Ninja Glock

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At 41 seconds into this video, I was going to come back and lock the thread. 2 and half minutes in I was laughing harder than I care to admit.
That was hilarious:D Very well done. I wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face.
The ninja ammo linked to the video was amusing too. How they make the videos without giggling is beyond me. I'm famous for ruining a prank by my lack of poker face.
My secretary wondered what was wrong with me when I lost it during the part about the scope letting you see "from 7 miles":D
"We've improved the scope which allows you to both see into the future and into the past".

Totally awesome!
That is so factually incorrect it's not even funny. That was a dust devil, a typhoon is the pacific version of a hurricane.

I lied, it was hilarious.
Jorg- Thank you for not locking this. That was fantastic. The typhoon creating laser, and the scope that sees into the future and past are just priceless!!!!!!
"Or you can attach it to an arrow. In case you want to shoot it over to another ninja, maybe in another building... Or a tree."
Very informative. I'm putting together my Ninja Glock, today!
Oh that "typhoon" was SO funny...lucky for them that happened while they were filming!
"So we are going to shoot some...both wooden, ice, meat, atomic, tungsten and titanium bullets...Along with the solid plastic ones and show they all cycle flawlessy through this thousand round clip."

:eek: :D

Here is his Ninja AK47 with the Ninja Glock...

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