Newspaper editor tries to publish concealed carriers info.

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Nov 3, 2011
And things backfire on him. He requested the information from the sheriff and the sheriff published the request on facebook. Next thing you know, the editor gets flooded with hate mail and resigns. Now he's getting ready to move and try to find another job.

Cherokee County, North Carolina is not a place that likes journalists coming in snooping around and asking questions about their guns.

The infamous letter.

What a pompous letter. Good lord. Even if he has a right to it, where did this guy get he decorum? Wow
I wonder why a Murphy NC journalist would even request such a thing. I suspect the number of permits are significant in that area.
Interesting that "I want these for an article that will be controversial and sell papers" is alleged to not be "for commercial purposes."
I hope everybody now realizes that some (many? most?) of these antis see gun owners as morally equal to sex offenders?

This is what we're up against.

I'm glad it exploded in his face.
Interesting. In the paper today, the local rag found out the University of Iowa was forwarding ALL the info they had on ANY student who applied for a pistol permit to the local sheriff. Aside from the fact the local sheriff is 100% ANTI-GUN (in another local paper they interviewed him and he said he was 100% PRO-gun and PRO-Constitution, BUT...was opposed to the SHALL ISSUE law because it cut too deeply into his shake down of gun owners looking for permits and was TOTALLY opposed to "being forced to give criminals gun permits". When asked what "criminals" he was "forced to give gun permits to", he said ANYONE who had a speeding ticket, parking ticket, jaywalked, supported the Constitution or otherwise was not in love with the feds was a criminal and didn't deserve ANY Constitutional Rights! NOT KIDDING!!) what business is it of the U of I to decide what student has their info forwarded to who as long as they are not breaking the law?! WHY is that anyone who exercises their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS NEEDS/SHOULD BE reported to the local thugs?! I hope some student sued the hell out of them!
Kudos to Sheriff Lovin for exposing the weasel. I sure hope no one goes to Mr. Horne's home and slaps the teeth out of his head. Really. I mean that.
Very interesting thread, since I am a former resident of Murphy, NC, and I still subscribe to the paper. I have been watching this incident unfold on Facebook. That letter is just the beginning of all the pomposity.

Here is a pretty thorough write-up on the whole affair.

BTW, With the exception of the apology letter, all letters, and all reader comments, have been deleted from the paper's website and Facebook page. A front page article in the edition out today announced that Robert Horne, the editor, just resigned. No mention of why. My guess? Publisher David Brown, who is just about as pompous and arrogant as Horne, threw him under the bus. And that clown brays about "the people's right to know."
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Interesting that "I want these for an article that will be controversial and sell papers" is alleged to not be "for commercial purposes."

My thoughts exactly. He was certainly going to try and make a name for himself, sell some issues, and surely leverage his success into a new/higher position somewhere.

If it wasn't for money, it was certainly for fame.
The problem is that he can put the incident on his resume and probably get a better job in Chicago, LA, or New York. What a joke...
Wow, I love this Sheriff already for doing this. Let the whole world know!
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