Obama Interview on Gun Rights

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Sam Adams

Jan 28, 2003
South Texas
In Field and Stream. http://www.fieldandstream.com/artic...clusive-Interview-with-Senator-Barack-Obama/3

LICATA: You mentioned common-sense gun legislation. Would you consider the assault weapons ban and registration of guns to fall into that category of common-sense gun control?[Emphasis added].

SENATOR OBAMA: I think those are two separate issues. I think that when it comes to the assault weapons ban, the answer is yes. I think AK-47s generally are not used for hunting. AK-47s or vest-piercing bullets are generally used to hurt people. And I think that it's legitimate for us to say military-style weapons that aren't traditionally used for purposes other than killing people, we've got to be careful about. But I'll be honest with you. I'm more interested in enforcing the laws that we do have-for example, tracing guns that are used in crimes back to people who have been using them. I don't anticipate that there's going to be a whole slew of efforts at the federal level when it comes to gun control. But I think that strong background checks; making sure that we're dealing with the gun-show loophole, which I think has been a problem; allowing us to trace guns that are used in crimes back to where they were purchased--those are the kinds of initiatives that I think pose no threat whatsoever to law-abiding gun owners.[Emphasis added].

Apologies if this article was posted and discussed in the past, but I did a search and found nothing.

Regarding gun control, no one can now claim lack of knowledge. Obama clearly stated that he wants a renewed AWB; that "gun-show loophole" garbage is all about destroying the right to privately buy and sell your own property; "tracing guns that are used in crimes..." is a code-phrase for gun registration (and we all know the next step after that).

Last, "those are the kinds of initiatives that I think pose no threat whatsoever to law-abiding gun owners." What a bald-faced LIE. "Law-abiding" depends entirely on what the law is at any particular point in time. If Pelosi and Reid get AWB II through and put it on his desk, and he signs it, then perhaps mere ownership of a semi-auto AK or AR-15 clone will be "illegal," and you'll then automatically cease to be "law-abiding." Then those "initiatives" DO IN FACT pose a threat to you.

This creature MUST be defeated. Please email this to all of your pro-gun friends and relatives, and to those sitting on the fence. Post it on other gun forums, etc.
hopefully Obama understands how many citizens already own assault weapons. I dont know the exact numbers but across our 50 states im sure it is ALOT of people. banning the sale of assault weapons is one thing, but banning the ownership of already-bought weapons is a whole other animal. i seriously doubt he would go so far as to ban ownership. it would be a serious mistake. it is my opinion that a huge portion of our assault weapons owning population would be totally unwilling to give up their arms. it would be chaos. it did happen in the UK so its not impossible, but we have the 2nd amendment to back us up. my 2 cents, cheers.
He's intoxicated by the sound of his own voice.
Pardon me, but I am a bit partial to McCain-Palin.
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