Very Scary

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Consider the source. EVERY election the NRA says the candidate is going to take your guns away. I fact every election the Democrat is always called "the most liberal" etc. Have you been getting the bogus emails on how Obama is 'this, that, and the other thing'? The far right wing has no shame in doing anything to win an election.
cornman, stuff the political shikkie.

I for one hope Heller gets his righetous work completed before any damage can be done so we don't have to worry about it.
Isn't it time gun owners claimed their share of bread and cheese as an oppressed minority; unable to freely practice our chosen lifestyle; ostracized and stigmatized by society; in other words VICTIMS?

Where do I sign up for the free money and special treatment accorded me by my victim status?

<Removing tongue from cheek and goes back to cleaning my XD>
The anti gun people are mostly socialist Democrats. Add in a little maxism and you have what Obama stands for. Should he be elected, the fight to save our guns is going to cost us alot of time and effort with no guraentee that we will be able to legaly keep them.

I take a lot of Wayne's Doom and Gloom writings with a grain or salt. Wayne is the consummate fundraiser. I don't doubt that he has our RKBA in mind, but fighting that fight costs lots of money and Wayne is the guy who raises a lot of it for the NRA. He does that by playing on and, um, 'enhancing', peoples' fears.
"He was consistently an F rating when he ran for [the U.S.] Senate and when he was in the state Senate," said Chris W. Cox, chief lobbyist for the National Rifle Association. "Basically, after all the talk recently about Obama and Hillary [Rodham Clinton], they do have one thing in common and that is the zeal with which they have supported the gun-control movement."

While in the state Senate, Mr. Obama voted against a bill that would have allowed self-defense to be used as a mitigating argument against charges of illegal firearms possession in cases where a person shot a home intruder using a banned handgun. Mr. Obama said it would effectively override the local government's authority -- particularly Chicago, portions of which he represented -- to limit guns in its jurisdiction.

Mr. Cox said Mr. Obama also will need to explain his opposition to the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which protected gun manufacturers and dealers from frivolous lawsuits, and his vote in support of a ban on certain types of deer-hunting ammunition.

Mr. Cox did soften his tone somewhat when asked to compare Mr. Obama to his chief rival, Mrs. Clinton, as well as other Democratic presidential candidates, noting his vote in favor of allowing retired police and military officers to carry concealed weapons.

"He did support the bill to stop the post-[Hurricane] Katrina gun-confiscation legislation, which passed 84-16, but Hillary Clinton voted against it as one of the 16," he said.

Still, not much of a gun rights person.
EVERY election the NRA says the candidate is going to take your guns away.

You mean like the time Bill Clinton and Janet Reno banned "assault weapons" after the election?

Oh, that could never happen.... come on...
You mean like the time Bill Clinton and Janet Reno banned "assault weapons" after the election?

The Clintons are more centrist with left leanings. Obama leans so far to the left it takes the whole Democrat party to prop him up. Make no doubt about it if Obama gets elected the fight is on just to own a gun.

Let's talk about the here and now. Obama does INDEED want to disarm America. Don't take NRA's word for it - examine his his voting record. What he says is meaningless. His voting record is a summary of his views, attitudes, and behavior. You cannot separate his record from his views.

He was determined to be the most liberal senator in the US Senate. That's the truth. That means he is more left than Bernie Sanders from Vermont. Isn't Bernie a declared socialist? Obama's rhetoric is socialism. His talk of economic justice is about higher taxes for people who work and higher benefits for people who don't.

How many socialist countries do you know of who are gun friendly?

So, there you have it: Obama would not be good for the country.

Does NRA take your money without your consent? Would Obama and a Democrat majority take your money without your consent?

THAT should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer...
Sorry, guys, it's political, and not totally about guns, but if 50% of what I hear about BO is true, he scares the pants offa me as President. We'd better be able to take control of Congress...
Sorry, guys, it's political, and not totally about guns,

I would argue that this isn't about politics, it's about who will take away our guns. This is totaly about guns and what looks political is the reasons our guns will be taken away.

It is still the high road to discuss the danger to our gun ownership and why we as Americans see the actions of our elected officials as against our rights.

Obama is no friend of gun owners. That is a fact and there is no going around it.

Thanks for the link. I appreciate it.
So, let's suppose that the worst thing happens. BHO is elected and he begins a campaign on disarming America.

Even if he finds someone to float a bill (political suicide for the pigeon), he has to get such a bill through both sides of The House.

He also has to stay elected to sign the bill into law. In other words, he either produces a quick, comprehensive plan during his first term, or gets voted out as a one term President.

And there's the reality of the situation. Any law of this kind goes through years and years of challenges in court--and none of them will be favorable.

In the meantime, BHO becomes the best gun salesman on record, surpassing Slick Willie in the volume of both numbers and revenue.

He can promise all he wishes. "If elected, I will pass legislation that funds research to grow wings on The Tourist so he may fly to the moon."

It doesn't mean it's going to happen. Relax.
How many socialist countries do you know of who are gun friendly?

Well, let's see, there's the United States, I guess. An enormous portion of the federal budget goes to Social Security and Medicare, for example.

I'm not sure I buy the assumption that redistribution of wealth via taxes and anti-gun sentiments go hand in hand. Fiscal policies don't have anything to do with guns.

That said, I sure can't vote for Mr. Obama, despite my occasional admiration of his eloquence. For a scholar of constitutional law, he has some odd opinions, in my view.
Even if he finds someone to float a bill (political suicide for the pigeon), he has to get such a bill through both sides of The House.

If you need a little history on how it works then read up on the Nazi Socialist Party when it took over Germany. Gun grabbing at it's best.

When BO gets elected he will have the full power of law behind him. Just as Hitler did, the laws came straight from the government and he had the courts behind him. Everything Hitler did was legal under German law.

If you think we can't lose our rights to gun ownership here then why did we have to have the Heller decision after decades of abuse by government?

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