Of Democrats, Republicans and whiny, arrogant, bullheaded morons

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Why did the GOP not rail against terror when Eric Rudloph commmited an act of terrorism against my state like they did when Bin Ladens folk hit NYC?

You make it sound like the GOP is quietly saying OK to these types of acts. That's utter BS. Just because the GOP doesn't tear up the entire US when a few nuts do something motivated by religion doesn't mean that they're ignoring the problem.

So if you say abortion is murder, then you legitamize this behavior... And you and I are enemies.

Wow, that's good to know. Get a freaking grip on reality. I think abortion is murder. Why else would I think it's wrong? Because I don't want stupid women making choices? :rolleyes: Third trimester abortions? Dear god, man. Why don't you just do eigth year abortions, too?

BTW, I'm not exactly GOP. Atheist, pro gay rights, pro gay marriage, pro RKBA (obviously), and anti-abortion. So spare me that lecture.
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