Obama: Don't stock up on guns

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"Anyone who thinks they need to rush out and buy a firearm clearly has not been paying attention to how quickly we make progress on this issue. We don't think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more."

what does this mean????
i think they're acknowledging that decisions concerning gun control are incremental and all guns won't be banned all of a sudden, that is just my take though
What's the difference

if someone owns five guns or fifty-five guns?

If they are all legal and the person is legal, what is the difference?
Inspector said:
if someone owns five guns or fifty five guns?

If they are all legal and the person is legal, what is the difference?

Just the folks in power tryin' to tell people what to do. Fifty guns just sounds like an arsenal, what would any law-abiding citizen have fifty guns for, if they weren't selling them on the street?

Five is a much lower number and if somebody has five guns, they probably have a sporting purpose and after all, the 2nd Amendment is totally about hunting and sporting purposes.

OBAMA Quote:
"I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment,"... "Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I said that throughout the campaign. I haven't indicated anything different during the transition. I think people can take me at my word."

The problem with Obama is simple - he says something that on the surface seems sensible and fair, then he later applies "lawyer-speak" which renders a substantially different meaning. Obama is deeply Orwellian, that's why I don't trust him. It is true that he claims to believe in common sense gun safety laws. I just worry about what his idea of "common sense" and the 2A laws are. I'm sure that his definition and mine are disimilar.
Obama has moved consistently to the center since his election. He no longer wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts, is continuing the Iraq war indefinitely, and his promises of "change" have clearly been broken considering that he has simply rehired all the old Clinton people as his staff.

I am actually a bit less worried about him than I have been, though he is clearly not one to be trusted and pressure needs to stay high.
Yeah right. But that's what us "bitter clingers" do. ;) Don't forget when Obama starts "redistributing the wealth" all those taxes on ammunition that we know are coming will be a start.
I am 71 years old spent 25 years of my life in the military with 17 years overseas of which 5yrs 6 months in Vietnam. Do I have any guns? you bet, and I am going to keep them and plan on buying more at the gun show this month. Obama is a typical politician---a BS'r and a lier
Obama has moved consistently to the center since his election. He no longer wants to repeal the Bush tax cuts, is continuing the Iraq war indefinitely, and his promises of "change" have clearly been broken considering that he has simply rehired all the old Clinton people as his staff.

I am actually a bit less worried about him than I have been, though he is clearly not one to be trusted and pressure needs to stay high.

Yes, Yes, and yes.

Without getting too partisan to stop the thread, yes
Personally, I fall into the "five gun" categegory

However I know of people who have many guns and buy them because they like them and expect that it is an investment. They do not sell to people on the streets, that I am aware of.:eek:
If I had to bet, I'd wager that more than 90% of the people that post here will
roll over and hand 'em in. I mean, it would be the law abiding thing to do right?
I'm sure Obama, and others like him, would love nothing more than to see just that. In response, I'd just like to wish that man luck. I believe the Freedom loving men and women of this country, and others, have everything it takes to endure and prevail against tyrannical movements such as the one we are about to face.
Just the fact that he felt the need to say anything about it at all tells me all I really need to know.
It tells me that he values having won the election and that the goal of political power for a possible two terms (just as for any president-elect) is worth avoiding the now-proven career-limiting move of a gun ban, at the moment. If we get lazy, back it will come into play.

I'm quite convinced that holding office is more important to him than any particular policy.
To borrow from the Dems'

Don't only buy, buy often and buy as much as you can.

If we're in no danger of losing our rights then he ought to shut up and smile and work on the bigger problems in the nation. Just because I know that a 1911, Glock, Browning High Power, AK, AR, or FAL is a better investment than a Ford, GM, or Chrysler vehicle. My Dodge truck is seven years old and has more than four years of life in it and I'll drive it till the day it dies. He's probably upset we'd rather buy guns than goods from companies with over-bloated immoral pay for useless CEOs and poor quality products. That we aren't spending our money on goods that generally trap us into debts.

Long as I've got a roof over my head, savings able to support me and the fiancee for a whole year, a working truck, plenty of soup cans in the cupboards, good friends with good bug out places where I can live off the land, and a healthy body. I'll be picking up a two or three guns a year unless I get my machine equipment and can use it properly, then I'm building my guns from parts kits and home-build kits.

If my truck breaks down and can't be fixed for less than a grand then I'm buying a another used pre-2000 truck at a forefeiture police auction. If I can't continue with law school then I'm getting myself a job.

You're up the Creek Obama, good luck finding a paddle.
Just the fact that he felt the need to say anything about it at all tells me all I really need to know.

Some people just look for reasons I have a gripe I see.

He didn't just come out with that - he was asked about it directly. You should probably get an idea of what exactly is asked, and what is said - and not just take the media's second hand account as the whole story. Sound bytes are only part of reality.

Q Thank you, Mr. President-elect.

Two questions: Number one, are you aware of the situation that's happening in Chicago right now at the Republic Window and Door (sic) factory that was abruptly closed Friday after they lost their line of credit from Bank of America - even though the government bailed out Bank of America; and Reverend Jackson's there today, Representative Gutierrez was there yesterday taking the side of the workers who have occupied the factory? Is there anything that can be done to put pressure on the bailed-out banks to keep the money flowing there?

And, number two, there have been a number of stories quoting gun dealers around the country saying that gun sales are up since you were elected, because some people fear that it'll be harder to get guns, even though you campaigned saying you weren't going to take people's guns away. What do you think of that?

PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA: Well, on the gun issue, I believe in commonsense gun safety laws, and I believe in the Second Amendment. And so, lawful gun owners have nothing to fear. I've said that throughout the campaign. I haven't indicated anything different during the transition. And I think that people can take me at my word.

When it comes to the situation here in Chicago with the workers who are asking for the benefits and payments that they have earned, I think they're absolutely right. And understand that what's happening to them is reflective of what's happening across this economy. When you have a financial system that is shaky, credit contracts; businesses large and small start cutting back on their plants, and equipment and their workforces. And so that's why it's so important for us to maintain a strong financial system.
"Anyone who thinks they need to rush out and buy a firearm clearly has not been paying attention to how quickly we make progress on this issue. We don't think these are first-time buyers. We think they are people who already have more than enough guns at their homes to protect themselves and are buying more."

what does this mean????

It means that it took about 10 years of campaigning and lobbying in Washington just to get the first Brady Bill passed and the AWB was just piggybacked off those efforts.In the process - the people who pushed hardest for it got burned big time. They know that, we know that, and more importantly - the politicians know that.
Obama seldom answers a question, he talks around them. Who's common sense, his? A summary of his action against guns/ammo. Chicago Defender 12/13/99 Increase taxes on guns/ammo by 500%. Illinois S.B. 1195 3/13/03 Voted to ban shotguns and rifles. S.B. 397 Voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to put the firearms industry out of business. Illinois S.B. 2165 3/25/04 Voted to allow prosecution of citizens who use firearms for self defense in the home. S.B. 397 7/29/05 Voted to ban almost all ammo used for hunting. Chicago Tribune 9/15/04 & Pittsburg Tribune 4/2/08 Obama opposes right to carry laws. There are ten or more bills but I'm tired of typing. Ha Ha you get the point, Obama is a lier.
what exactly is the point here?
Clearly very few people actually read the article, or the news conference transcript - or even watched it on TV.

Is there a legitimate gripe about something that someone said in context (not a media re-hash) or is this just a "let's bash Obama" thread?
I don't care if he was asked about it, took a proactive approach to it, or just figured he would talk about guns. The next few years and our gun rights come down to only a few things.

1. Despite Obama moving to the center both during the campaign and now after winning the election, he is an outright left leaning liberal Senator that EARNED the designation of being the most liberal Senator based on his voting record. HE HAS NEVER ONCE STOOD UP FOR GUN RIGHTS! Not even one time. The real question is whether he going to be smart enough, and disciplined enough, to hold off on signing the crap hole legislation that will come from the likes of Feinstein, Durbin, Kerry, Kennedy, Reid, Schumer, Boxer, Lautenberg, McCarthy, etc... Some of these people dream about gun bans in their sleep, and they will not be deterred. It is encouraging to see him forced to move to the center on a number of issues, but will he have the brains and backbone to tell the anti gunners in Congress, NO. Time will tell.

2. Will the Democrats in power, and I mean the people I mentioned above, not the rank and file Joe Blow elected to the House or Senate from states that aren't necessarily very powerful, use their heads instead of their emotions. Typically Liberals base their actions on their emotions, rather than on logic and what makes sense. Therefore, for many of them, guns are a very emotional issue and they will be hard pressed to use their heads and not push anti-gun legislation, which will be a direct affront to what they believe.

3. What will the rank and file Democratic legislators do? Many that have been elected in the last 4 years are pro-gun Dems. That is probably why many of them have won in typically conservative states. Jim Webb out of Virginia actually had an aide get busted for carrying his gun into the Capitol. Kind of funny, but on a serious note, will those pro-gun Dems have the cajones, backbone, or brains to oppose the Pelosis, Reids, Schumers, Durbins, Feinsteins, Obambas, Emanuels, Holders, etc...

4. Lastly, what will happen in the future? Gun sales are up, concealed carry permits are way up, ammo sales are up, Heller case was won, National Parks are now allowing CCW permit carry in states that allow it, overall the landscape looks pretty good right? I don't think so. There will be several school shootings next year, and 1 or 2 of them will probably be major. That will bring people like Carolyn McCarthy running to the hill with her crazy bills. There will be a renewed push for anti-gun legislation. The media will never be on our side. Most major newspapers are extremely Liberal and agenda driven. They are outright anti-gun. We'll have an anti-gun Democratic Congress, an anti-gun President, and probably 2 appointments to the Supreme Court that will make Stevens and Ginsburg look like card carrying NRA members.

I believe the future outlook is bleak. Many factors will weigh on what happens, as usually is the case, but a perfect storm is set for a run on gun rights. People aren't stupid, they know that there is a very good chance Obama could go for the guns, hell, that is why I got my AK back in June. I see it as acting prudently given the environment to get the guns while you can.

I will watch with fascination as to what happens. In the meantime, I will do what I can to stop the spread of the anti-gun rights agenda and its accompanying legislation.
Sinixstar said:
Is there a legitimate gripe about something that someone said in context (not a media re-hash) or is this just a "let's bash Obama" thread?

I think that it's a "What's your reaction when a politician tells you not to worry?" thread. ;)
Sinixstar wrote:
what exactly is the point here?
Clearly very few people actually read the article, or the news conference transcript - or even watched it on TV.

Is there a legitimate gripe about something that someone said in context (not a media re-hash) or is this just a "let's bash Obama" thread?

Sinixstar: What does it matter if people watched the news conference. What we are commenting on is WHAT Obama said, putting it in context with WHAT Obama HAS DONE in the past. This is a gun forum. Do you really think Obama is going to be popular with many here? There are those trusty Obama apologists, here on THR, that were out in force during the campaign, and they will continue to defend Obama, minimize his comments, his votes, and his record.

But the bottom line is, and you'll pardon the pun, those apologists are pointing a gun with no bullets in it. There is nothing anybody can say to defend Obama on gun rights issues, because HE has made it clear through his voting record, comments, and actions, that he is vehemently anti-gun rights. The question is will he have the brains not to follow his fellow anti-gunners down a path of political suicide.
I'm not going to get into a political debate here - I like to think we're all probably sick of that.

The issue is
A) the times article and this thread imply that Obama said "don't buy guns" - those words never came out of his mouth.

B) everybody's flying off the handle about something that was never said.

C) there's no context for his statements, and so interpreting them is an exercise in futility to begin with. The press conference was to announce his pick to run Veteran's Affairs - the other topic of the day (and every day) is the Economy. He was asked a question about his thoughts on gun buying, and the economy - he brushed past the gun question, and gave a much longer answer on the economy. I think that says a lot more then some words and assumptions and interpretations about things that were never said.

If this was a conversation about something that was ACTUALLY said - I might see some merit in it. It's not. It's five pages of "he's a liar" and "i don't trust him" and "he's comin for your guns!". What's the point?
Sinixstar: What does it matter if people watched the news conference. What we are commenting on is WHAT Obama said, putting it in context with WHAT Obama HAS DONE in the past. This is a gun forum. Do you really think Obama is going to be popular with many here? There are those trusty Obama apologists, here on THR, that were out in force during the campaign, and they will continue to defend Obama, minimize his comments, his votes, and his record.

I don't really care if he's popular here. What's the point?
Can anybody explain that?
you're putting his statements into context. Great - for what - the 100000th time now? Is there anyone on here that isn't aware of what was said/done in the past?

I mean, is this the pattern for how things are going to go for the next four years - every time he opens his mouth and says the word "gun" we're going to have a re-hash of his political career with endless pages of "he's a liar"? If so - just let me know now.

I just assumed most people realized the election was over a month ago...
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