News from Switzerland

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VonClausewitz said:
The real conflict is between the ideology of Individualism, complete with rights, duties and responsibilities, and the theory of social constructivism, of "group rights", educational engineering and the absence of individual accountabilty for ones actions.

Very well put. This needs to be read closely and understood by all of us who value our freedom.
i agree with Shung, most of the 'Antis' are Naive and think they geting rid of firearms, crime will go down.

you often see the very same people that want to get rid of Guns beeing part of the same commission that want to limit Cars to 80 km/h or want to force stores to lock up all forms of alcoholic drinks and stop selling them after 18:00 in the evening and many more of those "make more laws to try and fix Social problems."- kind of thinking.

in switzerland, even in Socialist Partys, there are few that want the guns out of the hands of us lowly Civis because they are afraid of us.
The real conflict is between the ideology of Individualism, complete with rights, duties and responsibilities, and the theory of social constructivism, of "group rights", educational engineering and the absence of individual accountabilty for ones actions.
The problem with "group rights" and a loss of individual accountability is that the "group" is held accountable for individual actions. It starts with gun contol, which punishes the group for an individual's choices. It ends with concentration camps. There will always be accountability. If it is not individual accountability, it is group accountability. Group accountability is a very bad thing.
you often see the very same people that want to get rid of Guns beeing part of the same commission that want to limit Cars to 80 km/h or want to force stores to lock up all forms of alcoholic drinks and stop selling them after 18:00 in the evening and many more of those "make more laws to try and fix Social problems."- kind of thinking.

What KILLS me is to see the very same people pushing for gun bans in Switzerland, wanting liberalisation for some "light" drugs like marijuanna..
Their main argument is that forbidding it is not preventing anybody to get it, and only increase black market, which brings crime and insecurity..

Even if I don't like the idea of "drugs" being legal, I understand their logic, because I think the EXACT same logic can (and should) be applied to guns.. What i dont understand is why those ****heads cannot see it !!!

I hate that with these people. having different logics according to the matter that interest them.. It's more than an paradox.. it's being dishonest..
They may have the best intentions imaginable. As all "Gutmenschen" imagine themselves as the sole crusaders for light and decency in among the hordes of medieval trolls. The motivations do not matter.

The core logic is that the abuse of a freedom or right must lead to its restriction and ultimately to its abolishment in furtherance of the common good. Whatever that means in practice.

Also known as the tyranny of good intentions.
VonClausewitz, we need you with us. i really like the way you express things.

Can you speak a little french ? I'd like you to join a group that we are making in order to do all we can to win the next vote on guns-
Yes, very well spoken indeed. Just looking at these few posts of yours, VonClausewitz, I see a glimpse of quite a gift with words.
Just in case anyone is thinking of idealising Swiss society, it has plenty of features that 'freedom-loving Americans' would probably find unacceptable. There are plenty of rules about what you can or cannot do in what most people would consider the private sphere which is none of government's business. And if you think 'to hell with it' and just break the rules, e.g. flushing the john after 10pm or lighting a fire in your backyard on a weekend, then one of your neighbours will cheerfully drop a dime on you to the authorities, because "you broke the rules". This particularly applies if you are not native-born.
Just in case anyone is thinking of idealising Swiss society, it has plenty of features that 'freedom-loving Americans' would probably find unacceptable. There are plenty of rules about what you can or cannot do in what most people would consider the private sphere which is none of government's business. And if you think 'to hell with it' and just break the rules, e.g. flushing the john after 10pm or lighting a fire in your backyard on a weekend, then one of your neighbours will cheerfully drop a dime on you to the authorities, because "you broke the rules". This particularly applies if you are not native-born

very true !!!

I guess this is because we are a small country with a high density of population.. and your freedom ends when you start stepping on your neighbours freedom..

I don't like it either, but I think it is inevitable in such a small coutry.

I have to call BS on your last statement though.. I live in Geneva, and we have 52% of not native born citizens and 38,9% of foreigners.. I wonder what city can claim so with so few problems. ..

beside that, Switzerland is beside Luxembourg, the country in europe with most legal foreigners (more than 25%). As you see, we are far to be xenophobes.. even if some try to make us look like that.
Just in case anyone is thinking of idealising Swiss society, it has plenty of features that 'freedom-loving Americans' would probably find unacceptable.

Well, shoot! I think the U.S. has plenty of features that "freedom-loving Americans" find unacceptable, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't have some good things about it, too--especially in relation to its neighbors. Kind of like Switzerland, I guess.

But I think we were discussing gun rights in Switzerland, weren't we? :banghead:
Well, shoot! I think the U.S. has plenty of features that "freedom-loving Americans" find unacceptable, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't have some good things about it, too--especially in relation to its neighbors. Kind of like Switzerland, I guess.

Couldn't have said it better.

And keep up the good fight over there!
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