Nude feral hog hunting??

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Jan 29, 2009
Southern KY
Been told there is a site detailing this, but I think I'm being funned with. Unless this is some new "extreme" sport. Probably along the lines of "don't fry bacon in the nude". Don
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I have heard of the loincloth hunting thing. Perhaps that's the issue at hand. Oh. I admire ones ability to multitask while completing number two, and firing a connecting shot! Now that's skill. :D Don
Stuck one with an arrow at ~30 yards outside my camp last year sportin' only some crawfish print boxers... does that count?
Running through the mesquite thorns and wild plumb brush after my hog dogs, any bare skin that isn't covered in thick denim or canvas gets scratched and cut to a bloody pulp.

Not for the weak or wimpy I guess!!
The scratches and thorns are one thing, but I remember down south. There are snakes, chiggers, and FIRE ANTS all over the place. I don't really cotton to the idea of running half naked through those conditions. It's not some suburban back yard we're talking about. And IIRC in my own back yard I got attacked by fire ants and lodged a memorable sliver 5" long through the sole of my foot. By the time you get past 10 you're supposed to learn these lessons.
I thought everybody hunted neked, I suppose you all fish with clothes too.
One of the guys I hunt with killed a hog with a spear last year , he said this year he was going "full Tarzan" and wearing a loin cloth ! I told him to have fun but if I see him in a tree stand ,I'm shooting him ! :barf: Kevin
If the rest of the hunting party were SI Swimsuit models, I'd be all over it. Thorns and fire-ants be damned!
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