NH Humidity question

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Dec 22, 2002
Houston, Texas
How humid does it get in NH? if I start to consider NH as a state to move to, am I gonna have to do anything different as far as humidity control vs in LA? Someone give me NH humidity details..
Try this-


This will give you weather for the Concord Area. NH is VERY diverse as far as weather. The only thing that you can count on is snow and cold in the winter. I've only been living here for 6 months. But have camped up north for many years.

It seems sticky when the sun isn't out.

I love it up here, though. The people are A LOT nicer than in MA.
My ex was from Boston; I think Boston weather sucks (and I will steer clear of the profanity that I would spew if I were to talk about it's facist laws..)

So I'm hoping the weather is not so humid..

if I start to consider NH as a state to move to, am I gonna have to do anything different as far as humidity control vs in LA? Someone give me NH humidity details..

I could not make out if you meant LA as in Los Angeles or LA as in Louisianna. I have lived some in all three places and Louisianna can be exceptionally humid while Los Anglels is relatively non humid. I currently live in Oregon where the humidity is kind of in the middle and in my experience is not unlike that of New Hampshire.
NH definitely has its share of humid days in the summer, but it is a pretty mild climate... except for the winters.
LA as in the PRK, Hollyweird, home of high taxes etc.. Los Angeles..

The temps look fairly mild..

Muggy Summers?

Gun rust problems?
So far this season there have been a grand total of two days that I would personally consider humid. I lived 45 miles SE of here for nine years, and I'd say that maybe 14-21 days out of the summer were too humid for my tastes. So far, NH is beating MA.
My opinion is based on having lived in Maine, and driven through NH a few times. I now live in in east Texas, which is a high heat, medium humidity area.

I think humidity is only important on the days of the year that are warm enough to be uncomfortable. And the number of those days is in the single digits in NH annually, IMHO.

NH is cold though. I think if you are considering moving there from Taiwan you much better had consider if you can take -10 degree winter nights than hot/humid summer days.
Stand is correct

winter is long and cold up here, and that will be more of a challenge to you than summer humidity.

OTOH, you'll be more free, and more safe. Oh, and you can bring your guns.
The times I've been up there it wasn't noticeably more humid or less humid than here in Pennsylvania, but I'd say it most likely is more humid than LA. I don't think you'll have to do anything differently, as there really isn't much you can do when you are outside.
Your finally moving back to the US! Good for you. You should look at the midwest. MN isn't too bad, and WI is nice as well.
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