Need a Second Opinion

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Dec 12, 2005
I have a EAA Witness full size .45. I have really become attached to it and it shoots very good groups. My eyes are not what they used to be so I have decided to mount a dot sight on it. I have purchased a C-More sight and took it in to a rather large gun shop to have in drilled and taped. I was told that the steel on these guns is so hard that it requires extra time, bits, and a new tap for every hole. I was quoted a price of over $200.00 for 6 holes. Is this right? I have been trying to reach other gunsmiths all day as well as EAA's custom shop but so far no luck getting anyone. Has anyone done this work on a Witness before and am I just going to have to bite the bullet on this?
Ouch. That seems steep. I sure hope that you find someone to do it cheaper. But for all I know, it's the going rate for that work on that gun.
I'll go a step farther: You're be BS'ed and scammed.

The EAA steel is NOT that hard, nor is it particularly difficult to do the job.

I recommend letting EAA's custom shop do it.
At least you know it'll get done RIGHT, and not at highway robbery prices.

There is at least some real danger of allowing any local gunsmith to do these jobs, since there seem to be a LOT of "gunsmiths" who can't seem to drill a hole straight, or get a mount on right.
If the frame was that hard, it would crack under normal usage. That said, $200 for drilling and tapping six holes into a $400 or so frame is not unusual, from my limited experience with a few 'smiths.

If they would ditch the $5.00 high speed steel three-fluted taps and go with the "Perfect Cut" premium two-fluted taps at $17.00 each(8-40 thread, I'm guessing you're using), they could probably get all 6 holes done in multiple guns with a single tap, rather than having to replace the tap after each hole.

Brownell's now has the Perfect Cut taps here.
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