gibbs compartmentalized information, just because they used to work together.

I also enjoyed the warrentless bugging they discovered the FBI was doing on the mosque, and their outrage at it. Very PC of them to complain about how easy it was for them to get a warrant to bug a mosque, when it would be much more difficult to do so for a catholic church.

At the very end I almost missed the part where they sanctioned the murder of the bad guy by the dead marine's father. While it would be nice to say that discretion was exercised, in a real national security case, no one is just going to let something like that just go away. Its a critical part of the puzzle that needs to be run down.
I caught it as well

No the show isn't very realistic but I like it anyway. Face it, if we were to stop watching every show that was anti gun we would have nothing left to watch. I do believe that he said 30% or a third and that is probably close to right depending on how you define the word owner and how you manipulate the numbers. Remember that a large percentage of crime is by family members against their "loved ones". If a woman uses one of her husbands guns to shoot him to keep him from beating the crap out of her once again then he was shot with his own gun. Also, and I know this for a FACT, they do include suicides in those numbers. It does not matter to the statiticians or the media why he was shot with it just that he was shot with it. I know that they would have yuou believe that all owners who were shot with their guns had it taken from them by a criminal and used against them, but that is just not so.
Yes I know all those shows are just mindless fun, but I thought it was interesting the way the stat was tossed out and none of the other actors even flinched. And the way they just took over an MRI and Catscan to run an autopsy on the dead Marine and no one in the hospital questioned it.
NCIS is one of my favorite shows. In fact my wife and I are addicted to the extent that we just purchased the season 4 collection (to add to our seasons 1-3) and had a nonstop marathon!

That last NCIS was heavy on the antigun rhetoric and not just in the stats. I'll watch it again "ON DEMAND" and get back to you with specifics but I remember bitterly complaining to my wife that this was the FIRST time I can remember overtly antigun DRIVEL appearing on the show.

I don't care about the science or stuff but we just love the interaction between the shows characters.

I have to wonder if the show is responsible for any sort of rise in the sale of the new Dodge Charger or in the sale of Sigs? For that matter does anybody know what model Sigs they use? I can swear the Gibbs uses a P226 but I also think that McGee might be using a P232.

Gibbs was supposed to have been a Marine Sniper using a .308 "Lapua." Huh? I know of the .338 Lapua but was unaware of any 308. Also, there was an episode where Gibbs was using a scope sighted Ruger Mini-14 as a sniper rifle. What a joke! Still, overall the gun handling isn't too bad except for the manner in which they clear rooms. Maybe they got their techniques from Ducky who used to be the Man From U.N.C.L.E.?

We are also addicted to CRIMINAL MINDS which is another show on CBS. We just bought the season 1 collection for that.
Leanwolf: Actually, although I'm a high school teacher here in Miami, FL full time, I do write for television and the movies. I even have a real Hollywood Agent. And yup...I'm on strike right now, too. I've got two episodes under consideration for purchase by THE UNIT once the strike ends. One of those will have a rollover story with CSI Miami (to be filmed in Miami). I'm also working on a script for the USA Network's "Burn Notice." I'll keep y'all posted.
I've got two episodes under consideration for purchase by THE UNIT once the strike ends.
Most of The Unit episodes are pretty good.

The last season ending 2-parter was pretty bad. at one point it made the announcement that the world (or at least the US) was controlled by five families and the Colonel in charge of the unit was offered employment by those families. It had some goofy story line where these noncoms were running around the world on fake passports and spending money like it was growing on trees, and the money was their own. Somehow they managed to acquire all kinds of goodies like nobody's business.

They have also had several episodes were unit members gave handguns to non-combatants. My guess is that most SF guys would never do such a thing. In fact, my understanding is protocol requires they search people they take with them and make sure they are in fact unarmed.

There was a good gun episode where the SGM took his daughter for a hike when she announced she wanted to join the army, and she had a gun, and I think she shot a snake with it. Don't recall if they ate it or not.

Much of the gun play is pretty well done. Sometimes they seem to have a whole lot more spare ammo then you actually see though. :)
I saw the show again "ON DEMAND" and the part that made me barf had nothing per say to do with guns which is probably why nobody else caught it.

I teach American Government and History. The part where the writer puts on revisionist history made me blow a gasket. The place where the mourning father of the dead marine quizzes Gibbs about why WESTERN society keeps interfering in the RELIGION OF PEACE in the middle east. Talking about how westerners INVADED 500 years ago and never left.

It comes down to an apology for terrorism based on totally erroneous history. I'm not sure but I think that Mark Harmon was trying to keep from throwing up as he had to ACT and RE-ACT to this garbage.

For the historical record here on the forum in case anybody needs an update in thinking about such issues:

When Islam was founded on or about 586 AD, Mohammed formed first small bands of raiders to attack travelers. As his popularity grew he formed armies and began to spread Islam at the point of the sword. Literally BELIEVE OR DIE. Remember this is HISTORY, not racism. That is the reason the religion spread so fast across the middle east and Africa (both places where the original religions were polytheistic) and it was easy to say: Believe what or die? Hey I believe! After the generations moved forward and kids were raised in the tenets the religion took hold, firmly. Especially since once converted any attempt to leave is punishable by death. Again not racist but historical fact.

Yet here was this Muslim in Gibbs' face blaming HIM and NCIS for the Crusades! Btw, only the first two out of SEVEN resulted in any measurable victories and conquest of land. The subsequent five resulted in a severe A$$ kicking for the "Crusaders" partly due to internal squabbling in the leadership.

I personally didn't catch any of the anti-gun stats. I was too busy spraying fire from my nostrils over this blatant trampling of history for a sociological impact, present day. I teach sociology, too. How many of y'all caught this and were repulsed by the lies? How many of you even thought there might be a challenge to the statement?
ExSoldier said:
How many of y'all caught this and were repulsed by the lies? How many of you even thought there might be a challenge to the statement?

True ... but this sort of ... "non-history" (for want of a better term as I write this) is very prevelant. The poor Muslims always have to deal with the evil Crusaders ....
And yet Islamic Jihads brought Islam across Northern Africa, across Gibralter, through Portugal and Spain before it was stopped in Western Europe ...

But we should all feel horrible guilt and fling our wrists and do our mea culpas over the crusades... right.
As his popularity grew he formed armies and began to spread Islam at the point of the sword.

Here's a complete list of the religions (that I know of) that have never converted anyone at the point of a sword:

When I live in Yemen, many Moslems saw the establishment of the state of Israel in the context of the Crusades - yet another attempt by Europe to re-capture the "Holy Land." I don't watch TV, so I don't know the context, but if that was presented as a common view, the presentation was correct.

I teach American Government and History. The part where the writer puts on revisionist history made me blow a gasket. The place where the mourning father of the dead marine quizzes Gibbs about why WESTERN society keeps interfering in the RELIGION OF PEACE in the middle east. Talking about how westerners INVADED 500 years ago and never left.

You said it. That part reminded me about Jeff Cooper's quote about the Moor spreading from the middle east into Spain, apparently in retreat the whole way...
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