NRA vs. UN Gun debate on PPV ($9.95) Oct 12th

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Aug 19, 2003
Baton Rouge, LA
Can we get a wide sticky for this?

There will be a pay-per-view debate between the NRA and the UN on October 12th. It will cost $9.95 to watch and after the debate, you will be able to vote as to whether the US Senate should consider the UNs worldwide gun ban.

I am going to have people over for this and suggest others do the same. This is something every gun owner should see!

If we can sticky this here and the other major boards, we can make HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people aware of the debate and increase the response and awareness. I'm putting this up on Glocktalk,, The High Road, and - places I frequent. Please do the same at other places you go, just cut and paste - use this freely!

I can't sticky, but I can help with a bump.

I'd pay to see it, but refuse to support Hollywood so I don't have satellite/cable.
"Why is this on pay-per-view, instead of available to the public?"

Exactly. Why on Earth would anyone pay ten bucks to watch the NRA debate gun control with a bunch of gun-grabbers? If the money went to support the cause I could see it, but...

What I want to know is who is going to profit from this being PPV. If the cable cos get the money I don't have as much problem as if it goes to someone like HCI. If it gets split equally I wouldn't even like that.
How much do you want to bet the gun-controllers will be stacking the poll? I don't think they can give each viewer a separate password to vote using the PPV system. I can see that getting posted to guncontroller sites within seconds of it being put on the TV screen. Maybe we should watch their sites for it and do a little stacking of our own?
The money does not go to anyone other than PPV.

We have to PPV this b/c of the campaign finance laws. This can't be done within 60 days of an election.

I agree that we have to stack the polls. You KNOW the opposition will. Sad fact that internet polls like this mean nothing other than something to beat the uniformed over the head with. Hopefully we'll be able to beat them over the head instead of vice versa.

I can't see spending $10 to see a meaningless debate. If you have the $10. to spare, send it to the NRA.
Hate to bust your bubble...

BUT, I've recently returned from Australia.

Lovely country, it used to be a pretty free one too.

I studied law there, and was amazed at how many international treaties that Australia is subject to; and once a treaty is ratified, the gov't passes legislation to enforce the international law within the country. Wouldn't Schumer & Feinswine just love to trumpet, "But we signed a treaty, now we have to enforce it!"

That could happen here too, and this woman that Wayne will be debating was apparently one of the prime movers in getting Australia's foul antigun laws passed. A lot of Aussies are still reeling in disbelief, but it did happen.

I do plan to watch the show, and my understanding is that each PPV gets some sort of code, so that only one vote can be made by each household. So it probably won't be possible to zap the poll (not that I'd do such a thing, would I? Well, yes, if I thought I could get away with it!)

Anyway, I'll post here to let everybody know what went down, and I'll certainly let you know if there's any way to get some 'help' with the poll!


I'd love to digitize, etc, but unfortunately don't have the facilities to do so.

Over to ??? Who's got this capability?

The NRA Alert

NRA Alert

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CAL-ERT 10/7/04 -- NOON

This information is accurate at the time this CAL-ERT was written and originally distributed. The NRA Members' Councils of California will keep you informed if the situation changes.

NRA Alert: Watch the U.N. Gun Debate on Pay-Per-View!!!

A Special Message from NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre:
Tune in to iN DEMAND Pay-Per-View and Watch the U.N. Gun Debate!

Make plans now to watch iN DEMAND Pay-Per-View on October 12th for my 90-minute debate with international gun-ban ringleader Rebecca Peters. And after the debate, be sure to Vote on whether the U.S. Senate should approve the U.N.’s gun-ban treaty!

Rebecca Peters almost single-handedly brought gun confiscation to Australia and to England and is now the most feared gun-banner in the world. With more than 500 gun control organizations under her command worldwide, and with the unlimited financial backing of billionaire George Soros, she’s determined to make gun confiscation a reality here in the United States -- through a U.N.-backed treaty that would be binding on every American citizen.

You and every American gun owner need to watch this debate -- and see first-hand this enormous and very real threat to our Second Amendment rights.

Tune in on October 12th, and you’ll see how gun banners have taken over the U.N. -- and how they intend to infect America with their anti-gun poison. You’ll see for yourself how the biggest coalition oof gun-ban organizations ever assembled on earth is working with the U.N. and with U.S. politicians to take away your rights.

You’ll learn the truth about George Soros -- the foreign-born American financier who is spending his personal fortune to advance the global gun-ban movement as well as elect John Kerry to the White House on November 2nd. And you’ll see for yourself why U.N. gun-ban extremists will be rejoicing around the world if John Kerry is elected President.

To prevent our nation from living under this soon-to-be-drafted United Nations gun ban treaty in the years ahead, every American needs to know what the U.N. intends to do with our Second Amendment rights -- and every gun owner needs to watch this debate.

Please tune in to this historic debate. See the threat for yourself. And invite your gun-owning friends, neighbors and co-workers to watch with you.

I promise you, you’ll never look at the U.N. in the same way again -- and you’ll get the information you need to help defeat this U.N.-backed effort to ban our guns. Thanks in advance forr watching -- and for Voting!


Tuesday, October 12 9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Eastern Time


iN DEMAND is the world’s largest provider of Pay-Per-View television programming. Ordering methods vary from one local cable system to another, with the use of either your cable remote or your telephone. Call your local cable company for more information about its pay-per-view ordering process. Pricing is also determined by your local cable system. Please note that this debate will not be available on DIRECTV, Dish Network, or any other satellite network. Remember, the calling volume increases immediately before the start of an event. In order to avoid getting a busy signal we recommend that you place your order several hours beforehand. Thank you in advance for watching this important debate!!!


At the end of the debate, you’ll be provided a password allowing you to vote, using the Internet or your telephone, on this critical question: Should the United States Senate ratify the proposed United Nations treaty that bans private ownership of firearms?

It’s vitally important for gun owners to win this vote -- and show the world that we won’t give up our Second Amendment rights without a fight! But only those who have orderedd this Pay-Per-View show and obtained the password are allowed to vote. So please, make sure to watch at the end of the show for your password, then cast YOUR vote for freedom!

SHOWTIMES (All Showtimes are Eastern Time)

Tuesday, October 12 9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 12 10:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 13 12:00 a.m. - 1:30 a.m.

Thursday, October 14 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Friday, October 15 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.

Friday, October 15 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Saturday, October 16 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 17 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Monday, October 18 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Monday, October 18 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 19 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 20 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 20 11:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.


Archived CAL-ERTs can be found at:

NRA Members Councils of California

Due to some duplication of efforts, some people might get more than one copy of this message. We apologize if this causes any inconvenience.

To subscribe to CAL-ERTs, go to:

To unsubscribe from CAL-ERTs, go to:

CAL-ERTs are provided as a free service to all gun owners and Pro-2nd Amendment organizations by the NRA Members’ Councils of California
Please work together with the NRA and help support the Second Amendment, by cross-posting this CAL-ERT via the Internet, newsletters/publications and hand-outs. The CALifornia-alERT system is operated by NRA staff and volunteers operating within the NRA Members' Councils Program.

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<< Please cross-post and distribute this CAL-ERT >>
<< Please cross-post and distribute this CAL-ERT >>


Funny. Why not do the debate prior to the unconstitutional campaign finance reform "laws" or after?

The NRA is pretty slick! As a member of the NRA, shouldn't I get a free pass?

How many members of the UN will be paying to watch?
I have the equipment to record the broadcast and to host it on Suprnova but unfortunately I do not have cable. If you’re in the Sacramento, CA area and have cable I would be happy to do it.

Record the program on a VCR and then pipe the signal from the A/V outputs to the A/V inputs of a computer sound card that has A/V capability. Many computers come with this capability already installed on the resident sound board.
Explain to me why I should waste my time and money watching this when all it's likely to do is piss me off?

I'm already a member of the NRA; it's not as if this debate is going to change my opinion on gun control one iota. It's just going to increase my blood pressure and take time away from doing something productive.
Who's going to be doing the debating for the RKBA side? They'd better be a top-notch debator.
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