Newbie here....Just saying hello!

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One thing that you will quickly discover is that finding plenty of free range pick-up brass in 9mm is easy, 38 Special is difficult, .357 Magnum is impossible.

I actually went to a couple gun ranges a few weeks ago and struck out on brass. Thousands of aluminum cases laying around but picked clean of brass. I went to my local gun shop and he sold me 3,000 once fired uncleaned brass 9mm and about 500 357's for less than .02 cents each. I told him to give me a call if he gets more in.
Mostly hunting and plinking at local spots used by others in my area. No established or organized ranges. Some are on private land but owners allow pretty much anyone to use them as long as you respect the property.
Welcome to THR Prowler53! I started "prowling" here too when I was thinking about reloading. A wealth of knowledge here from beginner to master. Very knowledgeable folks here. rcmodel is no longer with us but if he were I'd PM you to always pay attention to his replies, but as you'll find out... There's quite a few others that will give you good info without judgement or criticism like he did.
Howdy. Here is where I got started with the green gear on 9's myself. BTW I'd shy away from Blazer and military brass. There at the opposite ends of each other. Not as much fun. Good stuff to learn though. Single stage straight case then progressives and then... Total world domination! Enjoy!
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