Need advice quick, Sp101 - G-19

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Get some good 125 grain JHP 357 Magnum ammo and let 'er rip! You will be able to light a cigar on the fireball.

Ain't that the truth! lol

BTW, to the OP, the 125gr Remington Golden Saber is a excellent carry load for the SP101. It is a "medium powered" .357 so it has a little less buck and snort than the full house loads and I find it very easy to control in both my 2 1/4" and my 3" SP's. Also, the Houge Monogrip is a very worthwile and inexpensive investment that will make your new SP101 a comfortable shooter with about anything that you put in it.
Did you get a chance to shoot it this weekend?

38 Special is fairly mild in the gun and should be fun to shoot.

I always recommend reloading so you can match the rounds to the gun.
I like revolvers, but the Glock 19 is a MUCH more versatile firearm than the SP101.

The Glock 19 can serve both as a CCW and a belt gun. The SP101 is really at its best as a CCW gun.

If I were to have only one gun, it wouldn't be a choice at all. I'd go with the Glock. I've had an ex-VA Beach Sheriff's Dept. G19 for a couple of years now and after a few internal upgrades, it's one of my favorite guns.
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