First Post

New here, and enjoy the science and art of firearms and shooting. Strongly believe that TR2KBA is not just a right but an individual responsibility to country, community, and family. I adhere to the belief that the founders defined a "well regulated militia" in the vernacular of the day as the responsibility of all able bodied men (militia) to maintain their ability to use a firearm well (regulated) in defense of themselves, the community, and our country. I believe this tenet to be timeless and not open to interpretation or redefinition.
As evidence in support of this sound national policy, I present Isoroku Yamamoto and his statements regarding a potential invasion of the U.S., and the French reaction to the Battle of New Orleans.
I wish you all well, and hope to make good friends here.
Hi from North Carolina. I have always loved guns..especially the old rifles. I recently obtained my C&R, now I just need more money. I am also a space enthusiast and have met seven men who have walked on the moon and numerous other astros. Point is, I think my wife is going to make me pick between the two hobbies. Anyway, I recently picked up a K-31 and a nice unfired Yugo SKS and just finished cleaning the cosmo (ugh). Going plinking this weekend. Thanks for all of the great info here. P
New member

Whats up everyone. I'm new to the gun world. Just purchased a Winchester Model 70 featherweight in 30-06. I also own a Remington 870 12 ga. I really don't know anything much about shooting/guns/hunting, etc. So I decided to begin learning and found this site. Hopefully I can contribute more than just questions.

I do have one though. My uncle just passed and left his gun collection to a few of his nephews and nieces. I have been asked to choose one. I have it down to a S&W .357 6" 686 I think or a nice little .222 ( I can't remeber the manufacture). I am leading towards the .222 because I think this would be a great varmit gun.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for hope to get to know ya all soon.

Hi Im Tyler,
I live In Colorado and i'm interested in all things guns. Its my goal to open a shop/ indoor range in the near future!
I probably should have found this thread earlier...

Call me Dnaltrop, Just my city Reversed.

I've been shooting since I was 7, taught by my old man, and His Uncle, a Ex-sheriff/gunsmith from Ashland (and later Springfield) Oregon, (Deceased this year)

Beginner reloader, ( Uncle would reload wadcutters into any brass for free till he gave himself lead poisoning, I've now been passed the responsibility)

I have a Genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-danlos hypermobility disorder. Long and the short of it... My Collagen does not form properly, my joint capsules tend to stretch like aged rubber bands, and not rebound. My scar tissue is weak, making surgery a last resort.

This problem has taken most of the use of my left arm, hips, finger fine motor skill, forcing me to move almost entirely to pistols for my one good arm.

This has also branded me in the family with the title "the only person who can miss a milk jug at 10 feet with buckshot"

Happy to find folks to learn from, see you around.
New member

looks like Im the FNG. Im in Virginia. I support and participate in all of my rights and will fight to keep every one of them. I do not believe that any of them have been "given " to me by a politician in D.C. or the International community, and thus, will never surrender them to anyone.
I am a 72-year-old retired curmudgeon who lives in western Minnesota. I have been hunting and shooting since I was ten and still use only single shot weapons to hunt with. Living in an area where people think that if it isn’t a 12 gauge it is a toy I love to go out with the guys hunting pheasants and get my limit using the H & R 410 Topper I got for Christmas when I was ten. I do have an exceptionally good brace of dogs, which helps. For the past several years I have become addicted to traditional muzzleloaders and now own ten. We have an informal gun club on the farm with rifle, pistol and shotgun setups. Anyone is welcome to use our facility free of charge as long as they aren’t the cold steel testosterone crowd. No assault weapons or hand cannons allowed.

I've been lurking around here for a long time, and finally just getting around to joining,:banghead::banghead: what are you going to do right?:rolleyes:

I'm a full time student at a big university in new orleans, and I'm an EMT, recently promoted to supervisor, so finding time to actually go shoot is often difficult.
Found this site researching gun questions. I've been skimming through the archives. This site is HUGE. Since I'm new to hunting I have a lot to learn. This site should be a great help. Thanks, Bob
I've been lurking for a while, and have really enjoyed the content and class of this forum. Nice to have a place to come and see some civility in differing opinions.

I have been shooting since I was a young kid. Learned the basic shooting skills in the Boy Scouts and kept up the interest through college and beyond.

I have lived all over this great country, mostly in the big cities, but I am proud to call Phoenix, AZ home now.
I am new here. Judging from this thread, it seems everyone loves only (long) guns. Is not there anyone on this forum who likes those handy killer pistols too! :D (just kidding)

I currently serve in the US Navy, I have a stock Norinco SKS and one not so stock. TZ9mm Witness, Remington 870 and some others. Most of the Questions I have had already been answered if I search for them. But I guess I am a little bit of a lurker.
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Well, not new but it has been a really long time since I have logged in. I was kind of surprised my account was still active. Anyway, wussup?
Hey all, FNG here from KC area. I love pistols(to the guy up there)

IDPA nut, Gun nut. ANd ive got a pretty fast car in the garage.

I also think I may have set a record. Member for a few hours and already infracted the rules. Hmmm.
Hi. I'm new.
Live in Kansas,
I'm a revolver fan,
particularly like the old top-breaks
would like to get into reloading

other interests,
playing with my kids, and building historically accurate medieval armour. (leather, plate, chain etc)

I've lurked here for about a year now, and appreciate all I've learned so far.

Fellow Comrades,

I'm a military Officer and still can't get used to calling my fellow veterans comrades. We're all friends and have the same interest here. So, I'm a military type that has collected C&R's over the years. I like reloading, gives me a sense of completion and pride to shot something I made. Did some shooting competitively at Perry for several years until the army needed me in Iraq. Assembled a couple M1's, M1A's and AR's, an engineer by degree I find the eingineering that goes behind modern weapons interesting. Prefectionist by design, so reloading rifle ammo takes me time.

Hope to learn alot from all on here and add if possible.

Hello everyone my name is john this is my first reply, i cant say that i love everygun cuz ive never tried everygun. Just like pistols and shotguns, i own myself a 22 caliber revolver, 9 m/m, and a .38 special revolver.
hi my name is shane, i live in california,im on the outdoor forum and bloodydecks as well, but i mostly like hunting and just about every type.
I am John Vlk. New the the THR. I hope I am doing this correctly.
I have a new CZ VZ58 rifle. I have been trying to find out if anyone has such a rifle.
I have been looking for a way that the Czech military loads the 30 round mags.
I have tried the SKS Stripper clips, they work sometimes. There must be a better way.
I was hoping for a Maglula type of loader. Is there such a thing ?

Newbie..from Indiana.

Shoot handguns, shotguns, and rifles regularly.

I particularly like the science behind the bullet. The physics of ballistics has always interested me.
New member just want to say Hello

Hello, I'm 28 going 29 soon, I'm married no kid yet. I am a civilian work for the USAF as an Aircraft Mechanic, it's not a super super cool job but I love it. Serving my country is one of the best thing in my life. I've heard about site from other gun board. After read several posts here I decided to join and hope to learn some shooting techniques from you guys. I shoot AR and pistols on most of my free time and recently I starting to learn how to shoot long range. I have a savage 10FP LE2 with SS16x42 scope mounted on it. That's all I have for now, I sure will come back with a lot of questions to ask and I'm ready to learn.