Neck bulge when seating bullet

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Dec 5, 2018
Northern VA
I used a neck collet for .303 Brit, had to give them a good push when sizing to get enough tension on the bullet (150gr spbt PPU).

Did the neck on this one bulge because it didn’t seat straight?

the rest look good. Anything else that could have caused this? Safe to fire? It chambers fine.


Question: Do you have the expander ball in the resize die? It almost looks like a .308 expander ball... and you are trying to shove a .312" bullet in there.
Question: Do you have the expander ball in the resize die? It almost looks like a .308 expander ball... and you are trying to shove a .312" bullet in there.

I had the same thought. As I'm thinking back over it, I likely made a mistake on the first case I resized. I resized and decaped, coming down I stuck in a new primer (something I shouldn't have done before checking neck tension). When I realized the lack of tension, I took out the decaping madrel--as to not waste a primer--and raised the case into the neck sizer again till I got more tension. The rest (only 14 others), I decaped and checked tension before priming. I was trying not to waste a primer, and it revealed a flaw in my process.

I'm going to try another 15 tonight and if I have a similar result without this error, I'll have to do a bit more digging...
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