NRA pivot

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Jul 31, 2009
When the NRA Supported Gun Control - TIME

"Not only did the NRA support gun control for much of the 20th century, its leadership in fact lobbied for and co-authored gun control legislation."

It occurred to me after reading this that perhaps we didn't face such moronic and overreaching anti-2A back in the day. But with what the antis are trying to do these days in terms of basic 2A rights, it makes sense.

I found the article skewed in the sense that it didn't mention the history of the gun control movement and how it's increasing attempts to disarm the world could be responsible for the polarization on both sides.

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Lib at work this week asked me why I wasn't willing to agree to any gun control measures. I laid out that the left has said time and time again, that they want ALL guns gone. Therefore, no negotiation possible.

When I was younger I agreed with some new gun laws. Not now since I know they will not stop till they are all gone.

I think the NRA likely feels the same way now.
I've belonged to the NRA for well over 50 years. i perused the Time article. In fact, the NRA did not get involved in Second Amendment rights until the early 1970s. In the run up to the GCA 1968 the NRA was conspicuous by its absence.

The CA legislature and governor Ronald Reagan had the support of the NRA on passage of the Mulford Act.

For those not familiar with the Mulford Act, that law forbids the open carry of loaded weapons in CA.
In the run up to the GCA 1968 the NRA was conspicuous by its absence.

Like the Great Society conspicuous only in its absence,* in 1968 the NRA as an educational association for gun owners did testify against Sen Joseph Tydings' (MD) national gun registration bill. The bill was defeated. (Historical aside: New Zealand 1983 and more recently Canada abandoned national long gun registries as wastes of resources, all cost, no benefit.)

Some anti-gun congress critter contacted the DoJ to investigate the NRA as an unregistered lobby to get its tax status as an educational association revoked (Sen Thomas Dodd (CT) and Sen Jacob Javitts (NY) swore they didn't do it). There is a file on the investigation at FBI archives.**

NRA met, decided they were going to be vilified as "the gun lobby" anyway, set up and registered a seperate formal lobbying arm, presented the FBI with their lobby registration papers, and mooted the investigation by Dec 1968. In 1970, the newly formed NRA lobbying branch successfully worked to defeat Sen Tydings' re-election campaign. After that Tydings played Gollum to NRA's Bilbo: 'Thief, thief, thief! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!' (When the anti-gunners hate on Wayne LaPierre, I say, hey, Dr. Frankenstein: you created him. Enjoy!)

The NRA has supported laws intended to keep guns from the hands of criminals, to punish or deter bad people over bad behavior with guns, and to support true gun safety: training for hunters, police and civilian marksmanship. The NRA is condemned by 2A absolutists for being willing to compromise on gun legislation. I am 68 years old, been aware of gun laws since childhood, and personally the gun laws of my state have become less onerous on the law-abiding (and more focussed on the criminal) and that is due to that dirty word compromise.

Federal gun law is another story. The Obama Administration supports gun laws citing statistics (60% dealer purchase, 40% private acquisition) from the National Survey on Private Ownership and use of Firearms (NSPOF), a 1994 survey of non-intitutionalized adults living in homes with phones. Pointedly, the administration has not used the Bureau of Justice Statistics Firearms Use by Offenders surveys (11% dealer purchase, 37% family or friends, 40% illegal sources), periodic surveys of prison inmates who used or carried guns in their last offense.

Federal gun law strategy (UBC especially) is aimed at legal guns and legal gun owners: it is not aimed at criminals. True believers in gun control do not cite Jefferson, Madison or Lincoln (government of the people, by the people, for the people, protected by volunteers from the people); they cite Hobbes and Webber (absolute state justified by a state monopoly on force, government of the people by and for the government, protected by ... Hessians? ... alien clones raised on an X-Files supersoldier farm?)

* Title of an album released after The Great Society band broke up.
** Rifle...ssociation (NRA) Part 1 of 3/at_download/file
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