Need a snappy comeback

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If less guns (or more gun laws) made people safer, then all the places that outlaw guns would become safer.
"If more guns made people safer, America would be the safest country in the world"
Reply: You ain't from around these parts -huh?

[hey it works on folks that come down South to visit...worth a shot- ain't it? ] ;)

I'm not the one to ask about a snappy comeback. I'm the guy upon last hearing something to similar "statement/quip" , dropped his empty soda can in trash and walked away without saying word...until later.

My reply to pro gun classmate who left with me- stunned I didn't say a word, and left the room politely with - went something to the effect about my time and stupid people. :)

Sometimes the loudest message is the one not uttered.

I think BluesBear has the complete version of what I said...
"An armed society is a polite society".

"What I need to be able to do is have a gun with me if I were ever to need it. Having a safe full of guns at home does me little good if I get mugged on the way to the grocery store. What I need is the legal right to carry a gun about me."
"If more guns made people safer, America would be the safest country in the world"
Several snap answers come to mind, each with the same amount of sarcastic irony the original speaker utilized.
1. I wish! I've heard tell of some Americans who actually don't own A gun, let alone Several. THEY still depend on someone else to protect them and keep them safe.
2. When was the last time America was Invaded by a Foreign Army?
3. Out of 280 million Americans at least 80 million of us feel safe, secure and confident. I worry about the others.
4. I agree, I think I feel the need for ANOTHER gun. Can't be too safe.
5. So you AGREE with the Second Amendment?! Right On!
6. Imagine trying to stop a criminal without one, like they do in Washington DC.
7. The Boy Scouts got it right. BE PREPARED.

My older sister is very ANTI. On my last visit back to parents she HAD to inform me she was "Anti-Gun because they're very dangerous."
I replied, "That's OK, I'm Anti-Crime because criminals are dangerous and I can do something about it. You, on the other hand, can only talk about it... and pray it doesn't hurt too much."
I once gave a bumpersticker to an antigun friend of mine that says,

"Ted Kennedy's car killed more people than my gun"

He got a great laugh and actually put it on his car. Afterwards, a lot of other people he knows who favor guns began to talk to him about the issue and, believe it or not, he has seen the light! Seems that, being a member of the media and all, he had only seen the issue from one perspective before. Now he sees the other side and agrees guns are necessary.

People's views can be changed on this issue, but giving the appearance of being a jerk to them will never allow you to reach them. Maybe it will take more than a snappy comeback to convince them though. Of course, nothing will reach those opposed to guns out of self-interest (i.e., statists and others who rely on the state apparatus for their livelyhood) so a quick "bite me" would suffice.
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