On "torture" and psy-ops....Not safe for work or kids.

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Feb 23, 2005
I just about died laughing when I read this.

What if he's right??? ;f ;f ;f

Source: http://www.john-ross.net/islam.htm

America, Islam, and Those Prison Photos, or
Maybe Our Side Isn't as Clueless as I'd Thought
By John Ross

Copyright 2004 by John Ross. Electronic reproduction of this article freely permitted provided it is reproduced in its entirety with attribution given.

Before I start this week's column, let me make it clear that I have no military experience whatsoever, beyond talking to members of the military and reading history books. What follows is pure conjecture, but conjecture based on extended observation.

That said, I do read a fair amount, people tend to open up to me about things they might not normally discuss, and I like to think I'm better than the next guy at thinking outside the box. More specifically, I believe I have a better than average ability to identify and articulate the thought processes of others, when those thought processes are very different from my own (as with women.)

Other cultures think differently than we do. We (white) Americans pay lip service to this fact, but too often, that's all it is--lip service. We continue on our way, claiming to acknowledge the differences, but in fact assuming that others are using the same map that we are.

How many Americans were stunned when D.C. Mayor Marion Barry got filmed smoking crack with his mistress...and then got reelected? Anyone who really paid attention to the beliefs and values of other groups would have been stunned if Barry had not been reelected after the hidden-cam video became public. His constituency of inner-city D.C. residents loved seeing their leader smoking crack with a good-looking girlfriend. Shee-it! De Mayah's a playah! His constituents felt much the same way I would feel if the Mayor of St. Louis proposed giving tax credits to anyone opening a defensive shooting school in the city. Different cultures value (and abhor) different things.

You would think that anyone elected President of the United States would have a better grasp of the mindset and probable behavior of his counterparts in the Middle East than a 22-year-old kid from Missouri fresh out of a New England college, whose only exposure to the Arab world was visiting four Arab countries on a college Glee Club concert tour. You would think that, but you'd be wrong. Jimmy Carter never learned (in office, anyway) what became crystal clear to me in the first 24 hours of stepping foot on Arab soil in the summer of 1979: These people are following a different blueprint. Since I'm in their country, I'd better take a good long look at the blueprint before doing something I'll later regret. Jimmy Carter never learned that Arabs view lying (especially to Westerners) the same way an American poker player views bluffing: legitimate strategy, not cheating.

Refusal to understand a different culture sometimes works to our advantage, when it's our enemies who don't understand the way we think. Friends in the Intelligence community in the very early '80s told me that when Carter cancelled the B-1 bomber program in June of 1977, the Russians were absolutely terrified, to the point of paralysis. They knew that the only reason to cancel such a program was to spend the money on a much more effective weapons system.

Er, no. Carter just thought we didn't need a replacement for the B-52, even though some of those airframes were older than their pilots. Ronald Reagan was of a bit different mindset, and he rehabilitated the B-1 program after being elected in 1980. The Iranian fundamentalists, who had bedeviled Carter for over a year, released the hostages about five minutes before Ronald Reagan took office in January of 1981. Arabs respond to power. They believed they could not outmaneuver Reagan.

America has continued to be occasionally clueless about the Middle East in more recent times. During the first Gulf War, Americans led Coalition forces that included Israel, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia against Iraq. We provided food for the soldiers, in the form of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) which included Pork & Beans as one of the provided dinners. Unh-hunh, that's right. We gave pork to our Jewish and Arab allies, and treated complaints about it as if the Arabs were our picky children who didn't want to eat their broccoli. Memo to whoever's in charge of this sort of thing: Arabs view eating pork as worse than Americans view eating human flesh. Got that? It's not just some affectation. THEY REALLY BELIEVE THIS STUFF.

Shortly after 9/11, a married couple I know (with the amusing names of Jack and Jill) saw me sitting alone at a local restaurant. They invited me to join them, and then launched into a tirade about how we should bomb the Arabs. I allowed as to how that seemed to me like recommending we bomb Dallas in December of 1963. Jack looked me in the eye and said "John Ross, you're a liberal mother????er." That was the first time I'd ever been called that.

I tried to explain that it wasn't an aversion to violence behind my reluctance to attack all of the Middle East, but rather that I thought such a plan misguided, unworkable, and doomed to failure. I explained that these folks generally look forward to dying in combat, where Heaven has an endless supply of virgins. Jill challenged me to advocate a better plan of action. I told her I had one that would cost next to nothing and might be very effective, but that America would never do it because they wouldn't really believe in it. I suggested that we show on the news all our ammunition factories such as Lake City Arsenal cranking out tens of millions of rounds of ammunition for M16s, with all the bullets lubricated with... pig fat. Show Claymore mines, grenades, bayonets, and every other weapon where some piece of metal pierces the enemy's flesh, being covered with lard before assembly.

"That's absolutely BRILLIANT!" Jack almost shouted. "I'm going to call a friend I know at the FBI and have him pass it along to the right people!" I told Jack that it was hardly an original idea, and I'm sure it had long ago been discussed and dismissed.

There is the apocryphal story of Gen. John J. Pershing in the Philippines at the beginning of the last century, and his response to Islamic terrorism there when he was in command of the garrison. According to legend, Pershing's men captured some terrorists, forced them to dig their own graves, and tied them all to posts, execution style. The US soldiers brought in pigs, slaughtered them, and rubbed their bullets in the blood and fat. The terrorists saw that they would be contaminated with hogs' blood, and could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs. Pershing's soldiers shot all the terrorists but one, dumped their bodies into a mass grave, and dumped the hog guts atop the bodies. They let the lone survivor return to the terrorist camp and tell his comrades what happened to the others. This supposedly brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

Which brings us to the pictures of the prisoners in Iraq. Someone on our side gets it.

Let's get something straight here: For all the talk about the "religion of peace," or "respecting different cultures," or whatever other platitudes you want to spout, a cornerstone of Islamic faith as practiced in the Arab world is the absolute subjugation of women and the total repression of women's sexual pleasure. Understand this: There is no living creature in this country that Americans treat on an ongoing basis the way Arabs treat women.

As they are growing up, Arab men are taught that they can't even look at women, let alone touch them. Sex outside of marriage isn't just a sin, with Billy Graham or Jimmy Swaggart saying you'll burn in Hell. Under Islam, it's a criminal offense. If you're lucky, you'll only get a severe beating. If you're not, you'll be executed. In the late '70s I read of a couple of TWA stewardesses that had violated this sort of law in Saudi Arabia (extramarital sex, kissing a man, exposing their ankles, I don't remember what it was) and they were stripped to the waist and whipped in public. TWA was powerless to do anything--the stews had to grin and bear it. Our State Department, I believe, actually negotiated the whipping. The alternative was execution.

Arab culture is all about male power. Our Intelligence people in Iraq obviously understand that. That's why they took pictures of Lynndie England (probably the smallest female soldier at Abu Ghraib prison) making fun of naked prisoners, cheerfully climbing on top of them after putting them in a naked dogpile, and nonchalantly keeping one of them naked at her feet on a leash. A few days later it comes out that the Americans did an even more heinous thing: They had sex with each other and made the prisoners watch. The horror!

Here are some excerpts from the New York Post's May 13 article "Leash Gal's Sex Pix," with my own comments:

Shocking shots of sexcapades involving Pfc. Lynndie England were among the hundreds of X-rated photos and videos from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal shown to lawmakers in a top-secret Capitol conference room yesterday. "She was having sex with numerous partners. It appeared to be consensual," said a lawmaker who saw the photos.

Call Anabolic Entertainment and Wicked Pictures. Tell them we've got the footage for GBG #219 and Army Brat 7.

And, videos showed the disgraced soldier - made notorious in a photo showing her holding a leash looped around an Iraqi prisoner's neck - engaged in graphic sex acts with other soldiers in front of Iraqi prisoners, Pentagon officials told NBC Nightly News. "Almost everybody was naked all the time," another lawmaker said.

Sounds like one of Hefner's parties.

"It was pretty disgusting, not what you'd expect from Americans," said Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.). "There was lots of sexual stuff - not of the Iraqis, but of our troops."

Norm, are you an Arab or something?

"It was significantly worse than I had anticipated," said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore). "Take the worst case and multiply it over several times."

I don't think Ron gets out much, do you? I mean, if I imagined the worst case, it might start out with "an American soldier using a pair of bolt cutters and a propane torch, clipping off a prisoner's fingers one at a time before getting serious." If I multiplied that several times, I don't think I'd come up with "forcing Iraqi prisoners to watch Americans have an orgy."

Call me a cynic, but in this digital age, even dim-witted people don't take hundreds of photos of group activities they're trying to conceal. Whether or not you think the photos becoming public was an accident, and Bush's apologies genuine, THE ARABS DON'T. Lying is a standard, legitimate tactic, remember? All the apologies in the world won't change the message the photos sent.

Newsweek had this to say in the article "The Secret War" in their April 21 issue:

Know thine enemy is a cardinal rule of war. Ignorance was costly for American soldiers fighting guerrillas in Vietnam. Before plunging into Iraq, U.S. psychological-warfare operators studied certain cultural stereotypes.

One was that young Arab toughs cannot tolerate insults to their manhood. So, as American armored columns pushed down the road to Baghdad, 400-watt loudspeakers mounted on Humvees would, from time to time, blare out in Arabic that Iraqi men are impotent. The Fedayeen, the fierce but undisciplined and untrained Iraqi irregulars, could not bear to be taunted. ...many Iraqis stormed out of their concealed or dug-in positions, pushing aside their human shields in some cases—to be slaughtered by American tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. “What you say is many times more important than what you do in this part of the world,” says a senior U.S. psy-warrior.

This is just too delicious: Yell out "Hey, Ahmed! You're impotent!" and an Iraqi will jump out and, on foot, take on your tank.

There's a marvelous scene in the 1982 movie 48 Hours with Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte. Murphy is a convict temporarily released and under the custody of cop Nolte, helping Nolte with an important case. They go into a redneck C&W bar full of big, rough types. The 140-pound Murphy pretends to be a cop, and ends up terrifying all the patrons as he shakes them down for information. When he has them all thoroughly cowed, he drives his point home:

"I'm your worst ????ing nightmare: A ****** with a badge."

The senior psy-warrior Newsweek interviewed said “What you say is many times more important than what you do in this part of the world.”

Those pictures said volumes. They said "We're your worst ????ing nightmare: We're Americans. Our women are stronger than your men. Our littlest women will strip naked the strongest men you can muster, and make fun of their puny cocks while enjoying a cigarette. Our women love to get naked, love sex, and revel in the sexual prowess of their American male partners. They'll put impotent "men" like you naked on leashes whenever they want. America is the most powerful country in the world, and guess what? Women control 70% of its money and 100% of its pussy. What are you going to do about it? Behead some Jewish "contractor"? Fat lot of good that's going to do. We'll put on some hearings for show, but you know the truth: we'll do whatever we want whenever we want, and we'll have our women do it. Just for fun. Think we're kidding? Wait 'til you see our beer ads."

Did our actions at Abu Ghraib prison violate the Hague Accords or the Geneva Convention or whatever? Beats me. In yesterday's St. Louis Post-Dispatch there's an article about an Afghan police colonel, Sayed Nabi Siddiqui, who was a prisoner of the Americans for a few weeks last year because some Afghan who didn't like him told the Americans he was a Taliban agent. According to the Afghan Human Rights Commission, Siddiqui's is the only case they are investigating that involves "torture." The charges? American interrogators (women?) laughed at Siddiqui while putting their fingers in his ass, laughed at him while telling him his prayers were pointless, and laughed at him as they brought dogs into the same room where he was being held.

Sounds to me like they're filming the Arab edition of Fear Factor.

John Ross 5/14/2004
Before I start this week's column, let me make it clear that I have no military experience whatsoever, beyond talking to members of the military and reading history books. What follows is pure conjecture, but conjecture based on extended observation.

This is true in the most obvious way. I'll tip my hat to the guy for "thinking outside the box," but the box he's working around isn't the one in which real-world psychological operations occur. While I respect Mr. Ross' thinking, it's severely unhoned for what he's going after. However, put him through the Psychological Operations course and deploy him to the Middle East and I'm certain he'd be effective at the job.

More specifically, I believe I have a better than average ability to identify and articulate the thought processes of others, when those thought processes are very different from my own (as with women.)

To further lay my groundwork, Mr. Ross to seem to have such an ability - but his base for learning about the thought processes of others seems to be mostly print. While I'm no expert on Arabic culture, I can tell you that the American media, and Western authors, are wrong about what they print roughly 95% of the time in regards to that region. Thus, trying to get inside an individual's or a culture's head and think like they do is bound to fail when the standard thought processes of that person are drawn from misinformation that was a failure at the beginning.

Jimmy Carter never learned (in office, anyway) what became crystal clear to me in the first 24 hours of stepping foot on Arab soil in the summer of 1979: These people are following a different blueprint. Since I'm in their country, I'd better take a good long look at the blueprint before doing something I'll later regret.

Excellent idea. While he doesn't state how long he was immersed in the culture (and I don't know what kind of immersion goes into a Glee Club outing), he did get something close to right:
Jimmy Carter never learned that Arabs view lying (especially to Westerners) the same way an American poker player views bluffing: legitimate strategy, not cheating.
I say he was close because in my experience it seemed that Arabs don't like to be the communicators of bad news when it will affect their status in a negative way. Some may lie in order to prevent shame being reflected on their social standing, but to blanket the culture, and particularly the members of it that we're fighting with now, in a statement like "all Arabs will lie for their own gain" would be a grave error. A statement like the above would be comparable to saying "Americans are fat, lazy, and greedy." One could find many examples to back that up in our culture, but the statement would still be wrong to use as a strict operating principal. Also, when dealing with terrorists in the field, we as soldiers are focused on a particular target audience, not the knockoff DVD vendor selling pirated copies at inflated prices. The movie salesman would reassure me his copies were issued by the studio, with good sound and picture quality - a lie, but, I imagine, not one beyond some American bussinesmen if they found themselves in the same situation.

The Iranian fundamentalists, who had bedeviled Carter for over a year, released the hostages about five minutes before Ronald Reagan took office in January of 1981. Arabs respond to power. They believed they could not outmaneuver Reagan.

I wasn't there, so I don't know how true this is. Others, please chime in. However, Ross frames his argument in the context of the B-1 bomber. If this is the case, I can assure you that most fundamentalists are unafraid of death, be it from the sky or otherwise.

As they are growing up, Arab men are taught that they can't even look at women, let alone touch them. Sex outside of marriage isn't just a sin, with Billy Graham or Jimmy Swaggart saying you'll burn in Hell. Under Islam, it's a criminal offense. If you're lucky, you'll only get a severe beating. If you're not, you'll be executed. In the late '70s I read of a couple of TWA stewardesses that had violated this sort of law in Saudi Arabia (extramarital sex, kissing a man, exposing their ankles, I don't remember what it was) and they were stripped to the waist and whipped in public.

Again, Ross is doing his painting with an extremely large brush. In Kuwait, there exist several underground but popular "speakeasies" where young men and women drink (alcohol is outlawed there) and dance the night away, Western style. Western clothing in that country was generally accepted for women as well - shopping malls sell Western styles such as tight jeans and tank tops, and a generous portion of young girls and women choose to wear them. In the Iraqi countryside, it was common to see adolescent girls and boys playing with one another. Saudi, however, is another beast entirely; the bastion of anti-feminism. He's not wrong to imply that women are discriminated against, but there's a difference between Kuwaiti discrimination and Saudi discrimination. This discrimination comes from how men view women, which and different in both countries, yet the author assumes to understand the dimensions of "the box" and then think outside of it again. He comes out slightly off-base.

The Fedayeen, the fierce but undisciplined and untrained Iraqi irregulars, could not bear to be taunted. ...many Iraqis stormed out of their concealed or dug-in positions, pushing aside their human shields in some cases—to be slaughtered by American tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles. “What you say is many times more important than what you do in this part of the world,” says a senior U.S. psy-warrior.

If that's true, it's excellent psyop work. I'd be interested to know the source, or at least the time and place it came from for verification purposes. While fundamentalist terorists might be crazy enough to react this way, they certainly should not be presumed stupid. One of the most important lessons in any conflict is not to underestimate one's enemy. From my own experience, broadcasting something like that turns the speaker into a magnet for rocks and/or bullets depending on the audience. But just because you provoke the enemy into taking you on doesn't mean he won't do it from behind cover with accurate shot placement. Remember; crazy, not stupid.

Call me a cynic, but in this digital age, even dim-witted people don't take hundreds of photos of group activities they're trying to conceal.

Without elaborating, I would beg to differ.

Those pictures said volumes. They said "We're your worst ????ing nightmare: We're Americans. Our women are stronger than your men. Our littlest women will strip naked the strongest men you can muster, and make fun of their puny cocks while enjoying a cigarette. Our women love to get naked, love sex, and revel in the sexual prowess of their American male partners. They'll put impotent "men" like you naked on leashes whenever they want. America is the most powerful country in the world, and guess what? Women control 70% of its money and 100% of its pussy. What are you going to do about it? Behead some Jewish "contractor"? Fat lot of good that's going to do. We'll put on some hearings for show, but you know the truth: we'll do whatever we want whenever we want, and we'll have our women do it. Just for fun. Think we're kidding? Wait 'til you see our beer ads."

A message like this isn't likely to send our enemies running home with their tails tucked between their legs. As red-blooded Americans, it feels good to read something like this and imagine that it would send potential terrorists screaming for the hills. But in reality all it's likely to do is strengthen the resolve of the enemy, and perhaps snag them a few recruits who were previously sitting on the fence. Also, I never saw a TV in Iraq (though I know they're around, they're rare), so Mr. Ross' target audience isn't likely to witness a beer ad anytime soon.
If that's true, it's excellent psyop work. I'd be interested to know the source, or at least the time and place it came from for verification purposes. While fundamentalist terorists might be crazy enough to react this way, they certainly should not be presumed stupid. One of the most important lessons in any conflict is not to underestimate one's enemy. From my own experience, broadcasting something like that turns the speaker into a magnet for rocks and/or bullets depending on the audience. But just because you provoke the enemy into taking you on doesn't mean he won't do it from behind cover with accurate shot placement. Remember; crazy, not stupid.

during the "shock and awe" phase, (where the only thing shocking was that more embedded reporters weren't victims of "friendly fire" incdents), these things were widely reported by mainstream media. i remember hearing this numerous times.

while i share most of your skepticism, without elaborating (this is the high road) i beg to differ with your "crazy, not stupid" assessment. I'm no psyops, but i know stupid when i see it.
John is a member here, maybe he'll pop in and discuss the essay.
Has anyone ever seen John Ross and Tom Clancy together in the same place at the same time?
More specifically, I believe I have a better than average ability to identify and articulate the thought processes of others, when those thought processes are very different from my own (as with women.)
I stopped reading right there.

And laughed.



A man once asked me – it is true that it was at the end of a very good dinner, and the compliment conveyed may have been due to that circumstance -- how I managed in my books to write such natural conversation between men when they were by themselves. Was I, by any chance, a member of a large, mixed family with a lot of male friends? I replied that, on the contrary, I was an only child and had practically never seen or spoken to any men of my own age till I was about twenty-five. "Well," said the man, "I shouldn't have expected a woman [meaning me] to be able to make it so convincing." I replied that I had coped with this difficult problem by making my men talk, as far as possible, like ordinary human beings. This aspect of the matter seemed to surprise the other speaker; he said no more, but took it away to chew it over. One of these days it may quite likely occur to him that women, as well as men, when left to themselves, talk very much like human beings also. -- Dorothy Sayers
JR is probably correct, at least in general terms.

But then our :cuss: government sacrifices the lowest level participants in the affair in order to blanket their own donkey.

And I found it rather ironic that the "liberal" opposition so strongly condemned that which it would uphold as a constitutional right in San Franciso :rolleyes:
And I found it rather ironic that the "liberal" opposition so strongly condemned that which it would uphold as a constitutional right in San Franciso :rolleyes:
You don't distinguish between consentual sex and forcible sexual assault? Wow.
2 unrelated comments on this one:

As I recall, the Brits in India did something similar during their ownership; they were having problems with protesters lying down on the railroad tracks to block trains - so they spread the rumor that the rails were greased with pig fat.

As for psyops...put one on trial, sentence him to death. On the execution day, put him out cold and move him to a place that looks like his idea of paradise...good food all around, lavish surroundings, good air conditioning.
Someone monitoring to get anything else he might want.
When he asks about his 72 virgins, send in the first ones...big ol' hillbilly boys straight out of Deliverance.
richyoung ~

Yes, I have.

That's why I laughed.


Man is willing to accept woman as an equal, as a man in skirts, as an angel, a devil, a baby-face, a machine, an instrument, a bosom, a womb, a pair of legs, a servant, an encyclopaedia, an ideal or an obscenity; the one thing he won't accept her as is a human being, a real human being of the feminine sex. – D.H. Lawrence

Back when we went into Afganistan, I thought we should have used a cavalry of Hooters wait staff riding pigs.
There is the apocryphal story of Gen. John J. Pershing in the Philippines at the beginning of the last century, and his response to Islamic terrorism there when he was in command of the garrison. According to legend, Pershing's men captured some terrorists, forced them to dig their own graves, and tied them all to posts, execution style. The US soldiers brought in pigs, slaughtered them, and rubbed their bullets in the blood and fat. The terrorists saw that they would be contaminated with hogs' blood, and could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs. Pershing's soldiers shot all the terrorists but one, dumped their bodies into a mass grave, and dumped the hog guts atop the bodies. They let the lone survivor return to the terrorist camp and tell his comrades what happened to the others. This supposedly brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

Werent the Isrealies about to put bags of pig fat on every bus to stop suicide bombers from blowing up buses? Does anyone know if they ever did?
Jeeper ~

That sounds like a very unlikely urban myth. Jews don't like pork either, remember?

No, I believe that's true. IIRC, the body of the terrorist shot by a CCW-armed customer in Efrat was buried with a pig. Rabbis have decided it is OK for Jews to touch pig fat in efforts to ward off terrorists.
Cosmoline ~

Got a source?

I'm not doubting you, just find myself fascinated by the sociological implications.

Sadly the source is my brain until I can find more. I have a very clear memory of reading an article about that specific shooting where the mayor of Efrat, apparently acting on his own authority, buried the body of the terrorist with a pig or pig skin. Since the terrorist never went kaboom, it was a lot easier to do that it ordinarily would be. I'll poke into google and see if I can find the link.
IANARabbi, but iirc, jews don't get their panties in a wad over it. touching a pig just makes them unclean, right? they do their little cleaning dance and then they're ok. it's just like touching dead people or something, right? it's just like eating anything not kosher. there is remediation.

i mean, it's not "touch a pig, go directly to hell" for either religion. i think it's a bit overblown.
A few settlements have been using trained pigs to sniff out explosives. If the pigs are not going to be eaten, but rather used as guards, there is no restriction against having them. There is no "touch a pig-go to hell" notion in Judaism. There are dietary laws against EATING pigs.

"The Gedud HaIvri, a volunteer group that uses canines and dog handlers to help sniff out Arab terrorists, posed the question to rabbis of whether the use of pigs would be kosher. Former Chief Rabbi Mordehai Eliyahu and Kiryat Arba's Chief Rabbi Dov Lior endorsed a proposal to test the use of wild pigs instead of dogs. "The prohibition of raising the pig is known," said Rabbi Daniel Shilo of Kedumim. "But because we are dealing with the saving of lives, it is permissible to have the animal.""

There's also this:
leading Israeli rabbi has proposed hanging bags of pig fat in buses to deter Muslim suicide bombers who may want to avoid contact with an "unclean" animal.
The idea was suggested to police by Rabbi Eliezer Fisher.

The newspaper Maariv said rabbinical authorities had sanctioned the plan to use the product - considered impure by Jews and Muslims - if it might save lives.

Police had no immediate comment on the proposal, according to Reuters news agency.

Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Yaacov Edri said he supported the proposal.

"If bags of pig lard will prevent zealous Muslim terrorists from carrying out attacks, I'm all for it," Maariv quoted him as saying.

John Ross needs to watch Marion Barry's video if he thinks that is why he got reelected. Marion Barron got completely set up and entrapped. The police video was outrageous.

Marion Barry is in a hotel room with a pretty girl, trying to get some (giggity giggity), but the women keeps delaying. She wants him to take a hit on a crack pipe first. He is like "no I dont do that" but she keeps insisting. After a while he just gives up and says "ok fine." He puts it to his lips for a second, but before he can even inhale like 300 cops jump through every door and window. He realizes he was set up and he swears.

I would have voted for Marion Barry 10 times after seeing that video.
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