NRA list of anti-gun corporations and individuals

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Sunray said:
Mind you, with the recent mumblings from the NRA board member from Texas, it makes you wonder whose side their on too.
Doesn't make me wonder. The NRA is on the NRA's side, and that's that. If their interests happen to coincide with yours, great, but where their agenda departs from yours (or mine, or the consensus of this forum), the NRA is going to do what it's honchos think is best for them, not what's best for us or for the RKBA.

It has been noted before, but apparently needs to be repeated: If the RKBA were not in danger, the NRA would have fewer members and a lot less dollars to play with. Sadly, it's to their advantage to pick their battles in such a way as to ensure that even if they win the battles, the war won't end.
I wonder how many of these "personalities" would mind if their bodyguards were forced to get rid of their guns. They'd probably change their tune then.

I see that Ellen Degeneres is on it. She said on her talkshow that target-shooting is fun. I don't know what she did to get her name there, but i'd rather judge folks by their deeds and not because their name is on a list with no details. On the other hand, i don't know what Ben and Jerry's has done, but why give money to a possible anti when i can buy Umpqua? ...except i don't buy ice cream.
Of course, like almost ALL liberals, those actors on the list are hypocrits. Almost all of them has been in movies or TV and used guns to make a ton of money off of but is anti., Like CD stated. I feel they should boycott the movie and NOT work on it in protest, you would see their tune change immediately as they woudl have NO WORK as an actor who is anti gun and refuses to use one in a movie. They would all turn into a cool guy like Tom Sellick who does like and shoot guns.

The biggest hypocrit of all, no pun intended, is Rosie O Donnel. She has a Cali CCW (had to admit it on TV) and so do her heavily armed body gaurds.
I've been voting with my dollar since day one. Levis does not get my $$$, I buy Wrangler all the way, better jeans anyway. When I turn 55, and the AARP mails me a membership enrollment, they will get a photocopy of my middle finger in the mail. Furthermore, Starbucks will not get any of my $$$. Anyway, anyone who pays $5 for a cup of coffee, well, you know how I feel. Vote with your dollar. Next time you go to a movie theater and they have one of those anti gun signs (You know the type, revolver with a red line through it that says no weapons, kinda lke a no smoking sign), You know what I did, I went up to the manager and said. "I am going home to rent pay per view instead of going into your threater because you want to strip me of my right to carry ". They just look at you funny, its some pimple faced freak with an attitude. Vote with your dollar!
"By no means does Sprint's opposition to Proposition B equate to opposition to an individual's right to bear arms," does not pass the straight-face test.

I laughed at that line, too.:D Liked the "straight-face test" remark.

Doublethink is an integral concept in George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, and is the act of holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously, fervently believing both. (Wikipedia.)

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I thought it was odd that Sharon Stone thinks it is OK to show her mommy parts on the big screen, but it is un-safe for me to CCW.:rolleyes:
I find it shocking that people only believe Liberals are anti gun. Many of those companies on the list are run by well known Republicans, and so are some of the individuals. People have to realize that at least half the population of this country are anti gun. And conservatives can be just as anti gun as liberals. In addition the NRA list has been wrong before, so I would take it with a grain of salt.
Takes a little effort but not as much as living in a tent!

I realize that big corporations probably don't care, but I do, so for many years I have refused to buy anything made by Levi, I do not buy Gillette, nor Fords, nor do I buy Heinz products or Nike. I am not a big movie person but when I watch one it is free - on television.

On the other hand, I make a deliverate effort to buy from companies that support not just the 2nd Amendment but also freedom and American values. It may cost a little more but products like "W" ketchup actually taste better and I feel better using them.

I a business is posted as anti-gun I do not enter, do not buy their products and if I can find the ownership information, I write them a nice letter telling them why.

As I said, it may not mean a thing to them but I feel better for it.

Charlotte, NC
I do my own Due Diligence. Ever received a fake email from "eBay?" I appreciate the list, and will utilize some of the info, but I trust my gut. Now..more than any other time, IMO..the "wolf" comes in "sheep's" clothing and going on instinct has served me well.
I'll bet there are a whole bunch of people on that list, besides Rosie The Terrible, who have guns themselves, or armed security people. That is, those who don't live in some mansion in Beverly Hills, surrounded my a stone wall and a mote.:barf:
All very interesting...but how about a list of companies that support our 2A rights.
The problem with boycotting companies is that they are all held my some major conglomerate headquartered in France or somewhere. Goodyear tires? French owned. If you don't want to support the Heinz family, aka Mr. and Mrs. Flip-Flop Kerry, then don't even bother walking down the frozen foods section of your local store. Almost everyoneone of the them is a sub-company of the Heinz family fortune, all run up a ladder to a conglomerate in France. I will try to find this information again. Once you start trying to trace this out to figure out who/what/where to quit buying, you will end up with absolutely nothing. It's impossible these days without moving to a mountain top and growing/hunting your own food, but you still need to buy clothes .. have fun again.
Wow, apparently I'm not supposed to listen to anybody except the NRA. :barf:

...and they want me to change churches, yeah, that will happen.

I question anybody with a list of enemies that long.
For you Michiganders out there, there's a list of businesses in MI that have NO CARRY signs posted at the MCRGO (supposedly the largest state-based firearms organization in the country) web site.
All very interesting...but how about a list of companies that support our 2A rights.

Now this is a list I would like to see.

As for trusting the list... a lot of it is most likely comprised based upon donations to various causes. I was utterly sick back in college when I found out my fraternity's national headquarters gave 615,000 to Bill Clinton's run for election the first time. Ask how much I've donated to them now that I am an Alumni and rolling in the big bucks! (I wish!)

The list may not be perfect, but at least SOMEONE is trying. That's more than a lot can say.

-- John
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