No outdoor shooting this weekend

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This storm is the only one I can remember with such high winds. Up to 60 mph gust at -6 degrees or lower. So, yeah, I can see why people had frozen pipes, if they were on the west side of the house.
Friday morning driving to work, I came across several places that had whiteouts. Had to look out the drivers window to be sure I was in my lane.
Yep was too cold to enjoy shooting here too. No frozen pipes but I had put several sodas in a cooler on my porch to protect them from freezing. But they all froze anyway, one exploded and made a heck of a mess inside the cooler.
We traditionally shoot outdoors on Christmas weekend. Unfortunately the high yesterday was -4 and the high today +12 with wind chills -35 /-25 degrees.

Hey, if the Browns can play outdoors in this weather there's no excuse for being a cupcake with a gun at the range. Of course, they get paid-a lot-for flirting with frostbite and hypothermia. ;)

Merry Christmas everyone!
We have frost free hydrants in our barn and frost free spigots on the outside on our house. We also have Nelson horse waterer that is heated.

We did live in an old farm house for a few years with non insulated slat and plaster walls. We would have to take the canned goods out of the cupboards to keep them from freezing.
In upstate NY right now, it's probably not much colder than what soldiers experienced day after day, squatting in fox holes around Bastogne Belgium,
during Christmas of 1944.

Millions of Ukrainians have no heat, water or light (or a microwave for icy pizza). I don't want to forget them either.
I would like to also wish them a "Merry Christmas".
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But you can shoot much longer since the barrels won't warm up lol, it was -9 here last nice with 20-25 mph winds. Pipes are still frozen.
It was the same here. Plumbing is all in the basement. So it doesn't freeze. A lot of friends lost their water.
I didn't shoot either. I haven't even made it out for muzzleloader season because the weather has been killing my bullet wound. It's been all I can do to keep wood split for the furnace and keep up with the kids.
Outdoor shooting? This is first day we get even get out of the houses easily.
We passed on our usual shooting last week too, spent the time reloading instead of unloading. We'll try to do this weekend if possible & probably be shooting revolvers & 22's as there will most likely be snow on the ground & I'm a brass hound.
My pipes are not impacted by the cold so much as long as the heat is on. I didn't shoot on the 25th, unlike last year because we had more family this year. I did get a Red Squirrel with the pellet gun on the 24th. He thought he could eat at the squirrel (bird) feeder with the Grays. NOT. Does that count as shooting? I did shoot the .357 last week when it was about 9 above. Wore gloves.

Wire asked me yesterday to find her an indoor place to shoot. Yes ma'am was my response.
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