NRA on Obama

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Dont be fooled, reenacting the assault weapons ban and a whole host of new absurd restrictions is never far from the top of the priority list for certain "segments" of our Government
Don't forget, we have a president, not a king. As powerful as BHO thinks he may be, he cannot issue royal decrees in the form of Executive Orders, and get away with it. We have a strong pro-gun presence in congress, and a citizenry that is pissed off enough as it is. I doubt that anything will pass in the House or Senate, in regards to a "Clinton 'assault' weapons ban: Part II". The important issue is that we remind our representatives in D.C. that we call the shots, and a gun ban or additional regulations are NOT what we want, nor should they be even considered; especially with REAL issues like unemployment and massive gaps in our border security.
from maas a few minutes ago

However, we’re now ominously told that a statement on “gun control” is forthcoming from POTUS:
I just got that in my email as I subscribe to his website upates. It's a lot to do with the 33 rounder & gunshow background checks. Here we go again, I hope he hears the country scream this time. The will never get this enforcement correct because no one is there to input the info from the medical or psyc's and make it available on line. I just had to switch primary care doctors because he stopped taking all insurance, including medicare, cash only because it was too much paperwork. He told me this on the phone, "I had to hire another girl". Well I told him I don't tell you when my expenses go up every month, why should I lay out money and wait to be reimburssed, thats your racket not mine. The system of checking medical records will not work if nobody inputs the info into the system. How many times do we need to call a doctor to get the results of a test, that they should have called and given us. Too many.
Remember to email or send letters to your senators and congressman. This is the first time I've ever done that. Being 22 I think I'm ahead of the curve on that one though.

Just make sure you have someone proof read it before you hit send. Grammatical errors tend to escape you when you're writing something you're passionate about.

I remember reading that there was going to be a closed door meeting on the NICS and mental health issues between certain politicians. Don't remember specifics or where I read it. That could be what the aide was referring to, but who knows.
Thanks, fellas. It helps to keep your head on straight when so many are losing theirs, but we must stay vigilant. We have elected representatives with pro-gun tendencies, so now now must utilize them. Tomcat and Carter know what's up. VOTE and COMMUNICATE frequently with your congresspeople. I spent the last year working in state politics, and I can tell you: a lot more gets to the top than you may imagine. When voters cry out, the politicians hear... they just don't always heed the call. It is our responsibility as citizens to ensure that they do.
Who made money when sellers last promoted scare tactics after the presidential election? Many scalpers did quite well.
In July '09, when the induced-panic had cooled off, a 'GB' auction seller in Keene, NH was feverishly:eek: trying to dump 50,000 rds. of Russian-made 7.62x39 ammo... all at once:). I counted that much, and it was claimed that he had 70,000 rds.

The astute gun owners realized in late '08 that the Democrats' "political capital"/strength needed to be spent on attempts to pass 'cap and trade' and the monstrous health care bill.
But the scalpers succeeded quite well in their pronouncements that "the sky is falling". The sheep hear it:eek: and run out in herds to buy an unwanted AR, which many later decide they need to sell, just to pay bills.

We don't need to be orbital mechanics (NASA) or propulsion specialists to have just an idea who will benefit the most from the next scare.
The problem for a while might be inflated (speculated) fuel prices due to instability near the Suez Canal, used by a huge number of ships.

Chopdoktor: Yes, and such secondary issues as gun control momentarily help people forget about the low business IQ of our White House economic advisors (other than leftist theory). The Administration's indifference to the unemployment levels (i.e. " is Bush's fault") needs to be forgotten, along with the need to reduce our business taxes etc, almost the highest in the world, except for in Japan.
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The Whitehouse likely has polling that says a large magazine ban would be popular with Democrats and independent voters. I think that's what the President will propose.

A lot of folks who voted for Republicans in 2010 will support it. If it passes that's good for President Obama's reelection campaign. If it fails amid "extremist" sounding rhetoric from TEA party types it might be even better for the President's reelection.

It's a win-win for him.
When Obama was a Chicago politician he was pretty much supported Chicago-style gun control in line with the Daley machine. The fact that he may have avoided the issue since reaching the White House does not mean he has changed or modified his position on supporting bans.
President Obama remains as anti-gun as he ever was. He hasn't pursued a gun control agenda thus far because, as he said a couple of years ago, "The political climate isn't right for it." I will refrain from saying anything derogatory about the principles of a man who is more concerned about the political climate than he is about his own beliefs.
This is not a gun control issue. This is not a 2nd Amendment issue. It's a symptom of a badly broken mental health care system in the US. I would like to hear Mr. Obama address that issue instead of using these tragedies to attempt to enact his own Unconstitutional agenda!
From the title "NRA on Obama" I was picturing millions all standing on him at once, made me smile...would make a nice cartoon.

I don't think he will go that route until his second term, shuld he get help us.
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