Newbie: best grips for 357 security six

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For the round-butt Speed-Six, I personally like the Pachmayr Compac; the only Pachmayr rubber grips available for the square-butt Security-Six are the Grippers, which I don't care for - the finger-grooves and palm-swell seem to be set-up for a different-shaped hand than mine.

However, for a CCW gun, I go with stock Ruger wood grips + a Tyler T-grip grip adapter - this combo gives a very decent-feeling grip, without sticking to shirt/jacket fabric and printing like rubber Pachmayrs or Hogues.
The stock target grips are very nice, but extremely hard to find anymore.


If you like something more concealable, the Eagle Secret Service grips are nice:


But if you like easy and you like rubber, the Hogue Monogrip is hard to beat:

Midway has an excellent selection, that is where I got my grips from.
While everyone here is going to recommend specific models; bear in mind you should definitely try a couple to see what kind of shape feels good.

If you've got a buddy or a friend at the local gunshop who've got some re-gripped Speed Sixes; pick em up and get a feel for the grips, see what rubs weird and what doesn't and go from there.

Last thing you want it so just buy a good brand, but end up skinning off part of your palm or ending up with something slippery 'cause your hands are shaped differently then you thought. It's not something people really ponder too often.
Kor, grandmaster B, Smee81, Remi thank you kindly all good advice and I will check into them.:cool:
I like Pachmayr's open-back finger grove grips for the Security Six. Very comfortable for me. I've used the same pair for almost 20 years now.
I like the Hogue wrap arounds, but lately I've been using the factory grips on my Speed Six. If you wrap a little finger around the bottom it's easy to keep stable.
I have used Craig Spegel's grips, slightly modified, for years. Smooth, minimum bulk, no finger grooves. My original set ( have newer ones as well) is now about 27 years old. They get a light refinish of Tru-Oil every couple of years and bid fair to outlast me. You could try him but I don't think he makes them any more (not enough demand).

The Ruger target grips shown are somewhat similar, and I could live with them. Unfortunately they are few and far between.

Finally, Hogue makes those Monogrips in pebbled nylon as well as rubber, and I much prefer those as they do not print or drag, while providing a good grip. Got my last couple sets from Brownell's.
i like the originals and just added a taylor T to it i have it that way to my redhawk as well the taylor T is great you can get them in gold blue or aluminum to match ss. they look great
W.E.G. - for some reason, the Security-Six in your picture appears to be missing the hammer pivot pin...:confused:
The Hogue smooth wood grip fits my hand perfectly. I tried to post a picture of it, but I don't have a URL address for my picture.
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