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Aug 6, 2006
SW Florida
Here is the response for my letter concerning firearm ownership.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me about gun laws and the Second Amendment. I
appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. Americans broadly
agree that guns must be kept from those who may pose a threat, and that
rights of legitimate hunters and sportsmen should be protected.

We must work to ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of
criminals or
the mentally ill through an effective background check system. We also
to strike a reasonable balance between public safety and sportsmen's

I will continue to work for effective gun laws, including reinstatement
the assault weapons ban that the last Congress allowed to expire, and
effective law enforcement. I will also speak out against the culture of
violence that traps so many of our young people.

Thank you again for contacting me on this important issue.


Barack Obama

So who truly has our best interests in mind?
Just to be fair and balanced ole' Rudy McRomney isn't exactly the standard bearer of freedom and protector of the constitutional republic.
"I will continue to work for effective gun laws, including reinstatement of the assault weapons ban..."

So much for working for effective gun laws. :rolleyes:
I always thought we had certain inalienable rights. I thought our President was supposed to exemplify those rights.
They act like the only way they can keep rifles that take magazines away from the mentally unstable is to infringe upon our rights. Are they afraid that we the people might stand up for ourselves? Are they afraid that their corruption will be weeded out?

Oleg would have my vote too.
Guess he thinks a Ak-47 is not protected by 2nd amendment.Maybe a sharp knife or a spear is what I need.I hope Obama gets the point!
I think it's been pretty well-established that Obama's an anti. Too bad Oleg can't be President, because, I believe you have to be a natural-born US citizen. Oh well, we can dream.
No mention of legitimate self defense in his letter.Seems to think the 2A is all about hunting and target shooting.
What a surprise!
Let's compare Hillary Clinton's view on the subject with Obama's.IF she ever bothers to expound.
The DNC is a lost cause. F' them all until they nominate Zell Miller.

The GOP is afflicted with an acute case of recto-cranial inversion.

Ron Paul values the Constitution but is an isolationist.

Romney is just a New England liberal with a Vaseline smile and a Ken doll features. I bet if someone pantsed him he'd have the same androgynous smooth zone where his junk used to be.

Huckabee is Bush part II. No thanks. I got burned last time.

If Ron Paul's Constitutionalist fiscal policy would team up with Thompson, then you'd have a winner.
OK. This thread's turning political.

Obama confirms that he desparately sucks on gun issues.

Duly noted, and now we know not to vote for him.

Let us move on.
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