OK Man Charged With Releasing Feral Hogs

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They also do not classify them as a game animal so you won't get busted for popping one without a license.

This is not correct. A hunting license is still required to hunt wild hog in Ohio. It is plainly stated on page 23 of the regs booklet.

Its true Ohio has an erradication policy, as do many states. You can also legally trap them, and it is required that you kill them before trasnporting, and it is illegal to release one alive, even from your trap.
I just read Missouri Department of Conservation killed 740 hogs in southern Mo. Thank god because I don't want them coming up any further. People still release them trying to create a hunting "industry" but in reality they are just making hunting for everything else much worse.

People still release them trying to create a hunting "industry" but in reality they are just making hunting for everything else much worse.

Depends on your perspective. Since hogs usually get classified as non-native invasive pests and are often given either prolonged seasons or no closed seasons which means hunters have more opportunities to hunt larger meat animals simply honing their skills throughout the year. If you are a guy who day leases land or guides hunts where you make most all of your money during deer season, then you have another 10 months of the year that could be used for day leasing hog hunts or guiding hog hunts. So there is some benefit, sort of like intentionally sinking an oil tanker in an estuary to create oil spill cleanup-related jobs for the next several years.
sort of like intentionally sinking an oil tanker in an estuary to create oil spill cleanup-related jobs for the next several years.

Yeah, except eventually...you'd work yourself out that job.

Hogs are here forever. :(
Hogs came up out of the Guadalupe River bottoms and tore up four or five acres of my coastal bermuda. You could drive through that area in a Jeep: S.L.O.W.L.Y. No way to mow and bale without tearing up the equipment.

Saw a big hog on my deer lease in the Davis Mountains. At some point he rooted around a large pine tree. Dunno for what, but he plowed an area maybe 20'x20'. Uprooted rocks the size of basketballs. Good imitation of a backhoe.
Recently one 200 pound boar hog tore up a one-half acre game plot in one night: Caught the hog in action on a game camera. Last week i caught the boar with a rope snare and shot same. He is now sausage.

Damage to crops is not always evident. For a couple years we trapped hogs on a friends section. Caught a lot of hogs there too. Last spring when the 76 acre wheat field was harvested the farmer discovered the hogs had destroyed eight acres of wheat.

You should see what wild hogs do to peanut fields.
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