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if so then you are reffering to a symbol that prior to 1933 stood for good luck, prosperity etc.
It still is a powerful and much used symbol in much of the world
I had many Hindu customers that painted it on their doorways as late as 5 years ago.
It is a very prevalent symbol on grave stones in Vietnam and I saw a lot of people wearing it around their necks
I was told that it symbolized peace and the passage of time
but the US was seen as an aggressor in the history books, not Germany as an aggressor towards everybody."
Well that would certainly explain why we were about the last country to join in the fray
But you should see what is taught in Vietnam about their American War the only similarities to what we are taught is that America was actually involved in it

I don't quite understand the Nazis-stika and the hammer and sickle in the same reference, they are diametrically oppose ideologies that hated each other
Well Ralph, is it just me or does it seem that all governments seek that goal?
After all, the question is beginning to become relevant lately, at least from my vantage point.
I don't quite understand the Nazis-stika and the hammer and sickle in the same reference, they are diametrically oppose ideologies that hated each other
I saw it as Nazism and Communism on a global scale were defeated by the wearer of the boot (the US Gov't), but that in the process some of it rubbed off...

Could be just me though. I'm not at my best today.
I don't quite understand the Nazis-stika and the hammer and sickle in the same reference, they are diametrically oppose ideologies that hated each other
Communism and Nazism are just about identical. Their hatred stemmed only from the battle between "crack the egg at the big end or the little end". They are identical Leftist ideologies: the State controls everything and everyone.
They are identical Leftist ideologies

Actually, Nazism (fascism) is a far right ideology, and Communism (socialism) is far left. According to the generally accepted political spectrum, anyway.
John Galt

John Gault lives downtown.

Who is John Galt?

And personally, I think Rand was a better writer than Orwell. But, both are good.

Now, if you have a firm grasp on your tinfoil hat, a good read is The Illuminatus Trilogy. More conspiracy theories than The Davinci code and a better Protagonist.

Also, my father has an ancient Navajo blanket that has Swaztikas all over it. Also have seen them on various pottery.
Actually, Nazism (fascism) is a far right ideology, and Communism (socialism) is far left. According to the generally accepted political spectrum, anyway.

Which tells you how useful the generally accepted political spectrum is. Both ideologies allow for total government control of your business and personal life. Both of them exterminated various ethnic groups. No discernible difference to those swallowed up by them.

Kind of like the Republican and Democratic parties. One is "left", one is "right", but they both support the exact same policies at the top.
V4Vendetta said: Who IS John Gault? Never heard of him.

Does no high school require its graduates to read anything by Ayn Rand anymore?

Atlas Shrugged. It is cited as second only to the Bible as a book people claimed significantly impact their life.
Nazism and Communism are both Socialism.

Nazis are national socialism, Communists are international socialism.

Socialism is an authoritarian system similar to Feudalism.

If you actually read 1984 there is an excellent essay on "Oligarchical Collectivism" buried in the narrative.

That, (Oligarchical Collectivism) is the basis for Socialism as originally envisioned by Ruskin, Rhodes et al. : the committee of "smart guys" would control all forms of human endeavor.

All forms of Socialism are essentially left wing as they involve revolution and a power grab - Socialism not being a normal state for humanity.

Right wing tends to be conservative, the antithesis of revolution and change.
Just because the Nazis were nationalist in nature does not make them right wing.

Those recommending both "1984" and "Brave New World" should read "We" by Eugene (Evgenii) Zamiatin. His book predates both Orwell's and Huxley's and the second two authors liberally borrowed from the Russian.

In my opinion Zamiatin is a better proponent of the idea that man is free, flawed, and that preservation of the former relies on the acceptance of the latter. He also doesn't fall into the trap of narrowness that both of the Brits do. Whereas Orwell writes about coercive totalitarianism and Huxley about the ultimate welfare state, Zamiatin makes it clear that a "successful" collectivist society would have to employ both punishment and reward. Additionally, he does an excellent job of dispelling the all too common belief that the desired product of leftism (a massive self-managing collective that no longer requires a government) is noble and that the only problem is how painful the process is. "We" demonstrates the horror that is the blandness and ignorance required of individuals living in Marx's final stage of history.

You can accuse me of being a pedant if you like, but if you're going to read "We" it's worth the extra effort to track down a used copy of Gregory Zilboorg's now out of print translation. New English versions might be slightly more readable, but none have the understanding of the work's underlying philosophy that the older does. For example, more recent translations refer to what passes for a leader in Zamiatin's dystopia as the "Great Benefactor." In the original he was the "Well-Doer." This odd title perfectly reflects the fact that the fictional society has moved past having a venerated great leader and that a decentralized model of oppression has evolved. Other linguistic quirks in the Zilboorg text help to illustrate Zamiatin's thinking and also to (almost prophetically) call into question the left's manipulation of language. To bring this back to Orwell, newer translations of "We" are like "1984" without Newspeak.
Fascism from whence Nazisism sprang was not only in direct confrontation with communism and Marxism it was developed as a reaction to communism and socialism.
Communism use class struggle as it's mantra while fascism emphasized race and weakness as it's hate fuel.

communism was about "To each according to his needs from each according to his ability
Fascism was a produce or die society

And those are just the basic differences
The basic similarities are the same similarities that all governments share which basically is just "we know what's best for you dammit now sit down and shut up and life will be good"
John Galt is the character in question in Rand's book, as well as a senior member of this board. Since Galt was taken, I chose the spelling Gault, as I knew all of you would get it anyway.

Coincidently, I also majored in Physics and Philosophy as an undergrad.
BullfrogKen said:
Does no high school require its graduates to read anything by Ayn Rand anymore?

It's sad that yesterday's hippies are today's teachers and professors.

In many locales, Ayn Rand would be considered the matriarch of oppressive capitalists whose essence is diametrically opposed to what many in the socialist-leaning loony left stand for.

To her core, Ayn Rand exhorts "pro sibi."

In contrast, the mantra of too many so-called institutions of learning (higher and otherwise) is "non sibi." The culture of looters. ;)
All of these were required reading when I was in High school in Pseudo-Socialist Canada....


Originally was to be titled 1948... Nineteen-Eighty-Four - George Orwell (1948)

Animal Farm - George Orwell (1946)

Brave New World - Aldous Huxley (1932)
ANother Book

While people are recommending books to read on philosophy etc. I was gravely disappointed to see that Common Sense by Paine was no longer required reading at the HS level.

While the libertarians, cons/repubs/ etc. have slept the left has taken control of the most vital battlefields. Those which control the minds of the next generation. Everyone on this board and boards like it everywhere should read these books.

And then share them with their friends.
can some one find & post the v over w video on the autos hubcap which at a certain speed becomes the ^%$# sign in static motion. thank you.
HS in my area are 'encouraged' to , a-hemm- think, history & facts should in no way impair their opinions.
The Nazis adopted the swastika not because it was a Native or Asian symbol, but because of its use in Norse mythology.

Interestingly enough, Asatru - the modern reconstructionists of the old Norse folk ways, are trying to reclaim the symbol for their own use. And, ironically, their ranks are being poisoned by Neo-Nazis who are attracted to Asatru because of the Swastika.

V4Vendetta, if you think that graphic novel influenced you, then read the books these posters are suggesting. 1984, Atlas Shrugged, Common Sense, etc.
There is theory too that the swastika of ancient time came from a comet that came near the earth and appeared to have tails coming off it like the arms of the swastika and that different cultures may have come up with this symbol because of the comet.
John Galt is the character in question in Rand's book, as well as a senior member of this board. Since Galt was taken, I chose the spelling Gault, as I knew all of you would get it anyway.

What I really want to know is:

1. Why did you drag out this post?
2. What were you doing that lead you to this post?
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