Ohio members, I need your help with a paper I'm writing on CCW bill

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Dec 26, 2002
This is nothing major, I just have to write a news article for an english class I'm taking and I'm supposed to do interviews so I have some quotes to put in it.
Its only supposed to be about 2 pages so I don't need a lot. But if folks would chime in here and tell their name, and whether they will apply for a permit or not, why they decided that way, and if they feel the rules imposed are fair and promote safety or if there is something they would change or anything like that it would be helpful. Just general comments on CCW in Ohio really.
Like I said this is short, and it will probably only get read by about 4-5 people. So a few sentences from a few folks should be more than enough.

If anyone has a link to the exact wording of the CCW bill that would be helpful too, I'm sure I could search for it but I don't have it yet if anyone has it bookmarked or anything.

I'm not supposed to show my own beleifs in the article so I figured I'd just interview gun nuts to make sure it got in there anyhow ;)

The paper is due tuesday, sorry for the short notice.
I really appreciate any help :)
Name - David Miller - Go ahead and print it in the paper if you want... ;)

Apply for a permit? - Yes

Why? - I don't *need* a permit (CHL) to exercise my God-given right to defend my life. I also don't *need* a permit (Driver's License) to move about freely, a permit (Building) to add on to my home, or a permit (Dog License) to own a pet. I have decided to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun because it will make it easier for me to have at hand the means to defend my life and that of my family. It will also make it harder for the "authorities" to take away these means should they choose to make my life difficult.

Are the rules fair? - No. As I said above, a permit shouldn't be necessary. I don't like the idea of having my fingerprints on file with the government, having to go through a background check, or having to pass a test that some bureaucrat says I have to take.

Do the rules promote safety? - Yes they do. They require all permittees to pass a 12 hour class that includes at least 2 hours of range time. They have to pass a written examination and show that they can safely handle a firearm. You can never have too much training. Personally, 12 hours is a good start. I'd like to take 12 hours of training every month, but it isn't the business of the state to *make* me do it.

Here's the link you asked for: http://www.OhioCCW.org/files/HB12-final2004.pdf Caution - It's a huge Acrobat file.

Here's an overview: http://www.ofccpac.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=69

More information can be found here: http://www.OhioCCW.org
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