neccessary to register secondhand handgun in NC?

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Aug 19, 2008
in the sticks of nc
recently one of my friends bought a handgun through a private party sale, i suppose it would be registered to the origonal owner, but would she need to now have it registered to herself in order to legally transport to and from the range and avoid any problems if there is a traffic stop on the way?
Here in Gaston County, The sherrif would like you to let him know about the gun, but there is no "registration" necessary. Your county may be different. Pick up the phone and ask them for a bona-fide answer.
There are no cities or counties that require registration in NC. Some places, like Durham, would like you to register them, but that's it.

It wouldn't hurt for your friend to have a dated receipt for the sale kept in her records if something ever came up like if the gun were stolen. Technically, the seller would keep her Pistol Purchase Permit that she would have had to have to buy one, even in a private sale.
Yes a pistol purchase permit is required for private party unless you have a CCW. NC needs to get thier act together, as this came up a few months ago and nothing was done to change it.
That Sheriff needs to get fired. What part of "shall not be infringed" doesn't he understand? Registering a private party sale, that's HR 45 BS right there. As Nancy Reagan said "Just say no."
Technically, the sale itself is not being registered, just the ability of the buyer to legally buy a pistol. I'm sure the local sheriff keeps track of how many permits are issued to someone, but the system does not keep track of how many permits are actually used.

Once a pistol permit is used, it stays with the seller. In the case of the FFL, it gets stuck in the bound book for eternity. For a private sale, the seller can keep it for his records.

And, as Firehawk mentioned, having a CCW negates the need to have the purchase permit, so a CCW holder can go out and buy as many handguns as he wants to with his CCW and nothing gets back to the sheriff on it.

Yes, it is a Jim Crowe holdover, but it's what NC has for now and probably for a long time to come.
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