NRA dues increase ?

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Jun 23, 2011
So last week I get a mailing stating Jan 1 2016 dues are going up. OK. Then I looked at the list 5 years go from $100 to $140, 40% increase. Life go from $500 to $1500 a 300% increase ... really ?
So last week I get a mailing stating Jan 1 2016 dues are going up. OK. Then I looked at the list 5 years go from $100 to $140, 40% increase. Life go from $500 to $1500 a 300% increase ... really ?

5 years ago that $500 for a Life Membership had to be a discounted rate. Back in 2008 or 2009 I went with a pay as you go Life Membership that was $1000, but was discounted to $600.
A year or two ago, a life membership could be had for $300 which is the same as I got my life membership for back around 1983.

I'd say wait awhile, they'll probably be on sale again.
Michael Rubens Bloomberg KBE (born February 14, 1942) is an American business magnate, politician, and philanthropist. He served as the 108th Mayor of New York City, holding office for three consecutive terms beginning with his first election in 2001. With a net worth of $40.8 billion, he is the 10th richest person in the United States and the 13th wealthiest in the world.

George Soros, Hungarian: Soros György; Hungarian: [ˈʃoroʃ]; born August 12, 1930, as Schwartz György) is a Hungarian-born American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author. He is chairman of Soros Fund Management. He is known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of pounds, making him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis. Soros is one of the 30 richest people in the world.

^ Read 'em and weep, because both these people are well-known as substantial contributors to anti-gun organizations.

Open your wallets and quit bellyaching, folks.


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Playing politics with the antis is expensive. You have the opportunity to get the life for the old price through the end of the year.

That should have NOTHING to do with it. The ILA and PVF are the two activist / lobbyist arms of the NRA. Membership dues should ONLY guns their promotion of training and competition...and salaries.
The NRA offers specials quite often. If I remember right I got my Benefactor membership for 350.00. I forget what we paid for the wife's life membership but it was one of those NRA special offers.

Through the years my NRA level upgrades I don't think I ever paid the full membership level prices. I went for the Life membership back in 1977 and that has saved me allot of money over the last 38 years. I really believe if it wasn't for the NRA and the other pro gun organizations we would have already lost our guns.
Do what you can to support the NRA. There is big money working against us and it takes money to fend the antis off. I recently upgraded to Patron for $300 and it makes me proud to have done so. When Clinton says she is fighting the NRA, she is fighting me.
That's why I do 1 year memberships. Each year I go to a gun show and renew. $25 and you get an admission ticket ($8 value) and a hat and magazine for the year. I figure that puts the actual cost under $10/year with everything considered.
That's why I do 1 year memberships. Each year I go to a gun show and renew. $25 and you get an admission ticket ($8 value) and a hat and magazine for the year. I figure that puts the actual cost under $10/year with everything considered.
Sounds like a decent plan to me.

Assuming no changes for this discussion, even comparing it against the best recent price for a Lifetime membership ($300) your $17 annual payments won't equal $300 for over 17 years ... and you would have more cheap, offshore-mfr NRA ball caps than most folks would ever need.

If you treat them as "collectibles" maybe you can sell them on eBay in 2033. ;)
Well, it a choice anyway. We're members, but like other things, when the things an organization does move into what we feel is the ridiculous or unreasonable range, we opt out.

I think the NRA is getting desperate. Week before last, we got four calls (right during supper of course) begging for something. Three of the calls came on three consecutive nights.

The fourth call, I kindly explained to the gentlemen how this was not a good choice on their part and proceeded to explain that in detail. He hung up and the calls stopped. Right, wrong or indifferent I have no problem explaining to people how they're being obnoxious.
You can opt out of the calls and mailings. In fact, you can opt out of getting the magazine(s) and get a cheaper price on membership --this is useful for family memberships. No sense getting two copies of the same magazine in your mail slot each month.

Hey. Listen up. For some reason some "gunnies" like to bash the NRA. Oh, "They use so many scare tactics," and "Hey. look at La Pierre's enormous salary," and "Hey, why don't they take on this dippy gun case or that watery possession case?" and the like.

I gots ya some news. They have a full time dedicated staff to analyze the best legal and Public Relations strategies to use for countering the well-funded attacks on our basic fundamental rights, and I ain't stupid enough to think "my" strategies or opinions are better than theirs.

And La Pierre's salary is not out of bounds for a volunteer non-profit organization of that size.

Then there's the "They compromise too much" nonsense.

Hey, I gots more news for ya. I'm about as "foursquare" and "absolutist" about the Second Amendment as anybody, but once again, I ain't stupid enough to think that my rigid, hardnosed, jaw-jutting opinion trumps their careful analyses of what's realistic in terms of firearms legislation.

Hey, OK, you don't like the NRA? Hey, OK, contribute or join any of the other also-effective gun rights organizations you choose.

So join one of those. Throw money at them, instead.

But quit knocking the NRA just because you're miffed and "heard about" something they did or didn't do that you disagree with.


They didn't get to be the proverbial 800 lb gorilla in Washington by being as stupid as me.

Terry, 230RN
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My life in the early '90s was $500, my wife's a few years later was $750. That's in 1990s dollars. It's still cheap.

That's why I do 1 year memberships. Each year I go to a gun show and renew. $25 and you get an admission ticket ($8 value) and a hat and magazine for the year. I figure that puts the actual cost under $10/year with everything considered.

Exactly what I do, except I sign my wife up too, and give the hats to the first kids I see or leave them at the booth and let them do with them as they see fit. I've got enough hats.

I'm probably at least four or five years to the good, but who cares?
The ILA and PVF are the two activist / lobbyist arms of the NRA. Membership dues should ONLY guns their promotion of training and competition...and salaries.

If you fail to create an environment where new shooters can learn to shoot safely and have fun, then RKBA is dead. Moreover, the new shooters have to grow at least as fast as the rest of the population just for our political power to stay where it is now (simplified version).

The U.S. is looking at substantial immigration and a lot of population growth in urban areas where hunting and firearms are not widely accepted. It also costs more money to build a range in an urban area (more expensive land, more noise abatement, more safety measures required) but ranges in urban and surburban areas are a key part of the future of RKBA.

The more money the NRA has, the better it is able to assist in creating those conditions. As it stands now, barely 5 million of an estimated 80 million gun owners are NRA members. And if each of THOSE 5 million gave $10 to NRA-ILA, it would be a banner year for NRA.

In the long run, new shooters are the core of our future RKBA - even more than ILA or PVF (whose main job is to either hold the line until those new shooters can be reached). NRA is the future. ILA and PVF are shorter term strategies. Both are important; but if the NRA doesn't recruit new shooters at a rate equal to or better than population growth (again simplified), then the ILA and PVF will eventually fail.
I like to sign up every year as well.

Then the NRA can claim "We have XXX,XXX number of NEW MEMBERS sign up just this year!"

Hey, OK, you don't like the NRA? Hey, OK, contribute or join any of the other also-effective gun rights organizations you choose.

Never said I didn't limit them. I'm a RSO and registered Instructor.
I got a Life membership for 300 and have taken the upgrade offer twice now, on the $25 a month plan. If they make a similar offer on the third level I'll do that too. I don't donate to many causes, so they get my money.
In the past three or so years, the NRA offered me significantly discounted Life membership and in just the past six months, substantially discounted Endowment and Patron upgrades. Needless to say I took advantage of them.

No grumblings here, but that's just me.
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