One reason I think my wife is pretty cool

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Dec 24, 2002
Wichita, KS
Over Thanksgiving we went back to Kansas to visit family.

One night we were out to dinner with my wife's mother, brother, sister in law and niece (their daughter).

Our niece is an attractive 18yr old with about as much (or rather little) sense as most 18yr old girls and she was talking about being concerned about walking to her car at night after work (she works at a Sears at a local mall).

Now her Mother (my sister in law) is not only an anti, but she's one of those people that believes any form of active self defense will just get you hurt (I can't believe it, but she has actually told her daughters to let the guy rape you and call the police afterward :banghead: ). So my wife suggests some pepper spray to my niece and before she can even say anything my SIL goes off on the old "a mugger would just take it away from you and use it on you ... bla bla bla ... baa baa baa" :rolleyes: .

So my wife takes her pepperspray out of her pocket and shows our niece how she holds it ... showing that it would be darn near impossible to "take it away" without getting a face full of capsaicin.

My SIIL responds in her usual condescending tone, asking "how old is it? I've heard that if pepper spray is older then six months that it might not work".

My wife, without missing a beat, says "maybe ... but then I'm positive THIS will work" and she pulls out her 4" tactical folder, snaps it open with her thumb and grins.

My SIL's eyes almost popped out of her head. Priceless.

(didn't have the heart to tell them that pretty much every time they have ever seen me I was packing ... but it was Kansas so I keep that quiet)
Now her Mother (my sister in law) is not only an anti, but she's one of those people that believes any form of active self defense will just get you hurt (I can't believe it, but she has actually told her daughters to let the guy rape you and call the police afterward

Did your sister-in-law have any opinion when that young lady who was kidnapped in North Dakota will be calling the police to report her rape?

Let them rape you then call 911 later.


I don't even know where to begin.

I know it's a free country and forcing my beliefs on somebody else is wrong on so many levels, but we are certainly becoming a nation of pussies IF this is the prevailing attitude among young women.

Try and rape my daughter and she will kick your hindparts, THEN shoot you.


IF rapist live through the actual crime the court's should convivt them and then kill them.

Course this is only my OPINION, and I could be wrong. But I doubt it.
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