Now, how do we react to this?

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Dec 25, 2002
Poulsbo, Wa
American Protester Killed in Gaza

RAFAH, Gaza (CNN) -- An Israeli bulldozer Sunday killed an American woman protesting the destruction of Palestinian houses in the Gaza city of Rafah on the border with Egypt, Palestinian security sources and witnesses said.

The woman, identified as Rachel Corrie, 23, of Olympia, Washington, was taken to a hospital, where she died of her injuries.

She had been part of the International Solidarity Movement, a group protesting Israeli actions in the occupied territories and recently appeared in a televised mock trial in which President Bush was accused of war crimes for his support of Israel's actions in Gaza.

"This is a very regrettable incident," an Israeli military source said. "This is a group of protesters who are acting very irresponsibly.

"They are putting everyone in danger, the Palestinians, themselves, our forces, by intentionally placing themselves in a combat zone. We are checking the details of the incident and believe it to be a very regrettable incident."

A member of the group, who described herself only as Alice from London, England, said she and Corrie were seated in front of houses belonging to their friends as the bulldozers approached.

Alice said they had been seated for three hours and the driver of the bulldozer must have seen them before driving over Rachel.

She emerged from underneath the bulldozer saying, "'My back is broken, my back is broken,'" Alice told CNN.

The arrival of ambulances was delayed because drivers were afraid to approach the Israeli forces, Alice said.

Tom Dale said he was about 10 yards from Corrie when the incident occurred. Dale said Corrie, clearly visible in an orange jacket, placed herself between the bulldozer and houses targeted by the Israelis.

As the bulldozer lifted a pile of earth, it moved forward and captured Corrie under its blade, Dale said.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this. I am Jewish, and beyond, believe in the Maxim, Might Makes I have no problem with the continued growth of Isreal in the disputed areas.

But, I live in Washington, so I am going to have to here about this girl for weeks, I'm sure.

If it really happened like this, and the bull-dozer made a bee-line for the protesters, than I feel someone made a poor choice. But, I can't see the Isrealis taking a chance on angering the US by running over one of our folks.

Truthfully, while I feel bad for her parents and family, it underscores what can happen when we go sticking our nose where it doesn't belong! Like the kid that got caned once upon a serves to remind people that our way of doing things isn't quite so bad is, it?

In an effort to keep this gun related, How's about them there Desert Eagles?
Any idiot who would stand in front of a moving bull dozer
deserves the Darwin Award.

So.. she was protecting the houses of islamic militants and their right to bomb civilians.

Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes it eats you.
Seems to me these two points of view are mutually exclusive:

1.) "I'm protesting murderers and killers."


2.) "I'm gonna sit down in front of these buldozers to keep 'em from moving."

If I truly believe I'm facing down a murderer, I'm not gonna sit down if front of his bulldozer.
She got in the way of a freakin' bulldozer. Can you say Darwin?
No kidding.... sheesh.

Exactly why should we react at all? She's old enough to be responsible for her actions. She was probably some little silver spoon brat that daddy always bailed out of messes. :rolleyes: If she knew that she would be run over, I'm sure she wouldn't be there. It ain't the US of A over there. Free speech is not guaranteed.
Ain't it lovely what happens when idiot protesters come up against brute force. Bet none of the others in her little group tries the same stunt.
Remember The USS Liberty!

Hello, it's strange that so many Americans were outraged when the Chinese ran over protester with tanks.
I say nuke the whole frigging middle east including the israelis, after all israel has broken far more UN sanctions than Iraq & Iran combined and actually does have WMDs. A religous fanatic is a religous fanatic whether he wears a funny cap or a rag for a hat.
Airwolf, you took the words right out of my mouth! NICE!


"She emerged from underneath the bulldozer saying, "'My back is broken, my back is broken,'" Alice told CNN. "


-One might say- the bulldozer driver wasn't full of any bull when he said "MOVE"
well the Christian part of me is sad because anyone that messed up obviously wasn't born again. On the other hand, sitting in front of a bulldozer has got to indicate brain damage of some sort, no?
I feel bad that someone was killed so senselessly. I also understand that she went there as an adult of her own free will ad put herself in that position...:rolleyes: It's just all senseless.
Adult decisions have adult consequences. She chose to place herself in harm's way, and she paid the ultimate cost for it.

Sad, on a number of levels.
Maybe someone should have told her that if the dozer don't swerve then GET OUT OF IT'S WAY:what:
and the Desert Eagle is still shooting good!!
This is a very regrettable incident that I am sure Israel is going to pay for in public opinion.
Every construction worker knows to stay clear of heavy equipment because the operator can't always see you. If the operator did it deliberatlely he is a murderer.
I dont know what happened but I am sad for this young girl.
I salute a brave young woman who died like a warrior, fighting for justice as she saw it.
Standing in front of a slow-moving piece of earth moving equipment isn't fighting. Getting run over by a bulldozer isn't dying like a warrior, it's just plain stupid. And you don't get justice by interjecting yourself into someone else's war. At best you get publicity, at worst you get dead.
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