New to Rifle Reloading - Old Hat at Pistol

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Hondo 60

Sep 6, 2009
Freeport, IL
As the title says, I've been reloading pistol (.38/.357) for a while.
But I just bought an AR-15 & want to reload .223.

I deprimed my first batch of cases, but none of them were resized.
Atleast it didn't feel like it. They deprimed so easy.

Now what about belling the mouth? The dies I have are the Lee Pacesetter Dies

It doesn't seem like any of them bell the case, and it seems like with some of them, the mouth is actually too big, so the bullet will fall in too far when seated.

Sorry if these questions seem elementary, but I haven't seen any posts that explain.

Thanks, I appreciate your time & effort to answer this!
I am also a new reloader - only about a year and a half for me, but I think I may be able to help a bit. If I can't, those who can will be along shortly.

I deprimed my first batch of cases, but none of them were resized.
Atleast it didn't feel like it. They deprimed so easy.

If you followed your die instructions, they should be resized. Do you have a case guage? One will help.

Now what about belling the mouth?

The expander button expands it - it doesn't really get belled like straight wall pistol cartridges do.

it seems like with some of them, the mouth is actually too big, so the bullet will fall in too far when seated.

There should be enough neck tension so they just don't "fall in". If you can just set the bullet in and it falls in, something is wrong. If the OAL of some is shorter than others, it may be due to the differences in individual bullet ogives - I've noticed it seems to happen more with cheap FMJ bullets.
The expander button expands it - it doesn't really get belled like straight wall pistol cartridges do

Deburr and chamfer the case mouth. That will be all you need for seating bullets. One does not "bell" rifle brass like is needed with pistol brass, except when shooting lead.
Is your expander button on your sizing die to big and opening up the case mouth too much? If so, you have a problem with Lee or a session with your Dremel tool. I'd call Lee first.
"Houston we have a problem"

Someone in Assembly could have put the wrong caliber stem in your die or some how it missed being turned to the right diameter.

I understand that Lee out sources all it's small components from China, so while there is good stuff from there, there is some crap too.

Measure the expander ball with your calipers and see what it reads. Then you know for sure.

Jimmy K
I deprimed my first batch of cases, but none of them were resized.
At least it didn't feel like it. They deprimed so easy.
That right there is your problem!

Did you screw the sizing die down until it firmly contacts the shell holder?

Suggest you adjust the sizing die properly and try again.

If cases still go in the die without resistance, there is a die problem of some sort.

The shellholder needs to bottom out on the die for FL resizing. If your die is not down far enough, you're not resizing.

Deburr and chamfer the case mouth. That will be all you need for seating bullets.

I will add that the amount of chamfering required is minimal, and not necessary at all if you use boattail bullets.
I will add that the amount of chamfering required is minimal,
Yes. Just enough to remove burrs from trimming and barely break the 90 degree edge.
It sounds to me like you just don't have the sizing die setup correctly. Don't forget to lube the cases or you will have a stuck case in the die. After firing and resizing, measure the case. It should not be longer than 1.760. If it is, you will need to trim it to 1.750 and then deburr and chamfer it. There should be a section in your reloading manual explaining all of this.
Even if he does not have the die screwed all the way down and he has it even close, there would have been enough of the neck sized to hold a bullet without it falling in the case. He would have to have the die so far up from the shell holder that none of the neck touches. Now if this is a collet type die all bets are off, which I don't think it is.

Jimmy K
Wow, you guys (and gals?) are good!

I didn't have the depriming die set deep enough. :banghead:

I readjusted the die & it feels & looks MUCH better now.

Thanks again for your input! :D
I didn't have the depriming die set deep enough.

Not trying to pick on you, but correct terminology will help you both explain your problems and understand the answers.

It is NOT a depriming die, it is a "Sizing" die. They come in two basic flavors, Full Length, sizes the entire case body body and the neck and Neck Sizing die, sizes just the neck and the case body is not sized. Both of these dies will deprime and size at the same time. They do make a "depriming" or "decapping" die as well. They do not size anything, just knock out the primer.
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