NH candidate vagueness clarification: Carol Shea-Porter wants an AWB.

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Nov 10, 2005
New Hampshire
Deliberately vague on her website, but from an email sent to her headquarters, the reply:

Carol Shea-Porter believes in upholding all the amendments to the
Constitution including the 2nd amendment. She supports hunters' rights to
pursue their sport, gun collectors' rights to own guns, sport use of guns
at shooting ranges, gun ownership for self-defense, etc. She favors
training in gun safety and introduction of safety design features to
reduce accidental shootings, and supports enforcing federal gun laws, such
as those against illegal gun trafficking, selling guns to minors, or
selling guns in a school zone.

She does agree with the International Association of Chiefs of Police
(IACP) and the National Association of Police Organizations, however,
that, as a matter of public safety, assault weapons should be kept off the
streets. They are designed for military assault, and pose a severe danger
to law-abiding citizens when used by criminals.


Sue Mayer
Campaign Manager

So anyone in the state, you know who not to vote for.
That would depend on who the opponent was. I would personally rather vote for her than someone who is completely anti-gun. Keep in mind that a lot of otherwise pro-gun people support the AWB for one of two reasons: they dont' really understand the subject or it plays well in the polls.
To hell with that lady!

If someone wants to know what it takes for me to vote for a supporter of fascism (R), that is it.

Registered Voter
That's too bad, because her opponent is a doofus. And I hate voting for a doofus. But...

Geez why can't we get some quality candidates around here. :banghead:
It will not be long

DigitalWarrior for Congress 2010 - Independent

"Leave us the hell alone" Party Platform
1. Pro "Assault Weapon" ban, dammit no one needs an "assault weapon" if Assault Rifles are perfectly legal and accessable.
2. Pro Privacy, we can ask but you never have to tell. Anything.
3. Pro Small-Business, now mind your own (large or small).
4. Pro Literacy, I promise to read any bill I vote to implement. If I can't understand it, it shouldn't be law.

She's apparently just taken NH into the blue, though take that report with a big grain of salt. It's VERY close, at any rate.
Democrat Paul Hodes has beaten 2nd District U.S. Rep. Charles Bass. His colleague, Jeb Bradley, fell to Carol Shea-Porter in a major upset. As the national Democratic wave rolled across New Hampshire, the state's GOP lost control of both the state Senate and House. Gov. John Lynch may have won by a record margin. Two constitutional amendments are headed for passage.

:eek: :barf: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :cuss: :cuss:

Okay, which is the best reasonably-priced AK out there now? I need to get hold of one...or two...before this goes bad. Or just an SU-16C. Who has those in stock for a good price, now? ARG!
Okay, which is the best reasonably-priced AK out there now? I need to get hold of one...or two...before this goes bad. Or just an SU-16C. Who has those in stock for a good price, now? ARG!

You are now going to fully understand what we in Mass have been going through for a very long time. It seems NH and Mass will now be joined at the hip. ;)
By assualt weapons does she mean Class 3 fully automatic ones? Or you know those evil semi-auto ones that you know so many criminals have? Is she a liar, or just hates full auto?
When an empty suit mentions "assault weapons", they're typically using the term to villify absolutely everything semi-auto larger than a pistol with a detachable magazine, from pistol-caliber carbines through vintage SKSs to semi-auto SMGs, and, of course, ARs and AKs of any sort.

Never mind the fact that criminals DO NOT USE a $1000 AR to rob $50 from the convenience store register, and never have. That'd be logic.
By assualt weapons does she mean Class 3 fully automatic ones? Or you know those evil semi-auto ones that you know so many criminals have? Is she a liar, or just hates full auto?

There's no need to complicate matters. An "assault weapon" is whatever a law says it is. A .22 single shot will become an assault weapon if some law defines it as such.

I find it entertaining, by the way, to see people post messages about stockpiling this, that, or the other to prepare for another assault weapons ban. They assume that the next assault weapons ban will be similar to the one that sunset a few years ago. How silly.

The next assault weapons ban is unlikely to be merely a resurrection of the old one. It will be whatever the legislators say it is, and my own guess is that it's unlikely to have a sunset provision as the old one did. Sarah Brady did not like that; neither did Charles Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinsten, John Conyers, and all of the others whose power has been strengthened by the outcome of this recent election.

Yes, I know that the anti-gun Democrats "learned their lesson" when they lost control of the House and Senate after passing strict gun control measures. But they have control of it again and they haven't changed their goals. The lesson they learned is the one they already knew: gun owners don't come together unless they're bleeding. So the trick is to make sure that there are no gun owners. No gun owners = no gun owner problem.

The easy lesson learned by the anti-gun forces is to come down hard and fast, not allow sunset provisions, and not allow any "loopholes"--no gun show "loophole," no pre-ban "loophole," no conversion parts, no nothing. Nada.

Gun owners are the people who never learned their lesson. They will, but too late. And it will be the fault of someone other than them. Always is.
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