Nother day on the mountain.....

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Jul 3, 2010
Went out to do some shooting/hunting today with my kids and dad. Turned out to be a drive around and sight see day since my dads never been up on this part of Maunakea before.
We did get his new 6.5 Ruger Pred sighted before going cruising, but those were the only shots fired.

The weather wasnt really conducive to actually hunting, but we did still see a bunch of birds (season starts next month, and this is the first year in a while im actually looking forward to it) and one decent piggy. Neither my dad or I really wanted to deal of with a piggy today so it got a pass.

Its always a pleasure to be up there above the clouds, and today was no different. The silver swords and these bright red things were blooming too which was cool.....





Not 10mins later


Am i a bad person for laughing at my kids.....

Next time well be more serious about killing, REALLY.......


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Beautiful pictures, it's nice your kids like it up there, they will have nice memorys years later. It's nice you can drive up there, thats the only way I would be able to hunt there lol.
Beautiful pictures, it's nice your kids like it up there, they will have nice memorys years later. It's nice you can drive up there, thats the only way I would be able to hunt there lol.
I found myself rather jealous of their ability to run around like pin balls at 10k......
Honestly im in too poor a shape to really hunt that high now. I walked about a mile up the hill last time i was out by myself and had to stop and catch my breath every couple minutes. It sucked to realize that I was almost 100 pounds lighter, and significantly fitter when i hunted up there every weekend....not all that long ago.

So should you re introduce the feral Dogs or hunt more sheep ?
Some genius decided to "save" a pile of feral cats, and dumped them at the state park some 10 years ago....we have absolutely NOT been shooting then ever since.....
Actually theres a live trap set up next to that big bush in a couple pictures that is ment for them, rats, and mongoose. I quite honestly didnt notice it till my daughter started poking at it lol.

They have been doing eradication of the sheep for close to 10 years now, the herds are much smaller, but still around.
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