NJ....how stupid can it get?!?!?

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Nope, no one to blame but yourself. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it except move. I tried at a personal expense of almost $80,000 and finally realized that I was that stranded Japanese soldier who didn't know the war was over. It's over and lost in New Jersey. Fork in it. Finished. The blissninnie state of people who wish to be nannied. Nothing's gonna change that. Obviously, your attraction to NJ is greater than your desire to live as an American which is fine. Not a criticism (especially if it's family); just a reality.
As important as firearms are to me, it will not be the main reason why I leave NJ. The taxes will be. It is true that I will most likely earn less than I do in NJ regardless of where I move to, but the savings in taxes and insurance will even it out. I need to stay a few more years for pension reasons but I am already laying the groundwork to leave. I just do not see the point in living in a state where it cost almost a thousand dollars a month to live on a postage size piece of property, have zero rights as gun owner and a quality of life that is rapidly decreasing. I have a sister in-law who said she would never leave NJ, it is the best place to live, blah, blah. She moved to PA a few months because of her fiance's job. Both were lifetime NJ residents and all their friends and family are here. They are never coming back. I wish I had something positive to say about living here, but I am at a loss for words. As for the new law. Just another law to make the sheeple feel safe and put another nail in our freedom's coffin.

I have a friend who is gunny just like us he lives in a shore community he has a FFL I bought all my guns from him before I left, Till this day he thinks Lausenburg, Klinton, Florio are still the gretest thing ever to walk. I talked to him before last years election and he thinks Polosi is great that she will wake up the rest of the country, Most are brain washed. And he is X-military a DAV from Vietnam. Most of my family who still live there are all Deomrats I have a cousin who swears she would sleep with a Klinton then complains her taxes are $8,000.00 and not a big home.
I'll bet every New Jersian can name atleast two people who will vote for every Demorat that runs then complain, I tried for years to convert people it can't be done. Don't you see the Irony of voting for a Governor who was paying $180,000.00 per year for a ho and you the tax payers flipped the bill then vote in the Demorat that comes along. :cuss: :banghead:

JUST A Dude with a gun

You for $700,000.00 could by a 5,000 square foot log home on ten acres and have taxes less then 1500 here in the blue ridge mountains of the Caroulina's. Car ins 600.00 per year compared to 2500.00 when left 4 years ago.
To all who suggested we move...we had a real estate agent here yesterday to get the ball rolling. While our grandkids are little we don't want to go too far, so we are looking into places in PA. We will definitely be leaving NJ as soon as we can get everything in place.
i just woke up at sunny south florida, where i moved to a while ago... from NYC. i lived in NJ as well...

for all of you thinking it's sooo hard to move etc... took me 6 weeks :D

well, land ain't cheap down here, but... i make more money than i did working as software developper in Manhattan!!! I actually took 5K cut, but subtract state and city taxes, ADD getting married last month... hihihihihihi i make more money i ever did, and i live in a gun loving free state!

"Obviously, your attraction to NJ is greater than your desire to live as an American which is fine. Not a criticism (especially if it's family); just a reality."

AL&S, you did read what I wrote, right? So, what attraction? I like the shore, but there is a lot of shore in this country. I guess I'm a Japanese soldier, too, for the moment. Do you still live here?

Frank, I think the only person I know who voted for McGreedy, was my idiot brother in law. I can't figure out why that little creep isn't in jail, let alone appearing on Oprah. Where, at the shore, does your friend have his house? If he has a FFL, I guess he's not too worried about the gun issue.

Family isn't really a concern. Pennsylvania is 20 minutes away. That's still America, for now anyway. If they want to keep it that way, they will have to, well, see my signature. :D
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When I lived in NJ (Grew up in Trenton area suburbs) the length of time it took for a pistol permit varied with the speed of the Police dept.

Ewing Twp took around 30/45 days... My friend that lived in Flemington could get one in 3 days no trouble, It all depended on the chief or Police Nazis there to process it.. they could take up to 90 days by law(iirc). At that time I think you could get 3 at a time(1990).

the big problem with folks moving out of there and to our free America is, they still continue to vote for morons and want to mess up our nice state with the crap they did up there...the area will get more and more liberal with every person that moves down here...
He lives in Ocean County, retired/disabled military he works out of his Garage. Like I said he spends 1/2 his time in Pa. No, beleive it or not he complains about the forms a regs all the time. Sort of like your brother-in-law there's just so many like that in NJ.
It took me about 5 months to pack up and leave the state. With the price of real estate in NJ compared to the rest of the country you could move to about 70% of the country and live better. I could never live this good in Nj as to where I'm at now and I had my own business for 10 plus years working 12-16 hour days 6 days per week. Just what you save on taxes and Auto Ins. is considerable.
GoodDay to all.:)
Response to post #31 - I left 2 1/2 years ago and it honestly took about a year (or longer) to get over it. Probably closer to 2 years, really. But I found it absolutely unlivable and those here who know know that I really, really tried for real. The obnoxiously pompous behavior made me realize that I'd be unable to raise my family in this environment.
My rabbi killed his wife and his replacement organized transportation to a pro-abortion rally. My wife successfully intervened (she's a nurse) at pre-school with a child who was having a seizure and neither parent thanked her. There's a serious deer overpopulation issue that's destroying the last remaining farm (in my old town) so they built a multi-million dollar fence around the farm at taxpayer expense that'll drive the deer into traffic (rather than have a simple hunt from time to time). A friend's life was threatened because he resisted using union labor for an apartment redevelopment. It got to the point where I literally couldn't take it anymore. One of the happiest moments of my life was renting the moving truck. Bittersweet, too, because we have a lot of memories and milestones and left many friends behind enemy lines, but such is life. New Jersey is truly a horrible place mostly because of horrible people. I'm sorry to the handful of good people still left. Turn the lights out on the way out. This state has no business being in America.

"This state has no business being in America."

I agree. Now I remember. The Bagel Shop on King's Hwy. You lived in Cherry Hill. Is this farm on Springdale Rd., by any chance?

It's hard to believe those parents didn't thank your wife for saving their kid, even in Cherry Hill. The rudeness factor is off the charts here, true enough.

Well, I intend to get out as soon as I can swing it, which hopefully won't be too much longer. I'll most likely be joining you, accross the river. I gave up on the idea of things getting better in NJ a long time ago. It's almost not worth voting in local or state elections anymore.

BTW, your former mayor, Big Suzie, is now working for Corzine, which speaks volumes.
as a kid visiting NJ was great

boardwalks and amusement parks were great, they had those .22 rifle ranges.
Used to walk down the street with a shotgun...but the 60's are over!

The criminals on the subways and Path trains really do carry guns they will kill you for your shoes.

700k will go along way in many economically viable markets in free America.

move, to Reno you can get a nice house with 200,000 and there is a lot of work here.
"move, to Reno you can get a nice house with 200,000 and there is a lot of work here."

Ah, yes, but can you get a cheese steak? ;)
Yes, it was Cherry Hill and the bagel shop incident was my introduction (where a woman yelled at me for helping a deaf guy place his order because she thought I was butting in front of her in line). Her image still creeps me out.
The "great" part is that I could FINALLY own guns again, and that the $300k condo I bought is now worth $700k. I live in the cheapest possible metro-NYC area with the most reasonable commute to work.
You can buy a NICE house in eastern/central NC for 200K-300K, invest the rest after capital gains taxes, and the job market is pretty good here. We also have lots of shore...

Our 1300 sq ft 3 BR/1.5 bath brick house with garage on 0.35 acre fenced lot cost $89K two years ago, value is probably up to $120K now. You can get a huge house on a snooty golf course, or waterfront with a pier, for $300K-$400K...
Sorry to hear, I feel for you. Obviously somebody likes all that crappy gun law stuff there. I vote every year here in CA and not much changes (for the better). :( Good luck.

Wasn't it NJ that passed the smart gun bill a few years ago?
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LMAO iam 16 and i cant stand N.J. already, the gun laws are stupid as hell, by the time i get my FFL ill be lucky to be able to buy a shotgun

As for the handgun bill lol the Anti-gun nuts first tried to get the mayors up north to pass it through the supreme court didnt they? man they never give up now do they

lol i have to stay in this state for 3 or 4 more years, then i just need to figure out a state with a good medical college/ great gun laws (or absence there of) and i'll be set
"Wasn't it NJ that passed the smart gun bill a few years ago?"

It sure was. As soon as the 1st Smart Gun hits the market, all other types of handgun will be illegal for sale in the Peoples' Republik. They're after the gun shops that haven't gone under yet.

Most of the gun shops I used to go to are long gone, as are both of the shooting ranges that were close by.

Some of the bills that haven't passed yet are even scarier. There is an idiot assembyman from Newark (I can't remember his name) who is pushing a bill that would allow the state to steal your house (whether it belongs to you or not) if you are caught with a gun, and are not in compliance with state gun laws. If you are caught with an air gun, and you don't have a permit, you're out on the street. Same for muzzleloaders. Unbelievable.
About all you can do is to move to a somewhat rational place and make out as best you can for as long as you can. You just hope it lasts at least through your lifetime.

True. Sad but true.

A couple of points I would like to add regarding becoming a transplant....

1. Leave behind a willingness to pay higher taxes in the first place.
2. Leave behind a willingness to tolerate being treated like sheep when you vote but vote by all means. Learn who is running locally and what they are all about.
3. Even if you don’t have kids in school, get involved. The school system and teachers have a tremendous influence locally.
4. If you decide to go “rural” you need to be aware that the southeastern US is growing if you are looking to move there. Learn who is running for county office. Not all development is good and the wheels start turning at the county level. Find out what the local laws are regarding annexation if you plan to set up housekeeping near the city limits.
5. Above all remember, if you moved to a place, you must have seen some redeeming value in the culture and customs…don’t turn it into the place you just left....become one of the natives, assimilate.
6. Speaking as a native >>but not trying to be confrontational << it’s true, we don’t care how you did things where you used to live. You wouldn’t be here if that system worked.
7. Welcome.

"We have a Philly Cheese Steak place that is very popular, it is right next to the popular new york style pizza place."

I always wanted to check out Lake Tahoe and Reno. It's nice to know I won't starve. I'd like fried onions on mine, please. Thanks! :D
I live in MD and 18 of 23 counties are very reasonable, but Balt and a couple of counties make it a Democrapic fiefdom.

I was born in Westfield, NJ, left in 1961 and never looked back.

MD is a 1 gun a month state. Keeping up with that is putting a strain on my finances.
Its all relative

I am a N.J. run away to Tennessee and now that I am here, I have complaints about Tennessee's gun laws ( no carry in restaurants that serve and ability of any business to simply post a sign and get you a misdemeanor if you are found carrying). This is nothing compared to the no brain laws in N.J. but again, it is just a relative thing. Now that I have freedom I simply want more, nothing wrong with that.

N.J. provided me a good living and I had a great pistol range to shoot at anytime I wanted. I just had to put up with some wacky laws in transportation and use of the firearms. They were bad, real bad.

Many of those I know have family there and that is their hook that keeps them locked in. I still do but I was able to spit the hook out and swim away. Selfishness has its advantages:)
Company being bought out and losing my job after 18 years gave me my reason (and chance) to finally leave.

A big paycheck is a seductive thing - and make no mistake, the cost of living in NJ is high, but then so is the average income. Higher than most of the U.S. for the same job. But that's selling your soul for a few pieces of silver. Most people born and bred in Jersey can't imagine that there is another way to live - heck, most of 'em wouldn't know how to make a left turn withhout a jughandle.
I think it is like the adrenalin junkie, or the dice gambler; you may hate it, but there is something addictive about the constant rush, upheavals, and cross and double-cross of living there.

A while ago, there was a contest to change the state slogan. Of all the entries I heard, the one that I thought fit best was: "New Jersey - Small State, Big Attitude".
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