Odd Job comes to the Ashcraft place *Ping*

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Larry Ashcraft

Staff member
Dec 24, 2002
Home of Heroes, Pueblo, CO, USA
Odd Job (Brandon) who grew up in South Africa and now resides and works in London, is visiting his folks in Pueblo this week. We got together as a result of this thread.

We had a great day. Seems Brandon had heard of the M1 "ping", but had never experienced it. I think the "ping" was more fun to him than actually shooting the rifle. ;)


He also accorded himself quite well with the 1911:


CobraF100 also came down to shoot his new CZ, and let his son Ryan try out his new BB gun, so we spent the rest of the afternoon at my backyard range.

A great day for all, thanks Brandon and Chris!


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Yes, gents, it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping :)

Thanks to the Ashcrafts and friends who helped me have a great day shooting. Here are some pics I took:



Larry gave me an M1 clip as a souvenir. I might ping that with my fingers once or twice while I'm on the plane, heading home. See if anyone recognises the sound ;)



Mrs A got in on the action when we hit the clays:



Have a look at this pic, is that the shot cup plus the pellets I see in front of that Browning 12 gauge?


Some of the youngsters had a go too, on the 28 gauge. Thanks also to CobraF100 (Chris) for letting me have a go with his pistols. I think Larry's metal chicken got a few extra pock-marks by the time we were done.
All in all it was a very enjoyable day and I hope to do that again when next I am in Pueblo!
Wow Larry - good time for all - and good to see the Mrs Sandy enjoying the famous 28!

Great set of pics and thx too to Odd Job for his great pics too.

Brandon - I am an ex Brit - get finished with what you are doing over there and come settle :)

(Can ya believe Larry - almost the anniversary of Tulsa!).
Seems like you all had fun.

Larry, who blended the beavertail on your Colt? That's a pretty good job. Ed Brown piece? And . . . good job on installing the Heinie sight. Lots of folks don't go through that extra step to set 'em snug. If you did it, I tip my hat to you. If someone else did it, I still tip my hat to you for finding a good fellow to do it right.
Brandon and Chris-

I am so glad you both had the opportunity to meet and shoot with the Ashcraft's.

Great folks that live responsible firearm ownership, and lead by example.

Check out the great pictures will you! :D

Yep, sure looks like a wad and shot to me in that picture of Larry Shooting!

Sandy, The Salsa Queen with HER 28 gauge :D

Chris, you and Brandon might actually be able to understand each other. :D

Ken, that ugly old thing? :p I spent all that money on it, and now that it works right, I guess I should get it refinished, huh?

Smith's name is John Brandstatter, he's a local guy, but I believe Zak Smith, Hoser, and eerw will vouch for his work.
Hi Chris,

Long timey, no posty. Best regards from Michigan.

Larry, you are much better looking than what Steve told us.:neener: :neener:

One O these days I'm gonna get out that way. Sigh...I sure wish I could make the meet in May.
Well, damn

It don't get no better than that.

We got us a community with a built-in support group.

Makes a feller all warm inside.

And I'm not jealous at all.

Not a bit.

Larry Ashcraft wrote:
I guess I should get it refinished, huh?

I think it is just fine the way it is, it has character.

Besides, with the money you would spend to refinish it, you could buy more reloading supplies for Sandy's guns.
I believe she needs more 28 ga and 22-250 loaded up.

Steve is such a good boy - sometimes - Sandy.

Refinish it? Why on earth do that? It looks like it's doing the job for you.

I meant to say that beavertail looks like an Ed Brown grip safety. And it didn't look like someone simply dropped it in. It looks like someone took a little time to blend it into the frame. Or . . . you got real lucky with a good fit when it was dropped in.

Its good the way it is, all the way down to the grip tape. It has character. But, um . . . let's talk about that fiber optic sight . . . you know I'm a huge fan of the gold beads now, don't you? ;)

Ok so I dont get it, what is the ping
The M1 Garand has a built-in magazine that accepts an "en-bloc" clip of eight rounds of .30-06 ammunition.

When the final round is expended, the clip is ejected from the magazine.

When the clip hits the ground it makes a distinctive "ping" sound, audible from several yards away.
When the clip hits the ground it makes a distinctive "ping" sound, audible from several yards away.

Ja, and any South Africans within earshot will immediately grin (well, this one does) :D

@ all

It's great that we can meet like this, across the pond.
I saw some members in pictures in the Ashcraft guest book. Nice to put some faces to names/handles. I look forward to meeting more of you.

By the way, Larry's 1911 handles as nice as it looks. I have a soft spot for CobraF100's CZ too.
@ P95Carry

Brandon - I am an ex Brit - get finished with what you are doing over there and come settle

My folks second that motion, but my career would be ruined. I had a long conversation with Mr and Mrs A about this and I have to take the lesser of two evils for the time being. It sucks not being able to shoot properly, but my job keeps me in the Commonwealth, unfortunately. I'll have to be content with visiting for now.
Maybe in the future this will change.
That gold bead is a classy looking piece, Ken. I wonder if my aging eyes would pick it up as fast as the fiber optic? I'll forward this thread to John and see what he thinks. My ugly, but reliable, piece could use a little bling, don't you think?

And I'm pretty sure the grip safety and hammer are Ed Brown pieces. It's been several years since John did that work for me.
Larry gave me an M1 clip as a souvenir. I might ping that with my fingers once or twice while I'm on the plane, heading home. See if anyone recognises the sound

I know you are probably joking, but if you aren't... It would be better to put the clip in your checked baggage. TSA has gotten very, very picky about anything related to guns going in a carry-on. Trust me on this.
I gotta say, shooting a Garand and a Colt Govertnment Model .45 ACP on the same range trip, you can't get more of an "American experience" than that.
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