NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn in Pistol Owner ID & Firearms

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Direct quote from the nyfirearms.com thread linked above.

Scary times. Revoking pistol permits and confiscating firearms for ANYONE currently prescribed for anti-anxiety meds, whether or not they present a threat.

If true, this begs the question of how average citizens in other states will react to gun confiscation when they believe it is isolated to a place like NY?
Another words, we all have read many a poster proclaim from my cold dead hands and imply a civil war will result if the government starts confiscating peoples guns.
But at what point do these individuals even know it is happening, or when they will show solidarity with their fellow gun owners?

To me, I'm beginning to think that state by state infringement of the 2A might be the way anti-2A gun grabbers might go. Many a person living in a gun friendly 2A state might not be willing to stick their neck out for those living in anti-2A states like CA, NY, NJ, IL, etc.
The trouble of course is that if enough states disarm their citizens or infringe upon their 2A rights, it might be too late to stem the tide when your particular state starts down the same path. At that point why should people in states like the above come to your aid when they have already accepted their disarmament, and no one stood with them in their time of need?

It's not.
It may not be happening on a large scale as the article implied, but it did happen to one guy, wrongly as it turns out, but if they are going to attempt it with one guy cross referencing medical records to gun permits, it can and probably will happen again if there is nothing done to stop it.
It's a "may issue" permit. That means they can take it away for no reason at all. They don't need "mental health" or medical records. Just because they feel like it is enough. NY'ers are peasants who can be disarmed at will. Pretending "confiscation is underway- citizen(S) told to turn in their guns" because of medical records is a bad joke. It's also untrue.
In this case they didn't mean to, it was a mistake. But in truth, they can do what every they want. They can keep his guns just because they feel like it.
NY'ers are subjects, not citizens. These laws need to be fought in court, in the voting booth, in the legislature and on the street. Any government agency that enforces them discredits itself as illegitimate. Anyone who submits to them is a peasant. All NY'ers have had their man cards revoked until these laws are overturned.
It's true that they can revoke a permit for any reason. It's not true that they can just dig through anyone's medical records without a warrant, even under the SAFE Act.
I also wonder how far back they could conceivably go to find a "problem" to use as an excuse to remove said dangerous items from an individual?? Once a precedent has been set they will try to shoot for the moon IMHO. This is not an acceptable thing anywhere and we all must fight it.
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