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NWCN reports Clackamas shooter committed suicide after being confronted CCW holder.

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These people plan on dying but they are also not looking for a fight. The fact that they shoot up schools and shopping malls rather than gun shops or police stations should be proof enough of that. They are looking to inflict as much pain as possible on others before ending their own lives. The less threatening their targets, the better.
MachIVshooter said:
Risking your life or dying trying to help/protect other people is brave; Embarking on a heinous mission to harm others and accepting that your death is an eventuality of the situation is just conviction.
That is what suicide bombers believe they are doing
Okay, while the thought processes of people who go on shooting sprees IS certainly relevant here, going all the way to suicide bombers is getting at least slightly out of scope.

Hopefully Meli's attorney gives him the OK soon enough.
Without someone independent of him corroborating his story there's no way to know if it is true or not.

He didn't take the shot.

He didn't report to LE as soon as he was clear of the mall what he'd done.

I may be overly cynical, but this could blow up in our faces if it is debunked.
Yet that will never make the news...

LOL, where do you think the information came from????

As for what was reported, I have to agree that there is no indication that there was ever any interaction between Nick Meli and the shooter. There is NO indication that Meli confronted the shooter. All that is reported is that he saw the shooter and ostensibly drew his gun but could not fire and then the event was over. He said the shooter saw him, but describes no reaction. The shooter undoubtedly saw lots of people.

There seems to be considerable numbers of events where gun people really want it known that they almost did something. Dan Mckown didn't fire at Tacoma Mall and holstered his gun because he was afraid he would get shot be responding cops. Joe Zamudio responded to the Phoenix shooting, claiming to have nearly shot the wrong person with a gun that he had not even drawn. Ralph Swagler at the BBQ across the street from the IHOP shooting in Carson City, NV, told 911 and the media about having his gun and being ready but never did anything with it despite seeing what was going on outside.

All three of these guys made a big deal with the media about how they had guns, were going to use them, but the guns didn't ever come into play in any appreciable manner, excuses given for each. McCown opted to verbally confront the Tacoma Mall shooter and was promptly shot multiple times, his gun remaining in his pants. McCown had been afraid of hitting bystanders and knew he needed to make a long range head shot he didn't think he could make. Zamudio after almost not shooting the wrong person held down the legs of the Phoenix shooter who had already been tackled and disarmed. He didn't use his gun because there wasn't any reason to use it. He was too late. Swagler did absolutely nothing but talk to 911 after he heard shots and went to the front of his store to see what was going on. He has said he wished he would have shot the IHOP gunman, but he had forgotten his gun. After he retreated into his store for his gun, he didn't do anything with it because the shooter had a rifle.

These gutless crows typically quit whenever they're presented with a threat.

I am not sure this is typical at all given the numbers that do shoot out or otherwise fight encountered threats. McKown claims the Tacoma Mall shooter saw his gun, but then McKown got riddled. The Tyler shooter, Arroyo, he didn't quit, shooting it out with cops and CCW holder Mark Wilson who was killed. Kling and Harris didn't. They exchanged shots and went back in the school and went about their business for quite a while. The Fort Hood shooter didn't. Charlie Whitman didn't. Loughner in Phoenix didn't. The Copley Township mass shooter shot it out with cops after shooting 8 and killing 7. Luby's killer George Hennard didn't commit suicide until after a gun battle with cops where he was wounded. Geneva County (AL) massacre shooter didn't quit when confronted by a threat and exchanged shots with cops, shooting one. Starkweather didn't quit until he thought he was dying. Jeff Weise shot not only a security guard during his spree, but had a gun battle with cops before committing suicide.

So it would be naive to suggest that it is typical for mass murders/spree/rampage killers to quit once presented with a threat. As noted above, they often do have an exit strategy from the situation and this strategy may include suicide, battle to the death, or it may include surrender. Some simply stop when their goals have been achieved. It should be pointed out specifically that when presented with a threat, at least several of these shooters first attempt to neutralize the threat or threats and will continue their activities as long as they feel they can continue them in the manner they desire.
It amazes me that if one cop shoots an armed citizen, and all we have is the cop's testimony, so many gun owners are so quick to call the cop a liar and yell "cover up!" Here we have one man's uncorroborated testimony about something that happened, and so many gun owners are willing to proclaim it as the gospel truth.

So what if his attorney tells him it is OK to go to the press with his "entire" story.... unless the "entire" story has some element that proves it is true, it is still just an uncorroborated story.
It amazes me that if one cop shoots an armed citizen, and all we have is the cop's testimony, so many gun owners are so quick to call the cop a liar and yell "cover up!" Here we have one man's uncorroborated testimony about something that happened, and so many gun owners are willing to proclaim it as the gospel truth.

So what if his attorney tells him it is OK to go to the press with his "entire" story.... unless the "entire" story has some element that proves it is true, it is still just an uncorroborated story.

Almost sounds like vicarious living, doesn't it?
These people plan on dying but they are also not looking for a fight. The fact that they shoot up schools and shopping malls rather than gun shops or police stations should be proof enough of that. They are looking to inflict as much pain as possible on others before ending their own lives. The less threatening their targets, the better.
Columbine and VT were attacks by students of the school. The Ft Hood shooter attacked his workplace. Spree killers make their choices based on the targets of their animosity.
That is what suicide bombers believe they are doing

They do what they do believing they'll go to paradise with their 72 virgins. They think something better awaits them, and so are fearless.

Fear (overcoming it) is a component of bravery. Without it, you're just a fool.
And those guys did interviews with Nick and two other people who were there.

This is the report we should be spreading to get all the facts out and show people what a single concealed carrier can do.
An armed individual who refuses to fire...

That's not what the studies show.

800,000 to 1,500,000 to 2,500,000 times a year, depending upon study (Kleck) someone uses a firearm to stop a violent attack. Under 30,000 people are killed by firearms every year. Simple math shows that a firearm is roughly 40 (26-83X) times more likely to stop a violent attack than be used to kill.

Sounds like a lot of people are using firearms without having to pull the trigger to stop attacks and Mr. Meli appears to be one of them.
That's not what the studies show.

800,000 to 1,300,000 times a year, depending upon study, someone uses a firearm to stop a violent attack. Under 30,000 people are killed by firearms every year. Simple math shows that a firearm is roughly 40 times more likely to stop a violent attack than be used to kill.

Sounds like a lot of people are using firearms without having to pull the trigger to stop attacks and Mr. Meli appears to be one of them.

No let's use emotion instead of facts!! Facts just get in the way and actually requires some looking and study!
Maybe, but as you noted, we still don't have corroborating information. We still don't have cause and effect. We have Meli's claim, again, and then we have the commentary from the article that is information that could not be possibly known to anybody but the shooter.

Knowing he had an armed person in the mall and that this was no longer his gun-free zone, the gunman avoided the Macy's Home Store and ended his rampage by fleeing to a service corridor and into the stairwell to the lower level.

This is a complete fabrication, propoganda in terms of stating cause and effect. The shooter's reason for his actions were not stated. That he broke off the attack at that time could have been for a variety of reasons other than possibly seeing that Meli had a gun.

And those guys did interviews with Nick and two other people who were there.

Only Meli stated that the gunman saw Meli's gun. For all we know, the gunman freaked out because of the malfunction and opted to kill himself as a result. In the past, both bad and good guys have broken over malfunctions. One of the LA/North Hollywood bandits discarded his AK47 because of a simple stovepipe malfunction.

This is the report we should be spreading to get all the facts out and show people what a single concealed carrier can do.

Interesting that yet again in one of these crises as often seems to be the case, the CCW person isn't your typical 9-5 office worker, domestic engineer, etc. From the article...

Casey's answer? "He works for a security company. He's one of the good guys".

Maybe things are as claimed, but as of yet, the cause and effect are still sketchy and there is no corroboration of any sort of visual interaction between Meli and the shooter.

Sort of like the story where the trailer park guy shot the bad guy at 165 yards with a pistol, the facts don't always seem to add up. What is claimed isn't always reality, especially when the distance likely wasn't more than 165 feet, still fine shooting, but not the miracle shooting as claimed.
An armed individual who refuses to fire is no threat to anyone.
I think I'll have to disagree with this...based on having spent 28 years in LE and having drawn my sidearm numerous times every evening without ever having to fire a shot.

Now granted, I was willing to fire, but how would they...the violent suspects that I stopped...know if I was or wasn't
An armed individual who refuses to fire is no threat to anyone.
One must realize there is a huge difference between the person who REFUSES to fire, and the person who CHOOSES not to fire under certain circumstances. And when you are looking down the barrel of the gun, without being a mind reader it is very difficult to determine if the person behind the trigger is one who won't fire no matter what, or one who is waiting for the right circumstances to fire.
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