New SIG 556...predictions??? Two days left.

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eab said:
Thats what I mean, WHY, the right side?

Average right handed person, right hand is on the pistol grip, you can drop the mag, change from safe, to semi, to auto, all with out taking your hand off the grip. Then to charge it you have to either flip the rifle on its side, to yank it back with your left hand, or you have to take your hand of the pistol grip to charge it. It it was on the left side your right hand would never have to leave the pistol grip.

Like I said, I'm with you on this one! No offense to our south-pawed forum members, but left sided charging handles rock.
mmike87 said:
Like I said, I'm with you on this one! No offense to our south-pawed forum members, but left sided charging handles rock.

Wrong-hander here, and I think I'd prefer a charging handle on the left side of the gun. It's a lot easier to hold the weapon up with your forward hand than with your grip hand, so it'd be pie to just grab the charging handle, pull it back, let go, and drop my hand back on the grip to shoot again. As it stands, with my Mini, I have to lean my head back, reach over the gun with my left hand, and hit the op rod back with my hand to charge it.

Nice...what other chamberings are they offering?:rolleyes:

"Lord, I apologize for that one there, and please be with the starving Pygmies in New Guinea..."---Borrowed from Larry the Cable Guy
eab said:
Thats what I mean, WHY, the right side?

Average right handed person, right hand is on the pistol grip, you can drop the mag, change from safe, to semi, to auto, all with out taking your hand off the grip. Then to charge it you have to either flip the rifle on its side, to yank it back with your left hand, or you have to take your hand of the pistol grip to charge it. It it was on the left side your right hand would never have to leave the pistol grip.

Understand, now that you've edited your post for the typo. My misunderstanding since your original post said left.
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