No surprises.

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Apr 11, 2006
Went to a local show today. It was very busy and local news cameras were out. As I left near 2pm there was still a line of folks waiting to get in.

There were ARs for sale from $1,200 - $2,000 and I don't know what the prices were a month ago. The magazines seemed high at $35-$40 for MilSurp AR mags. Ammo was more scarce than usual and prices were high. Saw some 223 on several tables and mostly it was about a buck a round. Shudder. Seemed like it was mostly sitting on the tables at that price.

I bagged some 380 ammo. Got 7 boxes (50) with 3 being PPU HPs, and 2 Federal, 1 Winchester and I PPU FMJs. All together averaged $20 a box and that was not outrageous.

I have a real sinking feeling at what's coming in the near future. I think Feinstein, Schumer et al are going to finally get most if not all that they have been longing for. I believe an AWB is coming that will be far worse than the 1994 ban, magazine limits are coming, an end to private transfers and maybe an end to mail order ammo sales.

But not everyone agrees. On shopper I spoke with was absolutely convinced there will be a magazine limit and that's all. I don't know what makes him so optimistic. The rabid anti-2A people will not settle for that.

There are dark days ahead for gun owners.
You should review Winston Churchill’s speech, “We shall fight on the beaches”. Hopefully, it will provide some inspiration to the pending gloom you feel.

I am not an eternal optimist but a man who values the power of a positive mind. When given a cause and boosted by drive and perseverance, there is little that one cannot achieve.

I would suggest that you channel your energy into those efforts that will mitigate the chances of new legislation vis-à-vis your frowning their acceptance. Follow the process, learn from your mistakes, and hone your skills. Enter every battle with the mindset that you will win.
I too am worried. I donated to NRA-ILA, wrote several letters, probably write more before I'm done. Fight the good fight!
Just got back from a show. There was 10x as many women there as usual which was good to see. A lot of them you could tell were making there first purchases. I heard a lot of "well how does this one feel" or "what were you looking for in a handgun" type conversations. I caught a lot of side conversations as I was walking around and people were pretty scared about coming legislation. .223 was going for over $1 a round, AR's were going for 2000+ for rock river and Colts, lower end ones were going for 1100. The ONLY AR mags I found were going for $32 and were super beat up GI ones.
If the dark days come I hope the country falls apart. Sorry. I'm young, bored, hamster of labor killing myself working sixty-eighty hours a week. The nation is nearing collapse but I don't think I'll get lucky enough for it to go under. If the AWB goes through, I'm praying the country falls apart. Then it'll be time to rebuild it right after nature takes it course. And humanity is the most dangerous part of nature.
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