NRA response to NOPD's illegal/unconstitutional anti-2A actions

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Just cut the "only if you guys would..." crap because you don't know what it is like here. We know what we need to do. We know what it is like to continuously vote and lose out. We don't need smug know it alls from other states to rub it in our faces. And just remember that if all the good gun owners leave, you can get used to having 2 anti senators and about 35-40 anti congresspersons continue to try and spread their idea of utopia to you free states. Hopefully you will continue to have a majority in Congress. If you lose it, guess who is going to bring these brilliant ideas up and who will help ram-rod them through? We need to work together no matter what state we live in and when you try to tell me what I need to do when you don't know the situation, it doesn't make me a happy camper and makes me care less about your state. We don't need that.


Now lets get back to the subject. Glad the NRA came out about the NO gun confiscation. Hope they sue the crap out of that stupid Mayor and Governor.

On a side note, anyone know if the NRA has a Legal dept with a large team of Attys on the payroll? If not, they should take some money from the "membership drive dept" (NRA junk mailing) and start a Legal dept. Then start sueing every dept/county/PD/mayor/santa claus for anything that seems anti-2nd. Imagine the money they would generate from victorious suits. No city would dare do an anti-proposal for fear of a pile of lawsuits from the NRA.

Sueing it the American way. And I think that is the only way we will be able to cripple all these tree hugging feel good anti-gun laws. Bury them under a truckload of litigation.
I have no complaint with the folks who join GOA instead of the NRA because they believe the GOA is better (that is, no complaint other than I think they’re wrong :) ).

My concern is my paranoia that some of the posters here may not be shooters at all; rather, they may be plants from DU or the like, attempting to reduce our effectiveness at the next election by reducing the number of NRA members.

I don’t automatically lump the non-NRAers into that category. I do want to call people’s attention to the possibility.

Condition Orange, folks. :scrutiny:
Excellent point, Silver Bullet, something that never really occurred to me. We do need to take any skepticism or criticism in context, and perhaps with a grain of salt. I would hope that enough folks around here know I am definitely a shooter, not some DU plant. We can agree to disagree on the GoA VS NRA thing and still be civil I would hope.
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