Newbie OF has BP safety questions

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Coyote Rider

Oct 25, 2006
People's Republic of California
Hi Everyone,

I just joined the forum a few days ago, and this is my first post. I've become very interested in black powder, but I haven't shot any off yet. I am, however, planning to buy an Uberti Remington 1858 soon.

Now then, I've fired conventional handguns and rifles, and I've taken safety courses, but what I haven't been trained in is safety specifically regarding black powder. Just by reading I've learned about the need to beware of chain fire in BP revolvers (grease or wads), and the need to load only pre-measured amounts of powder into your gun, and leave the hammer down on an empty chamber even if there are "safety notches," and of course there's common sense stuff like not smoking or having open flames near gunpowder, that sort of thing, but I'm sure there are other safety considerations I need to learn about. For starters, I need to know about safely transporting and storing black powder, and then there's other stuff I haven't thought of yet. Anything anyone could tell me, or point me in the direction of, would be very much appreciated.

Looks like you have a handle on it

A couple of things I'd add. One, be sure you press down hard enough on the loading handle to be sure the ball is pressed down firmly on top of the space. A second caution would be to be sure the caps fit on the nipples. If they are a little large squeeze the edge to a more oval shape so that it grasps the nipple when you place it. The cap that falls off a loaded chamber is a more likely cause of a possible chain fire than any other cause.
Transporting black powder is no big deal. I keep it in a flask or in the manufacturer's canister. Truth is, a can of gasoline is a lot more dangerous to transport, and folks do that all the time.

Same for storage. Keep it in the container and it will be fine.
It's a cardinal rule of BP shooters to never leave an open, uncapped can of BP anywhere like on a loading bench.
While maybe not necessary, they make plastic funnel tops with a snap top to help make closing & pouring easier.
For starters, I need to know about safely transporting and storing black powder, and then there's other stuff I haven't thought of yet. Anything anyone could tell me, or point me in the direction of, would be very much appreciated.

Starter52 has it right.... gasoline is more dangerous. Treat your black powder like any other flammable substance and you'll be in good shape.

I order mine (via internet) in cases of 25 one pound cans. They come right to my door via UPS. The cans are metal and the case that contains them is a simple double-wall cardboard box. I store them in the same container in which they are shipped, in a cool dark place within the house (shhh....don't tell the wife... in the bottom of her china cabinet).

When transporting powder to the range, I'll carry it in my powder horn / flask and will often pack an extra can or two for ol' Justin Case. Just make sure to use spill proof containers so you don't end up with loose powder all over the trunk of your car.

Hope that helps. And, while you are at it, wander on over to this place:

...and introduce yourself.
Well CR, here is my euro's worth.
Firstly, don't put grease over the ball in the cylinder, it makes a hell of a mess when you fire. Providing you have a wad and well seated ball over your powder you will not have chain fires. (Keep your caps on though , it will help)

With a Remington it is not necessary to leave one chamber empty. The safety notches are just that - safe! Load 6!

IF you have a misfire keep the gun pointed down range and wait to see if it is a misfire or a hang fire. If it stays dead for a minute put another cap on and shoot the chamber again. That will usually do it.

Static electricity does not set off black powder!

When you load a ball without first putting the powder in - which we have all done at some time I suspect - discharge all the chambers then remove the nipple on the powder less chamber. Using a small screwdriver or similar, push out the ball. Say 20 times "I am an idiot" then carry on as normal :D

Hope these help you.

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